Science Fiction Studies

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FANNING, William J. The Historical Death Ray and Science Fiction in the 1920s and 1930s. #111, 37:2 [July 2010]. 253-74.

FAUCHEUX, Amandine. Race and Sexuality in Nalo Hopkinson’s Oeuvre; or, Queer Afrofuturism. #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 563-60.

FARNELL, Ross. Attempting Immortality: AI, A-Life, and the Posthuman in Greg Egan's Permutation City #80, 27:3 [ November 1999].69-91. (Full Text)

------. Posthuman Topologies: William Gibson's "Architexture" in Virtual Light and Idoru. #76, 25:3 [November 1998].459-80.

FEEHAN, Ellen. Frank Herbert and the Making of Myths: Irish History, Celtic Mythology, and IRA Mythology in The White Plague#58, 19:3 [November 1992].289. (Full Text)

FEKETE, John. The Dispossessed and Triton: Act and System in Utopian Science Fiction. #18, 6:2 [July 1976].129-43.(Full Text)

------. Science Fiction in Hungary. #48, 16:2 [July 1989]. 191.

------. The Stimulations of Simulations: Five Theses on Science Fiction and Marxism. # 46, 15:3 [November 1988].312-23.

FERGUSSON, Alissa. See SHETLEY, Vernon.

FERGUSON, Andrew. R.A. Lafferty’s Escape from Flatland; or, How to Build a World in Three Easy Steps. #124, 41:3 [November 2014]. 543-61.

FERNBACH, Amanda. The Fetishization of Masculinity in Science Fiction: The Cyborg and the Console Cowboy. #81, 27:2 [July 2000].234-55.(Full Text)

FERREIRA, Aline. Primate Tales: Interspecies Pregnancy and Chimerical Beings. #105 35:2 [July 2008]. 223-237. (Full Text.)

FERREIRA, Maria Aline. Symbiotic Bodies and Evolutionary Tropes in the Work of Octavia Butler. #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 401-415.

FERREIRA, Rachel Haywood. The First Wave: Latin American Science Fiction Discovers Its Roots. #103 34:3 [November 2007]. 432-62.

------. How Latin America Saved the World and Other Forgotten Futures. #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 194-206.

FIELD, David. Fluid Worlds: Lem's Solaris and Nabokov's Ada. #40, 13:3 [November 1986].329-44.

FINK, Beatrice. Narrative Techniques and Utopian Structures in Sade's Aline et Valcour.  #20, 11:1 [March 1980].73-79.

FINK, Martin. AIDS Vampires: Reimagining Illness in Octavia Butler's Fledgling. #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 416-432.

FINIGAN, Theo. "Into the Memory Hole:" Totalitarianism and Mal d'Archive in Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Handmaid's Tale. #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 435-459.

FIRSCHING, Lorenz J. J.G. Ballard's Ambiguous Apocalypse. #37, 12:3 [November 1985].297-310.

FISCH, Michael. Nation, War, and Japan's Future in the Science Fiction Anime Film Patlabor II  #80, 27:3 [November 1999].49-68. (Full Text)

FISCHER, William B. German Theories of SF: Jean Paul, Kurd Lasswitz, and After. #10, 3:3 [November 1976].254-65. (Full text)

FISHBURN, Katherine. Doris Lessing's Briefing for a Descent into Hell: SF or Psycho-Drama? #44, 15:1 [March 1988].48-60.

FITTING, Peter. Futurecop: The Neutralization of Revolt in Blade Runner. #43, 14:3 [November 1987].340-54.

------. The Modern Anglo-American SF Novel: Utopian Longing and Capitalist Cooptation. #17, 6:1 [March 1979].59-76.

------. Reality as Ideological Construct: A Reading of Five Novels by Philip K. Dick. #30, 10:2 [July 1983].219-36.

------. Reconsiderations of the Separatist Paradigm in Recent Feminist Science Fiction. #56, 19:1 [March 1992].32-48.

------. SF Criticism in France. #3, 1:3 [Spring 1974].173-81. (Full Text)

------. "So We All Became Mothers": New Roles for Men in Recent Utopian Fiction. #36, 12:2 [July 1985].156-83.

------. Ubik: The Deconstruction of Bourgeois SF. #5, 2:1 [March 1975].47-54.(Full Text)

FJELLMAN, Stephen M. Prescience and Power: God Emperor of Dune and the Intellectuals. #38, 13:1 [March 1986].50-63.

FLEMING, Linda. The American SF Subculture. #13, 4:3 [November 1977].263-71.

FLETCHER, Robert P. The Hacker and the Hawker: Networked Identity in the Science Fiction and Blogging of Cory Doctorow. #110. 37:1 [March 2010]. 81-99.

FONDANECHE, Daniel. Dick, the Libertarian Prophet. #45, 15:2 [July 1988].141-51.

FOOTE, Bud. A Conversation with Kim Stanley Robinson. #62, 21:1 [March 1994]. 51-61

-------. Notes on Red Mars #62, 21:1 [March 1994]. 61-66. (Full text)

FORLINI, Stefania. Periodical Speculations: Early “Science Fiction” and Popular Victorian Weeklies. #146, 49:1 [March 2022]. 1-31.

FRANKLIN, H. Bruce. America as Science Fiction: 1939, #26, 9:1 [March 1982].38-50.

------. Don't Look Where We're Going: Visions of the Future in Science Fiction Films, 1970-82. #29, 10:1 [March 1983].70-80.

------. Editorial Introduction. #39, 13:2 [July 1986].115-16.

------. Strange Scenarios: Science Fiction, the Theory of Alienation, and the Nuclear Gods. #39, 13:2 [July 1986].117-28.

------. Star Trek in the Vietnam Era. #62, 12:1 [March 1994].24-34.(Full text)

------. The Vietnam War as American SF and Fantasy. #52, 17:3 [November 1990].341-59.

FRANKO, Carol. Dialogical Twins: Post-Patriarchal Topography in Two Stories by Kim Stanley Robinson. #67, 22:3 [November 1995].305-22.

------. Working the "In Between": Kim Stanley Robinson's Utopian Fiction. #63, 21:2 [July 1994]. 191-211.

FREDERICKS, S.C. Lucian's True History as SF. #8, 3:1 [March 1976].49-60. (Full Text)

------. Problems of Fantasy #14, 5:1 [March 1978].33-44. (Full Text)

FREEDMAN, Carl. Editorial Introduction: Philip K. Dick and Criticism. #45, 15:2 [July 1988].121-30.

------. Kubrick's 2001 and the Possibility of a Science-Fiction Cinema. #75, 25:2 [July 1998].300-18.

------. Science Fiction and Critical Theory. #42, 14:2 [July 1987].180-200

------. Towards a Theory of Paranoia: The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick. #32, 11:1 [March 1984].15-24.

FRELIK, Pawel. Gazing Back in Wonder: Visual Megatexts and Forgotten Ocularies in Science Fiction. #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 226-36.

------. Of Slipstream and Others: SF and Genre Boundary Discourses. #113, 38:1 [March 2011]. 20-45.

------. Stanisław Lem’s Summa Technologiae as Impossible Utopia. #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 439-50.

FRITZ, Morgan. Miniaturization and Cosmopolitan Future History in the Fiction of H.G. Wells #111, 37:2 [July 2010]. 210-29. 

FULGINITTI, Valentina. Degenerate Utopias: Dystopian Revisions of Disneyland in Early Twenty-first-century Italian  Fiction. #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 455-85.



GAFFNEY, Michael. The Ice Age and Us: Imagining Geohistory in Kim Stanley Robinson’s Shaman. #136, 45:3 [November 2018]. 469-83.

GAFFRIC, Gwennaël . Liu Cixin’s THREE-BODY TRILOGY and the Status of Science Fiction in Contemporary China. #137, 46:1 [March 2019]. 21-38.

GALBREATH, Robert. Holism, Openness, and the Other: Le Guin's Use of the Occult. #20, 7:1 [March 1980].36-48.

------. See also ELKINS.

GALEF, David. Tiptree and the Problem of the Other: Postcolonialism versus Sociobiology. #84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 201-22.

GALLO, Domenico . Fantascienza Outside the Ghetto: The Science-Fictional Writings of Italian Mainstream Authors. #126, 42:2 [July 2015]. 251-73.

GALVAN, Jill. Entering the Posthuman Collective in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?  #73, 24:3 [November 1997].413-29.

GAMEZ FUENTES, and Rebeca Maseda García. Nostalgia and the Dialectics of Contemporary Feminisms in The Handmaid’s Tale. #143, 48:1 [March 2021]. 77-93.

GAVILÁN, Yolanda Molina. Alternative Realities from Argentina: Angélica Gorodischer's "Los embriones del violeta" #79, 26:2 [July 1999].401-11.

GEIER, Manfred. Stanislaw Lem's Fantastic Ocean. Toward a Semantic Interpretation of Solaris. #57, 19:2 [July 1992].192-218.(Full Text)

GERLACH, Neil & Sheryl Hamilton. Telling the Future, Managing the Present: Business Restructuring Literature as SF. #82, 27:3 [November 2000].461-77. (Full Text)

------. Introduction: A History of Social Science Fiction #90, 30:2 [July 2003]

GERNSBACK, Hugo. How to Write "Science" Stories. #63, 21:2 [July 1994].268. (Full Text)

GINWAY, M. Elizabeth. A Working Model for Analyzing Third World Science Fiction: The Case of Brazil #97, 32:3 [November 2005].

------. A Paradigm of the Tropical: Brazil in Contemporary Anglo-American Science Fiction and Fantasy. #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 316-34.

GLAZ, Adam. Rorschach, We Have a Problem! The Linguistics of First Contact in Watts’s Blindsight and Lem’s His Master’s Voice. #123, 41:2 [July 2014]. 364-91.

GOLDMAN, Stephen H. John Brunner's Dystopias: Heroic Man in an Unheroic Society. #16, 5:3 [November 1978].260-70. (Full Text)

GOLUMBIA, David. Resisting the "World": Philip K. Dick, Cultural Studies, and Metaphysical Realism. #68, 23:1 [March 1996].83-102. (Full text.)

GOMEL, Elana. Gods Like Men: Soviet Science Fiction and the Utopian Self . #94, 31:3 [November 2004]. 358-77.

------.  Mystery, Apocalypse, and Utopia: The Case of the Ontological Detective Story. #67, 22:2 [November 1995].343-56.

------. The Poetics of Censorship: Allegory as Form and Ideology in the Novels of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. #65, 22:1 [March 1995].87-105. (Full Text)

------. Posthuman Voices: Alien Infestation and the Poetics of Subjectivity. #117, 39:2 [July 2012]. 177-194.

GOMEZ, Myrriah M. Toward a Chola Consciousness: Examining  Nuclear Colonialism in Lunar Braceros, 2125-2148. #145, 48:3 [November 2021]. 500-516.

GORDON, Andrew. Back to the Future: Oedipus as Time Traveller. #43, 14:3 [November 1987].372-83.

------. The Empire Strikes Back: Monsters from the Id. #22, 7:3 [November 1980].313-18.

------. E.T. as Fairy Tale. #31, 10:3 [November 1983].298-305.

GORDON, Joan. Gazing Across the Abyss: The Amborg Gaze in Sheri S. Tepper’s Six Moon Dance. #105 35:2 [July 2008]. 189-206. (Full text.)

------. Hybridity, Heterotopia, and Mateship in China Mieville's Perdido Street Station.  #91, 30:3 [November 2003].456-76.

------. Talking (for, with) Dogs: Science Fiction Breaks a Species Barrier. #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 456-465.

GOUANVIC, Jean-Marc. Rational Speculations in French Canada, 1839-1974. #44, 15:1 [March 1988].71-81.

GRACE, Dominick M. The Handmaid's Tale: "Historical Notes" and Documentary Subversion. #76, 25:3 [November 1996].481-94.

------. Rereading Lester del Rey's "Helen O'Loy." #59, 20:1 [March 1993].45.

GRANT, Glenn. Transcendence Through Detournement in William Gibson's Neuromancer. #50, 17:1 [March 1990].41-49.

GRAY, Chris Hables. "There Will Be War!": Future War Fantasies and Militaristic Science Fiction in the 1980s. #64, 21:3 [November 1994].315-36. (Full text)

GRIGSBY, John L. Asimov's Foundation Trilogy and Herbert's Dune Trilogy: A Vision Reversed. #24, 8:2 [July 1981].149-55.

------. Herbert's Reversal of Asimov's Vision Reassessed: Foundation's Edge and God Emperor of Dune. #33, 11:2 [July 1984].174-80.

GUBAR, Susan. C.L. Moore and the Conventions of Women's Science Fiction. #20, 7:1 [March 1980].16-27.

GULLANDER-DROLET, Claire. Imperialist Nostalgia and Untranslatable Affect in Ling Ma’s Severance. #143, 48:1 [March 2021]. 94-108.

GUNN, James. Teaching Science Fiction #70, 23:3 [November 1996]. 377-84.

------. The Gatekeepers #29, 10:1 [March 1983]. 15-23.

GUO, Wenwen. Semper Shame: Reading Octavia Butler’s Kindred and Fledgling. #139, 46:3 [November 2019]. 551-70.

 GURMAN, Elissa. "The holy and the powerful light that shines through history" Tradition and Technology in Marge Piecry's He, She, and It. #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 460-477.

GUTTIÉREZ-JONES, Carl. Stealing Kinship: Neuromancer and Artificial Intelligence. #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 69-92.


HAGEMAN, Andrew. The Challenge of Imagining Ecological Futures: Paolo Bacigalupi's The Windup Girl. #117, 39:2 [July 2012]. 283-303.

HAHN, Ronald M. & Sylvia & Horst Pukallus. "Perry Rhodan" as a Social and Ideological Phenomenon. #18, 6:2 [July 1979].190.(Full Text)

HALL, Peter C. & Richard D. Erlich. Beyond Topeka and Thunderdome: Variations on the Comic-Romance Pattern in Recent SF Film. #43, 14:3 [November 1987].316-25.

HAMILTON, Sheryl. Traces of the Future: Biotechnology, Science Fiction, and the Media # 90, 30:2 [July 2003].267-82.

----. Also GERLACH, Neil.

HAMNER, Everett. Remembering the Disappeared: Science-Fiction Film in Post-dictatorship Argentina. #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 60-80.

HANSON, Carter F. .Memory’s Offspring and Utopian Ambiguity in Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Day Before the Revolution” and The Dispossessed. #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 246-62.

HANTKE, Steffen. A German Hero for the Cold War: Wolfgang F. Henschel's Alpha Alpha (1972). #116, 39:1 [March 2012].81-104.

----. Star Trek’s Mirror Universe Episodes and US Military Culture through the Eyes of the Other. #124, 41:3 [November 2014]. 562-78.

----. Surgical Strikes and Prosthetic Warriors: The Soldier's Body in Contemporary Science Fiction. #76, 25:3 [November 1998].495-509.

HARDING, Robert. Manuel Castells’s Techocultural Epoch in The Information Age  #98, 33:1 [March 2006]

HARK, Ina Rae. Unity in the Composite Novel: Triadic Patterning in Asimov's The Gods Themselves.  #19, 6: [November 1979].281. (Full Text)

HARPER, Mary Katherine. Incurably Alien Other: A Case for Feminist Cyborg Writers. #67, 22:3 [November 1995].399-420.

HARPER, Tyler Austin. Cannibal Nihilism: Meat and Meaninglessness in the Anthropocene Imaginary. #147, 49:2 [July 2022]. 304-321.

------. “The Pitiless Judgement of Time”: Human  Extinction in the Evolutionary Tragedies of H.G. Wells. #145, 48:3 [November 2021]. 423-443.

HARPOLD, Terry. Verne's Cartographies #95, 32:1 [March 2005].18-42. (Full text)

HARRIS-FAIN, Darren. Farwell to the Master: Standing in for Tom Clareson. #70, 23:3 [November 1996].423-27. (Full Text)

HASSELBLATT, Dieter. Reflections from West Germany on the Science Fiction Market. #13, 4:3 [November 1977].256-63.

HASSLER, Donald M. The Academic Pioneers of Science Fiction Criticism, 1940-1980. #78, 26: [July 1999].213-39.(Full Text)

------. Some Asimov Resonances from the Enlightenment. #44, 15: [March 1988].36-47.


HAYLES, N. Katherine. Greg Egan’s Quarantine and Teranesia: Contributions to the Millennial Reassessment of Consciousness and the Cognitive Nonconscious. #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 56-77.

------. Material Entanglements: Steven Hall's The Raw Shark Texts as Slipstream Novel. #113, 38:1 [March 2011]. 115-133.

------. Space for Writing: Stanislaw Lem and the Dialectic "That Guides My Pen." #40, 13:3 [November 1986].292-312.

------. Stanisław Lem’s Summa Technologiae: Mirror Text to The Cyberiad. #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 417-27.

HEALY, Cara. Madmen and Iron Houses: Lu Xun, Information Degradation, and Generic Hybridity in Contemporary Chinese SF. #139, 46:3 [November 2019]. 511-24.

HEIDKAMP, Bernie. Responses to the Alien Mother in Post-Maternal Cultures: C.J. Cherryh and Orson Scott Card. #70, 23:3 [November 1996].339-54.(Full Text)

HEIDTMANN, Horst. A Survey of Science Fiction in the German Democratic Republic. #17, 6:1 [March 1979].92-99.

HELFORD, Elyce Rae. "We Are Only Seeking Man": Gender, Psychoanalysis, and Stanislaw Lem's Solaris. #57, 19:2 [July 1992].167-77. (Full Text)

HELLER, Lee. The Persistence of Difference: Postfeminism, Popular Discourse, and Heterosexuality in Star Trek. #72, 24:2 [July 1997].226-44.

HENDERSHOT, Cyndy. Anti-Communism and Ambivalence in Red Planet Mars, Invasion USA, and the Beast from Yucca Flats. #84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 246-60.

------. Darwin and the Atom: Evolution/Devolution Fantasies in The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Them!, and The Incredible Shrinking Man. #75, 25:2 [July 1998].319-35.

------. Vampire and Replicant: The One-Sex Body in a Two-Sex World. #67, 22:3 [November 1995].373-98.

HERNÁNDEZ, Teri J. Translating Jules Verne: An Extraordinary Journey. #95, 32:1 [March 2005].142-49. (Full text)

HEWITT, Elizabeth. Generic Exhaustion and the "Heat Death" of Science Fiction. #64, 21:3 [November 1994].289-301. (Full text)

HIENGER, Jörg. Entertainment and Challenge in Science Fiction. #21, 7:2 [July 1980].166-73.

------. The Uncanny and Science Fiction. #18, 6:2 [July 1979].144-152.(Full Text)

HIGGINS, David M. Dreams of Accumulation: The Economics of SF Video Games. #128, 43:1 [March 2016]. 51-66.

------. Introduction (to special issue on SF and Globalization). #118, 39:3 [November 2012]. 369-73.

------. Psychic Decolonization in 1960s Science Fiction. #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 228-45.

HILL, Eugene D. The Place of the Future: Louis Marin and his Utopiques. #27, 9:2 [July 1982].167-179. (Full Text)

HILLS, Matt. Counterfictions in the Work of Kim Newman: Rewriting Gothic SF as "Alternate-Story Stories."  #91, 30:3 [November 2003].

HOLLINGER, Veronica. Contemporary Trends in Science Fiction Criticism, 1980-1999. #78, 26:2 [July 1999].232-62.(Full Text)

------. Deconstructing the Time Machine. #42, 14:2 [July 1987].201-21.

------. Impressions from the Conference Circuit #70, 23:3 [November 1996].432-37.

------. Introduction: Women in Science Fiction and Other Hopeful Monsters. #51, 17:2 [July 1990] (Full Text)

------. Introducing Star Trek. #72, 24:2 [July 1997].207-08. (Full Text)

------. (Re)reading Queerly: Science Fiction, Feminism, and the Defamiliarization of Gender. #77, 26:1 [March 1999].23-40.

------. Stories About the Future: From Patterns of Expectation to Pattern Recognition. #100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 452-72.

------. The Vampire and the Alien: Variations on the Outsider. #48, 16:2 [July 1989].145-60. (Full Text)

HOLT, Philip. H.G. Wells and the Ring of Gyges. #57, 19:2 [July 1992].236-47. (Full Text)

HOSEY, Sara. Science Fiction, Fictional Science, and the Legacy of Maternal Misrepresentations. #145, 48:3 [November 2021]. 462-482.

HUGHES, David. A Queer Notion of Grant Allen's. #75, 25:2 [July 1998].271-84.

HUNTER, I.Q. The Far Side of Moon Zero Two. #85, 29:3 [November 2001].355-64.

HUNTINGTON, John. Philip K. Dick: Authenticity and Insincerity. #45, 15:2 [July 1988].152-60.

------. Public and Private Imperatives in Le Guin's Novels. (Full Text) #7, 2:3 [November 1975].237-43.

------. Remembrance of Things to Come: Narrative Technique in Last and First Men. #28, 9:3 [November 1982].257-64.

------. Thinking by Opposition: The "Two-World" Structure in H.G. Wells's Short Fiction. #25, 8:3 [November 1981].240-54.

------. The Unity of Childhood's End.  #3, 1:3 [Spring 1974].154-64.(Full Text)

------. Utopian and Anti-Utopian Logic: H.G. Wells and his Successors. #27, 9:2 [July 1982].122-46. (Full text)

HUSS, Mikael. Hesitant Journey to the West: SF's Changing Fortunes in Mainland China  #80, 27:3 [November 1999].92-104. (Full Text)



INHABITANT, The. The Great Romance. #61, 20: [].305-41. (Full Text)

ISAACSON, Nathaniel . Science Fiction for the Nation: Tales of the Moon Colony and the Birth of Modern Chinese Fiction. #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 33-54.

ISTO, Raino. In the Valley of the Time Tombs: Monumentality, Temporality, and History in SF. #139, 46:3 [November 2019]. 490-510.



JACKSON, David W. Landscape and Science Fiction Film. #141, 47:2 [July 2020]. #141, 47:2 [July 2020]. 241-52.

JACOBS, Naomi. Person and Persona: Historical Figures in "Recombinant" Science Fiction. #42, 14:2 [July 1987].230-40.

JAMESON, Fredric. After Armageddon: Character Systems in Dr. Bloodmoney. #5, 2:1 [March 1975].31-42.(Full Text)

------. Generic Discontinuities in SF: Aldiss' Starship. #2, 1:2 [Fall 1973].57-68. (Full Text)

------. Progress Versus Utopia; or, Can We Imagine the Future?, #27, 9:2 [July 1982].147-58. (Full Text)

------. Science Fiction as a Spatial Genre: Generic Discontinuities and the Problem of Figuration in Vonda McIntyre's The Exile Waiting. #41, 14:2 [July 1987].44-59.

------. World Reduction in Le Guin: The Emergence of Utopian Narrative.  #7, 2:3 [November 1975].221-30. (Full Text)

JAMROZIAK, Wojciech. The Historical SF of Teodor Parnicki. #15, 5:2 [July 1978]. 130-33.(Full Text)

JARZĘBSKI, Jerzy. Stanislaw Lem, Rationalist and Visionary. #12, 4:2 [July 1977]. 110-26.

------. Stanislaw Lem's "Star Diaries," #40, 13:3 [November 1986]. 361-73.

JENKINS, Jerry Rafiki, and Katie Sciurba. Body Knowledge, Reproductive Anxiety, and “Paying the Rent” in Octavia E. Butler’s “Bloodchild”. #146, 49:1 [March 2022]. 120-137.

JESCHKE, Wolfgang. SF: A Publisher's View. #13, 4:3 [November 1977]. 283-87.

JIANG, Qian . Translation and the Development of Science Fiction in Twentieth-Century China. #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 116-32.

JOHNS, J. Adam. Becoming Medusa: Octavia Butler's LILITH'S BROOD and Sociobiology. #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 382-400.

JOHNSON, George M. Evil is in the Eye of the Beholder: Threatening Children in Two Edwardian Speculative Satire. #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 26-44.

JOHNSTON, John. Distributed Information: Complexity Theory in the Novels of Neal Stephenson and Linda Nagata. #84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 223-44.

JOO, Hee-Jung Serenity. Racial Impossibility and Critical Failure in W.E.B. Du Bois’s Darkwater. #137, 46:1 [March 2019]. 106-26.

JOSE, Jim. Reflections on the Politics of Le Guin's Narrative Shifts. #54, 18:2 [July 1991].180-97.

JOUANNE, Emmanuel. How "Dickian" is the New French Science Fiction? # 45, 15:2 [July 1988].226-31.

 JUDY, Ron S. Chinese Post-humanism and Chen Qiufan’s Political Science Fiction. #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 502-519.

KAKOUDAKI, Despina. Unmaking People: The Politics of Negation in Frankenstein and Ex Machina. #135, 45:2 [July 2018]. 289-307.

KANDEL, Michael. Two Meditations on Stanislaw Lem. #40, 13:3 [November 1986].374-81.

KELLEGHAN, Fiona. Hell's My Destination: Imprisonment in the Works of Alfred Bester. #64, 21:3 [November 1994].351-64. (Full Text)

KELLEY, Robert. A Maze of Twisty Little Passages All Alike; Aesthetics and Teleology in Interactive Computer Fictional Environments. #59, 20:1 [March 1993].52-68.

KELLY, Nicholas M. “Works Like Magic”: Metaphor, Meaning, and the GUI in Snow Crash. #134, 45:1 [March 2018]. 69-90.

KELSO, Sylvia. "Across Never": Postmodern Theory and Narrative Praxis in Samuel Delany's Nevèrÿon Cycle. #72, 24:2 [July 1997].289-301.

KENNEDY, Kara. Spice and Ecology in Herbert’s Dune: Altering  the Mind and the Planet. #145, 48:3 [November 2021]. 444-461.

KENTER, Stuart. see Paul A. ABRAHM.

KENYON JONES, Christine. Sf and Romantic Biofictions: Aldiss, Gibson, Sterling, Powers. #71, 24:1 [March 1997].47-56.(Full Text)

KETTERER, David. Covering A Case of Conscience. #27, 9:2 [July 1982].195-214. (Full Text)

------. Frankenstein’s "Conversion" from Natural Magic to Modern Science—and a Shifted (and Converted) Last Draft Insert #71, 24:2 [March 1997].57-78. (Full Text)

------. James Blish's Welcome to Mars and the Haertel Complex. #34, 11:3 [November 1984].284-90.

------. The Last Inspirational Gasp of James Blish: The Breath of Brahma. #32, 11:1 [March 1984].45-49.

-------. Pantropy, Polyploidy, and Tectogenesis in the Fiction of James Blish and Norman L. Knight. #30, 10:2 [July 1983].199-218.

------. Science Fiction and Allied Literature, #8, 3:1 [March 1976].64. (Full Text)

------. "Vivisection": Schoolboy "John Wyndham's" First Publication? #78, 26:2 [July 1999].303-11. (Full Text)

------. See also "QUILL."

KHAN, Sami Ahmed. The Others in India’s Other Futures. #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 479-95.

KHOURI, Nadia. The Dialectics of Power: Utopia in the Science Fiction of Le Guin, Jeury, and Piercy. #20, 7:1 [March 1980].49-60.

------. Lost Worlds and the Revenge of Realism. #30, 10:2 [July 1983].170-90.

------. Reaction and Nihilism: The Political Genealogy of Orwell's 1984. #36, 12:2 [July 1985].136-47.

------. Utopia and Epic: Ideological Confrontation in Jack London's The Iron Heel,  #9, 3:2 [July 1976].174-81.(Full text)

------. See also ANGENOT.

KILGORE, De Witt Douglas. Changing Regimes: Vonda N. McIntyre's Parodic Astrofuturism. #81, 27:2 [July 2000].256-77.(Full Text)

KILGORE, De Witt Douglas, & Ramu Samatrai. A Memorial to Octavia Butler. #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 353-361. (Full Text)

KINYON, Kamila. The Phenomenology of Robots: Confrontations with Death in Karel Capek's R.U.R. #79, 26:2 [July 1999].379-400.

KIRBY, David A. The New Eugenics in Cinema: Genetic Determinism and Gene Therapy in GATTACA. #81, 27:2 [July 2000].193-215. (Full Text)

KLEIN, Gérard. Discontent in American Science Fiction #11, 4:1 [March 1977].3-13.

------. Le Guin's "Aberrant" Opus: Escaping the Trap of Discontent. #13, 4:3 [November 1977].287-95.

------. A Petition by Agents of the Dominant Culture for the Dismissal of SF. #21, 7:2 [July 1980].115-23.

KLEINER, Elaine  Romanian "Science Fantasy" in the Cold War Era. #56, 19:1 [March 1999].59-68.

KLING, Bernt. Perry Rhodan. #12, 4:2 [July 1977].159-61.

------. On SF Comics. #13, 4:3 [November 1977].277-82.

KOELB, Clayton. The Language of Presence in Varley's "The Persistence of Vision." #33, 11:2 [July 1984].154-65.

KÔICHI, Yamano. Japanese SF, Its Originality and Orientation. #62, 21:1 [March 1994].67-80.(Full Text)

KOZIOŁ, Slavomir. “Those Clunky Things You Have to Carry Around”: Textual Materiality in Vernor Vinge’s Rainbows End. #127, 42:3 [November 2015]. 458-82.

KRABBENHOFT, Kenneth. Lem as Moral Theologian. #63, 21:2 [July 1994].212-24.

------. The Uses of Madness in Cervantes and Philip K. Dick. #81, 27:2 [July 2000].216-33.(Full Text)

KROPF, Carl R. Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker" Novels as Mock Science Fiction. #44, 15:1 [March 1988].61-70.

KURLAT ARES, Silvia G. Argentine Science Fiction: Between Everyday Politics and Dystopia. #137, 46:1 [March 2019]. 82-105.

KURTZ, Malisa. Nomadic Figurations: Reorienting the Colonial Gaze in Ian McDonald.  #124, 41:3 [November 2014]. 579-96.



LA BARE, Joshua. The Future: "Wrapped ... in that mysterious Japanese way"  #80, 27:3 [November 1999].22-48. (Full Text)

LaGRANDEUR, Kevin. The Persistent Peril of the Artificial Slave. #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 232-252.

LAKE, David. Le Guin's Twofold Vision: Contrary Image Sets in The Left Hand of Darkness.  #24, 8:2 [July 1981].156-64.

------. The White Sphinx and the Whitened Lemur: Images of Death in The Time Machine #17, 6:1 [March 1979].77-84.

------. The Whiteness of Griffin and H.G. Wells's Images of Death, 1897-1914. #23, 8:1 [March 1981].12-18.

LAMONT, Victoria. See NEWELL, Dianne.

LANDON, Brooks. "That Light at the End of the Tunnel.: The Plurality of Singularity." #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 2-14.

-----. Slipstream Then, Slipstream Now: The Curious Connections between William Douglas O'Connor's "The Brazen Android" and Michael Cunningham's Specimen Days. #113, 38:1 [March 2011]. 67-92.

LASZKIEWICZ, Weronika. Analyzing Humanity’s Fate Beyond the Anthropocene in the Works of Sheri S. Tepper. #151, 50:3 [November 2023]. 396-414.

LATHAM, Rob. From Outer Space to Inner Space: New Wave Science Fiction and the Singularity. #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 28-39.

-----. Sextrapolation in New Wave Science Fiction. #99, 33:2 [July 2006]. 251-274.

-----.  Subterranean Suburbia: Underneath the Smalltown Myth in the Two Versions of Invaders from Mars. #66, 22:2 [July 1995].198-208. (Full Text)

LAUDADIO, Nicholas C. "Sounds Like a Human Performanxce": The Electronic Music Synthesizer in Mid-Twentieth Century Science Fiction. #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 304-320.

LAVENDER, Isiah III. Ethnoscapes: Environment and Language in Ishmael Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo, Colson Whitehead’s The Intuitionist, and Samuel R. Delany’s Babel-17.  #102, 34:2 [July 2007]

LAWLESS, Geraldine. Unknown Futures: Nineteenth-Century Science Fiction in Spain. #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 253-269.

LAWTOO, Nidesh . Avatar Simulation in 3Ts: Techne, Trance, Transformation. #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 132-50.

LAYTON, David A. The Barriers of Inner and Outer Space: The Science Fiction of Barry Malzberg. #53, 18:1 [March 1991].71-90.

LEANE, Elizabeth. Locating the Thing: The Antartic as Alien Space in John W. Campbell's "Who Goes There?". #96, 32:2 [July 2005].225-239.

LEE, Regina Y. A New Geological (R)age: Orogeny, Anger, and the Anthropocene in N.K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season. #151, 50:3 [November 2023]. 321-345.

LEHMAN, Steven. The Motherless Child in Science Fiction: Frankenstein and Moreau. #56, 19:1 [March 1992].49-58.

LE GUIN, Ursula K. American SF and the Other.   #7, 2:3 [November 1975].208-10. (Full Text)#

------. On Norman Spinrad's The Iron Dream #1, 1:1 [Spring 1973].41-44. (Full Text)

------. A New Book by the Strugatskys #12, 4:2 [July 1977].157-58.

LEITH, Linda. Marion Zimmer Bradley and Darkover. #20, 7:1 [March 1980].28-35.

LEVIN, A. E. English-Language Science Fiction as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon. #13, 4:3 [November 1977].246-56.

LEM, Stanislaw. About the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic. #31, 10:3 [November 1983].317-32.

------. Cosmology and Science Fiction. #12, 4:2 [July 1977].107-10.

------. Metafantasia: The Possibilities of Science Fiction. #23, 8:1 [March 1986].54-71.

------. Metafuturology. #40, 13:3 [November 1986].261-71.

------. On Stapledon's Last and First Men. #40, 13:3 [November 1986].272-91.

------. On Stapledon's Star Maker. #41, 14:1 [March 1987].1-8.

------. On the Structural Analysis of Science Fiction. #1, 1:1 [Spring 1973].26-33. (Full Text)

------. On the Genesis of Wizja Lokalna (Eyewitness Account) #40, 13:3 [November 1986].382-386.

------. Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans. #5, 2:1 [March 1975].54-67.(Full Text)

------. Remarks Occasioned by Antoni Slonimski's The Torpedo of Time. #34, 11:3 [November 1984].233-43.

------. Remarks Occasioned by Dr. Plank's Essay "Quixote's Mills," #2, 1:2 [Fall 1973].78-84.(Full Text)

------. The Time Travel Story and Related Matters of Science Fiction Structuring. #3, 1:3 [Spring 1974].143-54.(Full Text)

------. Todorov's Fantastic Theory of Literature. #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974].227-37. (Full Text)

------. Zulawski's Silver Globe. #35, 12:1 [March 1985].1-5.

LEMIEUX, Jacques. Utopias and Social Relations in American SF, 1950-80. # 36, 12:2 [July 1985].148-55.

LETSON, Russell. The Faces of a Thousand Heroes: Philip José Farmer. #11, 4:1 [March 1977].35-41.

LEVIN, A.E. English-Language Science Fiction as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon. #13, 4:3 [November 1977].246.

LI Guangyi and Nathaniel ISAACSON. China Turns Outward: On the Literary Significance of Liu Cixin’s Science Fiction. #137, 46:1 [March 2019]. 1-20.

LI, Hua. “Are We, People from the Earth, so Terrible?”: An  Atmospheric Crisis in Zheng Wenguang’s Descendant of Mars. #136, 45:3 [November 2018]. 545-59.

------. The Political Imagination in Liu Cixin’s Critical Utopia:  China 2185. #127, 42:3 [November 2015]. 519-40.

LINDSAY, Cecile. The Topography of (Science) Fiction: Claude Ollier's Life on Epsilon. #32, 11:1 [March 1984].39-44.

LISON, Andrew. “The very idea of place”: Form, Contingency, and Adornian Volition in The Man in the High Castle. #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 45-68.

LIYUAN, Jia . Gloomy China: China’s Image in Han Song’s Science Fiction. #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 103-15.

LIYUAN Jia, & Nathaniel ISAACSON, “Soul-stealing Sand”: War and Time in Xin jiyuan [The New Era] #134, 45:1 [March 2018]. 1-23.

LOCKE, George. An English Science-Fiction Magazine, 1919. #19, 6:3 [November 1979].304.(Full Text)

------. Wells in Three Volumes? A Sketch of British Publishing in the 19th Century, #10, 3:3 [November 1976].282-86.(Full Text)

LOOBY, Robert. The Control of English Language SF in People’s Poland. #139, 46:3 [November 2019]. 526-50.

LUCKHURST, Roger. Border Policing: Postmodernism and Science Fiction. # 55, 18:3 [November 1991].358-66.(Full Text)

-----. Bruno Latour’s Scientifiction: Networks, Assemblages, and Tangled Objects. #98, 33:1 [March 2006].

------. Cultural Governance, New Labor, and the British SF Boom. #91, 30: [November 2003].417-35.

------. Laboratories for Global Space-Time: Science-Fictionality and the World’s Fairs, 1851-1939. #118, 39:3 [November 2012]. 385-400.

------. The Many Deaths of Science Fiction: A Polemic. #62, 21:1 [March 1994].35-50.(Full Text)

------. The Science-Fictionalization of Trauma. #74, 25:1 [March 1998].29-52.

LYAU, Bradford. Technocratic Anxiety in France: The Fleuve Noir "Anticipation" Novels, 1951-60. #49, 16:3 [November 1989].277-97.

LYU Guangzhao. Demise of the False Utopia: China’s Post-socialist Transition in Han Song’s Red Star Over America. #146, 49:1 [March 2021]. 100-119.

------.. Past the point of No Return: Deterritorialization and Haecceities in M. John Harrison's KEFAHUCHI TRACT Trilogy. #150, 50:2 [July 2023].


MA, Carissa. Queering Time’s Arrow: Temporal Drag in Priya Sarukkai Chabria’s Clone. #152, 51:1 [March 2024]. 74-88.

MA, Shaoling . “A Tale of New Mr. Braggadocio”: Narrative Subjectivity and Brain Electricity in Late Qing Science Fiction. #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 55-72.

MACKERNESS, E.D. Zola, Wells, and "The Coming Beast." #24, 8:2 [July 1981].143-48.

MACKEY, Allison. Guilty Speculations: The Affective Climate of Global Anthropocene Fictions. #136, 45:3 [November 2018]. 530-44.

MACLEAN, Marie. Metamorphoses of the Signifier in "Unnatural" Languages. #33, 11:2 [July 1984].166-73.

MAERTENS, James W. Between Jules Verne and Walt Disney: Brains, Brawn, and Masculine Desire in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea #66, 22:2 [July 1995].209-25. (Full Text)

MAITLAND, Edward. On and From By and By. #11, 4:3 [November 1977].69-70. (Full Text)

MAITY, Anwesha. Estrangement, History, and Aesthetic Relish: A Reading of Premendra Mitra’s Manu Dwadosh. #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 459-78.

MALMGREN, Carl D. Self and Other in SF: Alien Encounters. #59, 20:1 [March 1993].15-33.

------. Towards a Definition of Science Fantasy. #46, 15:3 [November1988].259-81.

MANGANIELLO, Dominic. History as Judgment and Promise in A Canticle for Leibowitz. #39, 13: [July 1986].159-69.

MARGOT, Jean-Michel. Jules Verne, Playwright. #95, 32:1 [March 2005].150-162.

MARI, Kotani  Space, Body, and Aliens in Japanese Women’s Science Fiction #88, 29:3 [November 2002].397-417.

MARQUIS, Moira. The Alien Within: Divergent Futures in Nnedi Okorafor’s Lagoon and Neill Blomkamp’s District 9. #142, 47:3 [November 2020]. 398-425.

MARTĺN, Sara. The Antipatriarchal Male Monster as Limited (Anti) Hero in Richard K. Morgan’s Black Man/Thirteen . #131, 44:1 [March 2017]. 84-103.

------. A Celebration of Mature Love: Posthuman Sexuality, Gender, and Romance in Kim Stanley Robinson’s 2312. #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 459-475.

MARTIN RODRIGUEZ, Mariano. Longing for the Empire? Modernist Lost-Race Fictions and the Dystopian Mode in Spain. #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 463-79.

MARTINS, Susana S. Revising the Future in The Female Man. #97, 32:3 [November 2005].

MARZIN, Florian F. Science Fiction and Censorship in West Germany: A Literary Genre on the Index. #41, 14:1 [March 1987].60-67.

MATHER, Philippe. Figures of Estrangement in Science Fiction Film. #87, 29:2 [July 2002].186-201.

MATHESON, T.J. Marcuse, Ellul, and the Science-Fiction Film: Negative Responses to Technology. #58, 19:3 [November 1992].326. (Full Text)

MATHIESON, Kenneth. The Influence of Science Fiction in the Contemporary American Novel. #35, 12:1 [March 1985].22-32.  

MATTER, William W. The Utopian Tradition and Aldous Huxley. #6, 2:2 [July 1975].146-51. (Full Text)

McALLISTER, Robbie. Twenty Thousand Leagues East: Around the World with Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. #143 48:1 [March 2021]. 46-61.

McCALLISTER, Brian J. “You’ll remember Mercury”: The Avant-Garde Worlds of Edwin Morgan’s SF Poetry . #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 1-25.

McCARTHY, Patrick A. Allusions in Ballard's The Drowned World. #72, 24:2 [July 1997].302-10.

------. Last and First Men as Miltonic Epic. #34, 11:3 [November 1984].244-52.

------. Science Fiction as Creative Revisionism: The Example of Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination. #29, 10:1 [March 1983].58-69.

------. Star Maker: Olaf Stapledon's Divine Tragedy. #25, 8:3 [November 1981].266-79.

------. Zamyatin and the Nightmare of Technology. #33, 11:2 [July 1984].122-29.

------. Editorial Introduction (the Olaf Stapleton Issue) #28, 9:3 [November 1982].235-36.

------. The Genesis of Star Maker. #92, 31:1 [March 2004] 25-42.

McDEVITT, Kelly. Childhood Sexuality as Posthuman Subjectivity in Octavia E. Butler’s Fledgling. #141, 47:2 [July 202]. 219-40.

McDONALD, Christie V. The Reading and Writing of Utopia in Denis Diderot's Supplément au voyage de Bougainville #10, 3:3 [November 1976].248-54.(Full Text)

McFARLANE, Anna. Reproductive Loss in the Anthropocene: Paul McAuley's Austral. #150, 50:2 [July 2023].

McGINNIS, Eileen . Remediated Readers: Gender and Literacy in Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age. #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 480-95.

McGIVERON, Rafeeq O. Heinlein's Inhabited Solar System. #69, 23:2 [July 1996].245-52.

McGUIRK, Carol. The Animal Downdeep: Cordwainer Smith's Late Tales of the Underpeople. #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 466-477.

------. J.G. Ballard and American Science Fiction. #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 476-501.

------. NoWhere Man: Toward a Poetics of Post-Utopian Characterization. #63, 21:2 [July 1994].141-54.

------. The Rediscovery of Cordwainer Smith. #84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 161-200.

------. Science Fiction’s Renegade Becomings #105 35:2 [July 2008]. 281-307. (Full Text.)

McKAY, George. Metapropaganda: Self-Reading Dystopian Fiction: Burdekin's Swastika Night and Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four.  #64, 21:3 [November 1994].302-14. (Full Text)

McQUEEN, Sean. Biocapitalism and Schizophrenia: Rethinking the Frankenstein Barrier. #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 120-35.

McSORLEY, Bonnie Shannon. Buero Vallejo's Mito and El Tragaluz: The Twilight Zone of Hope. #29, 10:1 [March 1983].81-86.

MAERTENS, James W. Between Jules Verne and Walt Disney: Brains, Brawn, and Masculine Desire in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. #66, 22: [July 1995].209.

MAMOLA, Gabriel. Opus Dei: The Divine Invasion and the Philip K. Dick Canon. #138, 46:2 [July 2019]. 289-306.

MARGOT, Jean-Michel. Jules Verne, Playwright.

MAXWELL, Anne. Eugenics and the Classical Ideal of Beauty in Philip K. Dick’s “The Golden Man.” #107, 36:1 [March 2009]. 87-100.

MAYER, Jed. The Weird Ecologies of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. #135, 45:2 [July 2018]. 229-243.

MAZIERSKA, Ewa, & Eva Näripea. Gender Discourse in Eastern European SF Cinema. #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 163-80.

MEISENHEIMER, Donald K., Jr. Machining the Man: From Neurasthenia to Psychasthenia in Sf and the genre Western. #73, 24:3 [November 1997].441-58.

MENGOZZI, Chiara, & Julien Wacquez. On the Uses of Science Fiction in Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences: Meaning and Reading Effects. #150, 50:2 [July 2023].

MEYERS, Walter E.  The Future History and Development of the English Language. #9, 3:2 [July 1976].130.(Full Text)

MILLER, Jim. Post-Apocalyptic Hoping: Octavia Butler's Dystopian/Utopian Vision. #75, 25:2 [July 1998].336-60.

MILLER, J. Joseph. The Greatest Good for Humanity: Isaac Asimov’s Future History and Utilitarian Calculation Problems.  #93, 31:2 [July 2004]. 189-208.

MILLER, Gavin. Animals, Empathy, and Care in Naomi Mitchison’s Memoirs of a Spacewoman. #105 35:2 [July 2008]. 251-65. (Full Text.)

MILLER, Margaret. The Ideal Woman in Two Feminist Science Fiction Utopias. #30, 10:2 [July 1983].191-98.

MILLER, T.S. Preternatural Narration and the Lens of Genre Fiction in Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. #113, 38:1 [March 2011]. 92-114.

MILNER, Andrew. Science Fiction and the Literary Field. #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 393-411.

------. Utopia and Science Fiction in Raymond Williams #90, 30:2 [July 2003].199-216.

MITCHELL, Karen. Bodies That Matter: Science Fiction, Technoculture, and the Gendered Body.  #98, 33:1 [March 2006].

MOLLMANN, Steven. Air-Ships and the Technological Revolution: Detached Violence in George Griffith and H.G. Wells. #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 20-41.

MORI, Roberta. Worlds of “Un-knowledge”: Dystopian Patterns in Primo Levi’s Short Stories. #126, 42:2 [July 2015]. 274-91.

MORRIS, William. "Looking Backward" Review and a Foreword by William Morris #10, 3:3 [November 1976].287. (Full Text)

MORRISSEY, Thomas J. Pamela Sargent's Science Fiction for Young Adults: Celebrations of Change. #48, 16:2 [July 1989].184-90.

------. Zelazny: Mythmaker of Nuclear War. #39, 13:2 [July 1986].182-92.

MOSKOWITZ, Sam. The First College-Level Course in Science Fiction #70, 23:3 [November 1996].411-22.

MOUNTFORT, Paul. The I Ching and Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle. #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 288-310.

MOYLAN, Tom. Ideological Contradiction in Clarke's The City and the Stars. #12, 4:2 [July 1977].150-57.

------. The Locus of Hope: Utopia Versus Ideology, #27, 9:2 [July 1982].159-66. (Full Text)

MULLEN, R.D. Dialect, Grapholect, and Story: Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker as Science Fiction. #82, 27:2 [July 1982].391-406. (Full Text)

------. Two Early Works By Ray Cummings: "The Fire People" and "Around the Universe." #78, 26:2 [July 1999].295-302.

------. Introduction to Science Fiction in Academe #70, 23:3 [November 1996].371-374. (Full Text)

MULLER, Nat. Lunar Dreams: Space Travel, Nostalgia, and Retro- futurism in A Space Exodus and The Lebanese Rocket Society. #143, 48.1 [March 2021]. 124-138.

MURPHY, Graham. Archivization and the Archive-as-Utopia in H.G. Wells’s The First Men in the Moon and “The Empire of the Ants." #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 1-19.

------. Considering Her Ways: In(ter)secting Matriarchal Utopias. #105 35:2 [July 2008]. 266-80. (Full Text.)

------. Post/Humanity and the Interstitial: A Glorification of Possibility in Gibson’s Bridge Sequence #89, 30:1 [March 2003].72-90.

MURPHY, Patrick D. Dialogics and Didacticism: John Brunner's Narrative Blending. #41, 14:1 [March 1987].21-33.

------. Reducing the Dystopian Distance: Pseudo-Documentary Framing in Near-Future Fiction. #50, 17:1 [March 1990].25-40.

MURPHY, Sinéad. Frankenstein in Baghdad: Human Conditions, or  Conditions of Being Human. #135, 45:2 [July 2018]. 273-88.

MURPHY, Timothy S. Labor of the Weird: William Hope Hodgson’s Fantastic Materialism. #138, 46:2 [July 2019]. 225-49.

MYERS, Victoria. Conversational Technique in Ursula Le Guin: A Speech-Act Analysis. #31, 10:3 [November 1983]. 306-16.


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