Stata at DePauw


This web site helps users interested in learning Stata, a sophisticated statistical analysis program, and has online materials for papers that use Stata (scroll down).

For more information about Stata, visit

At DePauw, we run Stata from a server. Users run a remote desktop application (VMWare's Horizon client) to access Stata (and other applications on the server). This offers Mac users an easy way to access Windows-based applications. Click the Getting Started link in the Menu list to begin.

Excel and Stata files for Barreto and Raghav, "Understanding and Teaching Unequal Probability of Selection" Journal of Econometrics Methods, March 2013.

Paper is here:

SSRN working paper version is here:

Click to download the files below. You must enable macros when opening the Excel workbooks.

EqualUnequalProb.xls -- this is the main Excel workbook that accompanies the paper; be sure to enable macros when you open this workbook (yes, we said this above, but it's really important so it deserves repetition).

EqualUnequalProbPopData.dta -- this is a Stata dataset with 1,000 observations and is exactly the same as the data in columns C and D of the DGP sheet in the excel workbook. -- this is a Stata program that runs the regressions and simulations; do NOT just run it -- you have to edit the fourth line of the program, providing the correct pathname. From Stata, open the Do-file Editor and then open this do-file and alter the line starting with "capture cd" so that it has the correct path.

EqualUnequalProbConsistency.xls -- this Excel workbook explores the effect of increasing the sample size.

ExploringWRvWOR.xls -- this Excel workbook compares with and without replacement sampling.

Email Barreto and Raghav if you need help, want to report a mistake, or have a suggestion.

Excel and Stata files for Barreto and Raghav, "Understanding and Teaching Within-Cluster Correlation in Complex Surveys" Eastern Economics Journal, 2015

Paper is here:

ClusterPaper.pdf -- a detailed explanation and step-by-step manual for the materials below. This is where the short paper above will send you and it is where you start.

Cluster.xlsm -- this Excel workbook accompanies the paper; be sure to enable macros when you open this workbook -- this Stata code replicates analyses in the paper; you can set parameter values for the simulation by editing the do-file

Cluster.R -- this R-script file is similar to the do-file; run it to replicate the results in the paper

Email Barreto and Raghav if you need help, want to report a mistake, or have a suggestion.