Science Fiction Studies


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NADIS, Fred. The Man from Mars: Ray Palmer’s Amazing Pulp Journey (Ferguson). #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 181-90.

------. Wonder Shows: Performing Science, Magic, and Religion in America (Savage). #100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 540-41.

NAGL, Manfred. Science Fiction in Deutschland (Rottensteiner). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 279-84.

NAHIN, Paul J. Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction (Wittenberg). #83, 28:1 [March 2001]. 136-38.

------. Time Machine Tales: The Science Fiction Adventures and Philosophical Puzzles of Time Travel (James Hamby). #134, 45:1 [March 2018]. 193-95.

NAPIER, Susan J. Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke (Silvio). #88, 29:3 [November 2003]. 489-91.

NASCIMENTO, R.C. Edição Comemorativa da Publicação do Volume 500 da Coleção Argonauta (Causo). #79, 26:3 [November 1999]. 498-99.

NAVARETTE, Susan J. The Shape of Fear: Horror and the Fine de Siècle Culture of Decadence (Ruddick). #82, 28: [November 2000]. 478-84.

NEGLEY, Glenn. Utopian Literature: A Bibliography (Mullen). #15, 5:2 [July 1978]. 184-86.

NELSON, Victoria. The Secret Life of Puppets. (Burling). #103, [November 2007]. 501-05.

Neumann, Hans-Peter. Die große illustrierte Bibliographie der Science Fiction in der DDR unter Mitarbeit von Ivo Gloss und Erik Simon (Rottensteiner). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 191-95.

NEUSÜSS, Amhelm, ed. Utopie: Begriff und Phänomen des Utopischen (Rottensteiner). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 279-84.

NEVINS, Jess. Heroes and Monsters: The Unofficial Companion to the LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN (Creekmur). #93, 31:2 [July 2004]. 283-90.

NEW ENGLAND SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION. The N.E.S.F.A. Index to the Science Fiction Magazines.1982 (Philmus). #33, 11:2 [July 1984]. 204-09.

NEWELL, Dianne, and Victoria Lamont. Judith Merril: A Critical Study (Stina Attebery). #124, 41:3 [November 2014]. 669-73.

NEWITZ, Annalee. Pretend We’re Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture. (Wilson). #104, 35:1 [March 2008]. 139-41.

NEWMAN, John, & Michael Unsworth, eds. Future War Novels: An Annotated Bibliography of Works in English Published Since 1946 (Clarke). #39, 13:2 [July 1986]. 207-09.

NEWMAN, Kim. Apocalypse Movies: End of the World Cinema (Butler). #82, 27:3 [November 2000]. 507-12.

------. Quatermass and the Pit (Vint). #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 563-72.

NICHOLLS, Peter, ed. Genre Fiction: The Roaring Years (Andrew M. Butler). #152, 51:1 [March 2024]. 119-23.

------. Science Fiction at Large (Samuelson). #12, 4:2 [July 1977]. 199-200.

------, ed. The Science Fiction Encyclopedia (Philmus). #21, 7:2 [July 1980]. 217-21.

------, ed. The Science in Science Fiction (Dwyer). #33, 11:2 [July 1984]. 214-16.

NICHOLLS, Stan. Wordsmiths of Wonder: Fifty Interviews with Writers of the Fantastic (Wolfe). #63, 21:2 [July 1994]. 255-56.

NICOT, Stéphane. Les Univers de le Science-Fiction: Essais (Evans). #77, 26:1 [March 1999]. 149-51.

NIELSEN, Wendy C. Motherless Creations: Fictions of Artificial Life, 1650-1890 (Anna McFarlane). #149, 50:1 [March 2023]. 105-110.

NOLAN, William E The Ray Bradbury Companion (Mullen). #7, 2:3 [November 1975]. 289-90.

NORMAN, Joseph S. The Culture of “The Culture”: Utopian Processes in Iain M. Banks’s Space Opera Series (Chad Andrews). #146, 49:1 [March 2022]. 187-190

NURUDDIN, Yusuf, Alcena ROGAN, and Victor WALLIS, eds. Socialism and Social Critique in Science Fiction. Special issue of Socialism and Democracy 20.3. (Reider). #103, [November 2007]. 505-09.

NUSSBAUM, Martha C.  and Cass R. Sunstein, eds. Clones and Clones: Facts and Fantasies About Human Cloning (Hollinger). #81, 27:1 [March 2000]. 361-63.

NYE, David E. Narratives and Spaces: Technology and the Construction of American Culture (Landon). #81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 290-95.


OAKES, David A.  Science and Destabilization in the Modern American Gothic: Lovecraft, Matheson, and King (McRoy).  #85, 28:3 [November 2001].462-65.

OBERG, Charlotte H. A Pagan Prophet: William Morris (Parrinder). #20, 7:1 [March 1980]. 101-03.

O'KEEFE, Deborah. Readers in Wonderland: The Liberating Worlds of Fantasy Fiction from Dorothy to Harry Potter (St. Clair) #92, 31:1 [March 2004].

OLANDER, Joseph D, & Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Arthur C. Clarke (Sanders). #15, 5:2 [July 1978]. 180-81.

------ & Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Isaac Asimov (Samuelson). #14, 5:1 [March 1978]. 81-83;

------ & Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Ray Bradbury (Siegel). #25, 8:3 [November 1981]. 337-38.

------ & Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Robert A. Heinlein (Mullen). #18, 6:2 [July 1979]. 209.

------. See also GREENBERG and RABKIN.

OLIVER, Chad. The Shores of Another Sea (Barbour). #33, 11:2 [July 1984]. 200-03.

OLSEN, Lance. William Gibson (McGuirk). #59, 20:1 [March 1993]. 114-16.

O'NEILL, Joseph. Land Under England (Crossley). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 93-98.

ORAMUS, Dominika. Grave New World: The Decline of the West in the Fiction of J.G. Ballard. (Rossi). #104, 35:1 [March 2008]. 141-45. (Latham) #129, 43:3 [July 2016]. 365-72.

O'REILLY, Timothy. Frank Herbert (Meyers). #29, 10:1 [March 1983]. 106-08.

ORLIŃSKI, Wojciec. Lem: życie nie z tej ziemi [Lem: Life From Another Planet] (Wołk). #135 , 45:1 [March 2018]. 332-40.

ORMROD, James S. See DICKENS, Peter.

ORTHIA, Lindy, ed. Doctor Who and Race (Stina Attebery). #123, 41:2 [July 2014]. 452-53.

ORTIZ, Luis. Emsh/willer: Infinity X Two. (Sanders). #105, 35:2 [July 2008]. 336-39.


OSTRY, Elaine, See HINTZ, Carrie.

OSTWALD, Thomas. Jules Verne: Leben und Werk (Angenot). #23, 8:1 [March 1981]. 105.

OTTO, Eric C. Green Speculations: Science Fiction and Transformative Environmentalism (Canavan). #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 387-89.

OWENS, Claire Myers Spottswood. The Unpredictable Adventure: A Comedy of Women's Independence (Hollinger). #65, 20:1 [March 1995]. 127-29.

OZAN, Ebru Deniz, ed. Rethinking Utopia: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Emrah Atasoy). #152, 51:1 [March 2024].123-26.

OZIEWICZ, Marek. One Earth, One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L’Engle and Orson Scott Card (Ransom). #107, 36:1 [March 2008]. 144-53.


PÄCH, Susanne. Von den Marskanälen zur Wunderwaffe (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2 [July 1985]. 209-20.

PADDY, David. The Empires of J.G. Ballard: An Imagined Geography (Polcini). #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 589-91.

PAGE, Max. The City's End: Two Centuries of Fantasies, Fears, and Premonitions of New York's Destruction(Abbott). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 508-512.

PAGE, Joanna. Creativity and Science in Contemporary Argentine Narrative: Between Romanticism and Formalism (Ares). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 404-407.

------. Science Fiction in Argentina: Technologies of the Text in a Material Multiverse (Knickerbocker). #134, 45:1 [March 2018]. 195-98.

PAGE, Michael R. Frederik Pohl (Latham). #131, 44:1 [March 2017]. 178-80.

------. The Literary Imagination from Erasmus Darwin to H.G. Wells: Science, Evolution, and Ecology (Parrinder). #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 172-74.

------. Saving the World Through Science Fiction: James Gunn, Writer, Teacher, Scholar (Thomas Connolly). #135 , 45:1 [March 2018]. 385-87.

PAGETTI, Carlo. Cronache del Futuro (Philmus). #62, 21:1 [March 1994]. 115-18.

------. Il senso del futuro: La fantascienza nella letteratura americana [The Sense of the Future: Science Fiction in American Literature] (Proetti). #128, 43:1 [March 2016]. 160-63.

------. I Marziani alla Corte della Regina Vittoria (Clarke). # 45, 15:2 [July 1988]. 240-43.

------, ed. La Battaglia di Dorking (Clarke). #38, 13:1 [March 1986]. 84-86.

------. See also HALE.

PAGLIA, Camille.  The Birds (Latham) #81, 27:1 [March 2000]. 345-47.

PAIK, Peter J. From Utopia to Apocalypse: Science Fiction and the Politics of Catastrophe (Hicks). #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 138-141.

PAK, Chris. Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in Science Fiction (Canavan). #131, 44:1 [March 2017]. 180-83.

PALENCAR, Hilary. Confessions of a Trekaholic (Sargent). #72, 24:2 [July 1997]. 256-61.


PALMER, Christopher. Apocalypse in Crisis: Fiction from The War of the Worlds to Dead Astronauts (Connor Pitetti). #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 580-582.

Castaway Tales: From Robinson Crusoe to Life of Pi (Wolfe). #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 619-22.

------. Philip K. Dick: Exhilaration and Terror of the Postmodern (Parrett). #92, 31:1 [March 2004]. 152-55.

PALMER, Jerry. Pot Boilers: Methods, Concepts, and Case Studies in Popular Fiction (Latham). #58, 19:3 [November 1992] .424-6.

PALTOCK, Robert. The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins (Mullen). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 300-05.

PALUMBO, Donald, ed. Eros in the Mind's Eye: Sexuality and the Fantastic in Art and Film (Johnson). #42, 14:2 [July 1987]. 279-81.

------. Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature (Johnson). #42, 14:2 [July 1987]. 279-81.

------. Spectrum of the Fantastic (Hassler). #46, 15:3 [November 1988]. 381-83.

------. Chaos Theory, Asimov’s Foundations and Robots, and Herbert’s Dune: The Fractal Aesthetic of Epic Science Fiction (Birns). #91, 31:1 [March 2004].


PANSHIN, Alexei, & Cory Panshin. SF in Dimension (Samuelson). #12, 4:2 [July 1977].198-99.           

PANSHIN, Cory. See PANSHIN, Alexei.

PARADIS, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature (Leperlier). #72, 24:2 [July 1997]. 340-43.

PARISH, James Robert, & Michael R. Pitts, eds. The Great Science Fiction Pictures (Annas). #22, 7:3 [November 1980]. 323-29.

PARK, Sung-Bong. An Aesthetics of the Popular Arts: An Approach to the Popular Arts from an Aesthetic Point of View (Mullen). #60, 20:2 [July 1993]. 293-94.

PARKER, Helen N. Biological Themes in Modern Science Fiction (Rose). #40, 13:3 [November 1986]. 398-400.

PARKER, Martin. See SMITH, Warren.

PARKIN, Lance. Alan Moore (Creekmur). #93, 31:2 [July 2004]. 283-90.

PARKIN, Manny K., and Steve Setzer, eds. Deep Thoughts: Proceedings: Life, the Universe, & Everything XI (Mullen). #66, 22:2 [July 1995]. 295-96.

PARKINSON, Gavin. Futures of Surrealism: Myth, Science Fiction and Fantastic Art in France 1936-1969 (Evans). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 351-58.

------, ed. Surrealism, Science Fiction and Comics (Evans). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 351-58.

PARNOV, E.I. Fantastika v viek NTR. Ocerki sovriemiennof naucnoj fantastiki (Zgorzelski). #11, 4:1 [March 1977]. 84-85.

Parrett, Aaron. The Translunar Narrative in the Western Tradition (Sawyer). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 191-95.

PARRINDER, Patrick, ed. H.G. Wells (Hughes). #9, 3:2 [July 1976]. 165-74.

------. Science Fiction: A Critical Guide (Jameson). #28, 9:3 [November 1982]. 322-24.

------. Science Fiction: Its Criticism and Teaching (Jameson). #28, 9:3 [November 1982]. 322-24.

------. Shadows of the Future: H.G. Wells, Science Fiction, and Prophecy (Philmus). #70, 23:3 [November 1996]. 529-30.

------. Utopian Literature and Science: From the Scientific Revolution to BRAVE NEW WORLD and Beyond (Corsun). #131, 44:1 [March 2017].   

------, ed. Learning from Other Worlds: Estrangement, Cognition and the Politics of Science Fiction and Utopia. (Latham) #86, 29:1 [March 2002]. 100-110.

------, ed. The Time Machine and The Island of Dr Moreau (Mullen). #69, 23:2 [July 1996]. 296-99.

------ & Christopher Rolfe, eds. H.G. Wells Under Revision: Proceedings of the International Wells Symposium, London, July 1986 (Hughes). #55, 18:3 [November 1991]. 431-36. 

PARRY, McLean. The Scarlet Empire (La Bossière). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 290-92.

PARTINGTON, John S. Building Cosmopolis: The Political Thought of H.G. Wells (Ruddick). #100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 541-43.

------. H.G. Wells’s Fin-de-Siècle: Twenty-First Century Reflections on the Early H.G. Wells (Kincaid). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 358-61.

------. H.G. Wells in Nature, 1893-1946: A Reception Reader (Ketterer). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 327-32.

PASTOURMATZI, Domna. Bibliography of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: 1960-1993 (Seed). #68, 23:1 [March 1996]. 139-40.

------, ed. Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. (Sleight) #91, 31:1 [March 2004].

PATROUCH, Joseph E, Jr. The Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (Sanders). #6, 2:2 [July 1975]. 172-73.

PATTERSON, William H. Robert Heinelin in Dialogue with his Century: The Authorized Biography. Vol.1. The Learning Curve (1907-1948) (McGuirk). #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 505-509.

------. Robert A. Heinlein in Dialogue with his Century. Volume 2. 1948-88. The Man Who Learned Better (McGuirk). #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 151-57.

PATTERSON, William H., Jr. and Andrew Thornton. The Martian Named Smith: Critical Perspectives on Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land (McGuirk). #88, 29:3 [November 2002]. 507-09.

PEACH, Linden. Angela Carter (McGuirk). #79, 26:3 [November 1999]. 473-81.

PEARCE, Joseph. Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G.K. Chesterton (Latham). #76, 25:3 [November 1998]. 563-64.


PEARSON, Wendy, Veronica Hollinger, and Joan Gordon, ed. Queer Universes: Sexualities in Science Fiction (Vint). #109 36:3 [November 2009]. 508-12.

PEDERSON, Ellen & Niels Dalgaard, eds.  Criti Fan. Nos. 1 & 2 (Angenot). #23, 8:1 [March 1981]. 112.

PEHLKE, Michael & Norbert Lingfeld. Roboter und Gartenlaube (Rottensteiner). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 279-84.

PENDLE, George. Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons. (Latham). #100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 543-45.

PENLEY, Constance. NASA/TREK: Popular Science and Sex in America (Bernardi). #76, 25:1 [March 1981]. 536-39.

------, & Andrew Ross. Technoculture (Csicsery-Ronay). #58, 19:3 [November 1992]. 403-10.

------, Elizabeth Lyon, Lynn Spigel, & Janet Bergstrom, eds. Close Encounters: Film, Feminism, and Science Fiction Cinema (Ohlin). #55, 18:3 [November 1991]. 411-19.

PEPLOW, Michael W, & Robert S. Bravard. Samuel R. Delany. A Primary and Secondary Bibliography, 1962-1979  (Schlobin). #26, 9:1 [March 1982]. 99-100.

PERLICH, John, & David Whitt, eds. Milennial Mythmaking: Essays on the Power of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Films and Games( Frisch). #113, 38:1 [March 2011]. 200-201.

PESCH, Helmut W., ed. J.R.R. Tolkien--der Mythenschöpfer (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2 [July 1985]. 209-20.

PETRONIO, Giuseppe, ed. Letteratura di massa, letteratura di consumo  (Pagetti). #23, 8:1 [March 1981]. 99-100.

PETTMAN, Pettman. After the Orgy: Toward a Politics of Exhaustion (S.W. Davis). #90, 30:2 [July 2003]. 319-23.

PFAELZER, Jean. The Utopian Novel in America 1886-1896: The Politics of Form (Khouri). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 105-06.

PHILIPS, Michael, ed. Philosophy and Science Fiction (Schuyler). #36, 12:2 [July 1985]. 225.

PHILMUS, Robert M. Into the Unknown: The Evolution of Science Fiction from Francis Godwin to H.G. Wells (Hughes) #9, 3:2 [July 1976]. 165-74.

------. The Island of Doctor Moreau: A Variorum Text (Steffen-Fluhr). #61, 20:3 [November 1993]. 433-39.

-----. Visions and Re-Visions: [Re]constructing Science Fiction (Atteberry). #100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 545-48.

------, & David Y. Hughes, eds. H. G. Wells: Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction (Hillegas). #8, 3:1 [March 1976]. 91.

PHY, Allene Stuart. Mary Shelley (Rochelson). #51, 17:2 [July 1990]. 259-68.

PICKERING, Jean. Understanding Doris Lessing (Perrakis). #56, 19:1 [March 1992]. 95-99.

PICKOVER, Clifford. The Science of Aliens (Benford). #78, 26: [July 1999]. 337-38.

PICOT, Jean-Pierre, and Christian Robin, eds. Jules Verne: cent ans après. (Evans). #100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 557-61.

PIERCE,Alexandra, & Mimi Mondal, eds. Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia E. Butler (Calvin). #135 , 45:1 [March 2018]. 387-89.

PIERCE, Hazel Beasley. A Literary Symbiosis: Science Fiction/Fantasy/Mystery (Attebery). #33, 11:2 [July 1984]. 214-33.

------. Philip K. Dick (Fekete). #32, 11:1 [March 1984]. 78-81.

PIERCE, John J. Foundations of Science Fiction: A Study in Imagination and Evolution (Parrinder). #48, 16:2 [July 1989]. 231-35.

------. Imagination and Evolution. 3 vols. 1. Foundations of Science Fiction. 2. Great Themes of Science Fiction. 3. When World Views Collide. (Hillegas). #53, 18:1 [March 1991].137-40.

------. Odd Genre: A Study in Imagination and Evolution (Wolfe). #64, 21:3 [November 1994]. 431-32.

PIERSON, Michele. Special Effects: Still in Search of Wonder (Kupfer). #89, 30:1 [March 2003]. 143-44.

PILKINGTON, Ace G. Science Fiction and Futurism: Their Terms and Ideas (Slocombe). #134, 45:1 [March 2018]. 198-200.

PILOT, Roy and Alvin Rodin, eds. The Annotated Lost World: The Classic Adventure Novel by Arthur Conan Doyle  (Bleiler). #70, 23: [November 1996]. 355-62.

PINSKY, Michael. Future Present: Ethics and/as Science Fiction. (Cross). #92, 31:1 [March 2004]. 161-63.

PINTÉR, Károly. The Anatomy of Utopia: Narration, Estrangement and Ambiguity in Moore, Wells, Huxley and Clarke (Ransom). #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 357.

PISAPIA, Bianca Maria, ed. I piaceri dell' immaginazione (Pagetti). #42, 14:2 [July 1986]. 261-66.

PITTS, Michael R. Alternative Masculinities in Feminist Speculative Fiction: A New Man (Ezekiel Crago). #145, 49:1 [March 2022]. 190-191.

------. See PARISH.

PLATT, Charles. Dream Makers: Interviews (Hassler). #25, 8:3 [November 1981]. 336-37.

PLUMMER, Katherine Church. See WESTFAHL.

POE, Edgar Allan. Eureka. (Tatsumi). #104, 35: 1 [March 2008]. 145-49.

POHL, Frederik. The Early Pohl (Mullen). #9, 3:2 [July 1876]. 208-09.

------, ed. Nebula Winners Fourteen (Angenot). #24, 8:2 [July 1981]. 223-24.

------ & Frederik Pohl IV. Science Fiction: Studies in Film (Gordon). #26, 9:1 [March 1982]. 93-95.

POHL, Frederick IV. See POHL, Frederik.

POLAK, Iva. Futuristic Worlds in Australian Aboriginal Fiction (Naomi Fraser). #134, 45:1 [March 2018]. 200-203.

POLCINI, Valentina. Oltre la fantascienza: Paradigmi e intertestualità nella narrativa di J.G. Ballard [Beyond Science Fiction: Paradigms and Intertextuality in J.G. Ballard’s Fiction] (Rossi). #123, 41:2 [July 2014]. 453-56.

POPE,  Gustavus W., M.D.  Journey to Mars. The Wonderful World: Its Beauty and Splendor: Its Mighty Races and Kingdoms: Its Final Doom with an introduction by Sam Moskowitz. (Mullen). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 301-02.

PORDZIK, Ralph. The Quest for Post Colonial Utopia: A Comparative Introduction to the Utopian Novel in New English Literatures (Moylan). #87, 29:2 [July 2002]. 265-71.

------, ed. Futurescapes: Space in Utopian and Science Fiction Discourses (Fitting). #111, 37:2 [July 2010]. 320-22.

PORGES, Irwin. Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan (Mullen). #7, 2:3 [November 1975]. 289-90.

PORUSH, David. The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction (Schwartz). #37, 12:3 [November 1985]. 331-34.

POTTER, Tiffany, and C.W. Marshall, eds. Cylons in America: Critical Studies in Battlestar Galactica (Hellekson). #106, 35:3 [November 2008]. 503-505.

POUNDSTONE, William. Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos  (Benford). #81, 27:1 [March 2000]. 352-53.

Powiesci fantasryczno-naukowe Stanislawa Lema (Swirski). #58, 19:3 [November 1992]. 411-16.

POWYS, John Cowper. Porius: A Romance of the Dark Ages (Mullen). #63, 21:2 [July 1994]. 251-52.

PRÉVOT, Jacques. Cyrano de Bergerac romancier (Fitting). #18, 6:2 [July 1979]. 236.

PREZZAVENTO, Paolo, ed. La città e la violenza. I mondi urbani e post-urbani di James G. Ballard. (Polcini). #104, 35:1 [March 2008]. 149-51.

PRICE, E. Hoffman. Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers & Others (Memories of the Pulp Fiction Era) (Westfahl). #89, 30:1 [March 2003]. 109-22.

PRINGLE, David. J.G. Ballard: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Wolfe). #35, 12:1 [March 1985]. 102-03.

------. Science Fiction, the 100 Best Novels: An English-Language Selection, 1949-1984 (Hollinger). #38, 13:1 [March 1986]. 95-96.

------. The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction: An A-Z of Science Fiction Books by Title. 2nd ed (Mullen). #66, 22:2 [July 1995]. 294.

PROSSER, Lee. Running from the Hunter: The Life and Works of Charles Beaumont (Mullen). #72, 24:2 [July 1997]. 318-23.

PROVOST, Sylvie. See GAGNON.             

PRUCHER, Jeff. Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction (Sanders). #103, [Novebmer 2007]. 509-12. Also (Parrett). #107, 36:1 [March 2009]. 163-65.

PUNTER, David.  Gothic Pathologies: The Text, The Body, and The Law (Davison). #81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 303-09.

------. The Literature of Terror: A History of Gothic Fictions from 1765 to the Present Day (Casines). #28, 9:3 [November 1982]. 331-32.

PURDY, Stother B. The Hole in the Fabric: Science, Contemporary Literature, and Henry James (Nicol). #14, 5:1 [March 1978]. 81.

PUSCH, Harald. See ALPERS.

PUSCHMANN-NALENZ, Barbara.  Science Fiction and Postmodern Fiction: A Genre Study (Hollinger). #61, 20:3 [November 1993]. 474-76.


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