Science Fiction Studies

#130 = Volume 43, Part 3 = November 2016

Edited by Joan Gordon


  • Veronica Hollinger. “Some Real Mothers ...”: Revised edition of Bammer’s Feminism and Utopianism in the 1970s     

  • Amy Ransom. Playing Dice with the Universe: Meillassoux’s After Finitude, The Number and the Siren, and Science Fiction and Extro-Science Fiction

  • Sherryl Vint. Possibilities for a Science-Fiction Cinema: Bould’s Solaris, Butler’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Conolly’s The Thing, Forshaw’s The War of the Worlds,Kermode’s Silent Running, Krämer’s Dr. Strangelove, Le Blanc/Odell’s Akira, Luckhurst’s Alien, McAuley’s Brazil, Newman’s Quatermass and the Pit, and Wilson’s They Live


  • Bast’s Agency in Writings by Octavia Butler (Rebecca Evans)      

  • Burton’s The Philosophy of Science Fiction: Henri Bergson and the Fabulations of Philip K. Dick (Steven Shaviro)                

  • Freedman’s Art and Ideas in the Novels of China Miéville (Joan Gordon)

  • Ginn/Leitch’s Time-Travel Television (James Hamby)     

  • Gregory’s Science Fiction Theology (Gerry Canavan)       

  • Lee’s Historical and Cultural Readings of Star Wars (Nathan Fredrickson)            

  • Beus/Evenson’s new translation of Gustave Le Rouge’s Prisoner of the Vampires of Mars (Sean Matharoo)        

  • Murphy’s Persuasive Aesthetic Ecocritical Praxis (Alan Lovegreen)

  • Paddy’s The Empires of J.G. Ballard (Valentina Polcini)  

  • Rogers/Stevens’s Classical Traditions in Science Fiction (Lisa Raphals)   

  • Scroggins’s Michael Moorcock (Benjamin Robertson)    

  • Swirski/Osadnik’s Stanisław Lem in the Eyes of the World and Swirski’s Stanisław Lem: Philosopher of the Future (Brittany Roberts)          

  • Vint’s Science Fiction and Cultural Theory (David Wittenberg)   

  • Zinos-Amaro’s Conversations with Robert Silverberg (Rjurik Davidson)


  • R.D. Mullen Fellowship Winners (SFS Editors)   

  • Changes to the R.D. Mullen Fellowship (SFS Editors)      

  • SFRA 2016 Conference Report (Leimar Garcia-Siino)

  • Between Fact and Fiction: Climate Change Fiction (Emanuel Herold, Sina Farzin, and Susan M. Gaines)

  • Science Fiction Studio (Ruth Wylie)        

  • Flag Flying Aspidistras and Triffids (David Ketterer)        

  • CFPs and a Farewell to an SFS Editor      

  • Notes on Contributors

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