#115 = Volume 38, Part 3 = November 2011
- Mike Davis. Ward Moore’s Freedom Ride.
- Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. Sound is the New Light: Whittington’s Sound Design and Science Fiction.
- Carl Abbott. The Imagination of Disaster, Revisited: Page’s The
City’s End and Yablon’s Untimely Ruins.
- Jess Nevins. Defining Steampunk: Ashley’s Steampunk Prime,
Bowser/Croxall’s “Steampunk, Science, and (Neo)Victorian
Technologies,” and VanderMeers’ Steampunk II.
- Jerome Winter. Lab Coats, Not Straitjackets: Allen’s Master Mechanics and Wicked Wizards and Kirby’s Science, Scientists, and Film
- Bolton/Csicsery-Ronay, Jr./Tatsumi’s Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams (Hajime Nakatani)
- Meehan’s The Fusion of Science Fiction and Film Noir and Botting’s Limits of Horror (Carl Freedman)
- Bould/Butler/Roberts/Vint’s Fifty Key Figures in SF (Eric S. Rabkin)
- Cherry’s Horror (Kimberly Hall)
- Chu’s Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sheep? (John Rieder)
- Fowler/Notkin’s 80! Memories & Reflections on Ursula K. Le Guin
(Elizabeth Lundberg)
- Gomel’s Postmodern Science Fiction and Temporal Imagination (Joshua Raulerson)
- Hampton’s Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler (Arianna Gremigni)
- Mendlesohn/James’s A Short History of Fantasy (Kristin Noone)
- Rich’s C.M Kornbluth (Joe Sanders)
- Thaler’s Black Atlantic Speculative Fictions (Mark Young)
- Urbanski’s Essays on New Media Rhetoric (Lisa Yaszek)
- Campbell, “Doc” Smith, and the CIC (Edward Wysocki)
- William Wilson (Richard Bleiler)
- Mullen Research Fellows for 2011-12 (Rob Latham)
- “Must-Read” SF (Carol McGuirk)
- New Associations, Conference Reports, Translation Awards, CFPs
- Volume Index
- Notes on Contributors
- “For-a-While”: Remembering Joanna Russ (1937-2011)
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