Science Fiction Studies

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Beginning in 2025, Science Fiction Studies will be published by The University of California Press. Those seeking to continue their subscription should contact them at The new official website for SFS will be at We will continue to post updated links to research tools and archived material and from before 2025.

SFS # 153

Ken Liu on Crafted Beings;  Nicola Allen and Gerry Carlin on From Jefferson Airplane to Starship; Anthony Camara on Weird Expeditions into Higher

Dimensions and Hyper-Matter with H.P. Lovecraft; Stephen Dougherty on Olaf Stapledon’s Thwarted Cosmopolitics; Jean E. Graham on The Green Apocalypse

and Empathy for Vegetal LifeXiuqi Huang on Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Liu Cixin’s Short StoriesParomita Patranobish on Nonhuman  Cosmopolitanisms

in Satyajit Ray’s Speculative Fiction;  Stephen Hong Sohn on The Space Asian/American and Interstellar Company Rule in Simon Jimenez’s The Vanished Birds


REVIEWS of Emily Ashton, Anthropocene Childhoods: Speculative Fiction, Racialization, and Climate Crisis; Simon Bacon, Faith and the Zombie; Sarah Annes

Brown, Shakespeare and Science Fiction; Sandra J. Lindow, Nnedi Okorafor; Christina Lord, Reimagining the Human in Contemporary French Science Fiction;

Anna McFarlane, Cyberpunk Culture and Psychology; Anne Stewart, Angry Planet: Decolonial Fiction and the American

Third World; J.P. Telotte, Selling Science Fiction Cinema; Harry Warwick, Dystopia and Dispossession in the Hollywood Science-Fiction Film, 1979-2017; Lisa

Yaszek, Sonja Fritzsche, Keren Omry, and Wendy Gay Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction.



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         Special Issues/Sections (Links to abstracts of articles in special issue/section topics)

        xray Awards Page (Mullen Fellowship Winners, SFRA Innovative Research [formerly Pioneer] Award Winning Essays published in SFS, and Speculative Fictions & Cultures of Science Book Prize)

        Authors (A guide to Author-Specific Articles)

      critics Bibliographies and Chronologies of Science Fiction

      Science Fiction Archives and Collections

      wormholes Wormholes (A list of useful and interesting sf-related links)  

      wasf The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction

ISSN No. 0091-7729

SFS website designed and maintained by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay. This site is best viewed using Mozilla Firefox 14 or higher. Site last updated January 16, 2025.