
In the first entry, 12 #36.209 = Volume 12, whole number 36, page 209.
ABBOTT, Carl. Frontiers Past and Future: Science Fiction and the American West (Higgins). #104, 35:1 [March 2008]. 105-109.
ABRET, Helga. & Lucian Boia. Das
Jahrhundert der Marsianer (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2 [July
1985]. 209-20.
ADAIR, W. Gilbert. The American Epic Novel in the Late Twentieth Century: The Super-Genre of the Imperial State (Kincaid). #110, 37.1 [March 2010]. 105-107.
ADAMS, Michael. From Elvish to Klingon: Exploring Invented Languages (Csicsery-Ronay). #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 546-49.
ADEY, Lionel. C.S. Lewis:
Writer and Dreamer (Flieger). #77, 26:1 [March 1999]. 140-42.
ADLER, Charles L. Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Science Fiction (Benford). #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 163-64.
ADMIRAND, Peter. Destruction, Ethics, and Intergalactic Love: Exploring Y: The Last Man and Saga (Troy Michael Bordun). #152, 51:1 [March 2024]. 95-98.
AGGELIS, Steven L.,
ed. Conversations with
Ray Bradbury (Parrett). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 188-91.
ALDISS, Brian W. Billion
Year Spree (Mullen). #2, 1:2 [Fall 1973]. 136-37.
------. The Detached Retina:
Aspects of Science Fiction and Fantasy (Hewitt), #68, 23:1
[March 1996].
------. Science Fiction
Art: The Fantasies of SF (Mullen). #8, 3:1 [March 1976]. 94.
------. This World and Nearer
Ones: Essays Exploring the Familiar (Fredericks). #31,
10:3 [November 1983]. 346-47.
------. The Twinkling of an
Eye: Or, My Life as an Englishman (Collins). #81, 27:2 [July
2000]. 339-40.
Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (Mullen). #15, 5:2 [July 1978]. 192-96
------ & David Wingrove. Trillion
Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction (Hollinger). #44,
15:2 [March 1988]. 102-05.
------ & Harry Harrison, eds. Hell's
Cartographers: Some Personal Histories of Science Fiction Writers
(Mullen). #9, 3:2 [July 1976]. 208-09.
ALDISS, Margaret. The Work of
Brian W. Aldiss: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide
(Meyers). #59, 20:1 [March 1993]. 132-35.
ALDRIDGE, Alexandra. The
Scientific World View in Dystopia (Wagar). #41, 14:1 [March
1987]. 99-104.
ALEXANDER, David. Star
Trek Creator: The Authorized Biography of Gene Roddenberry
(Wolfe). #64, 21:3 [November 1994]. 432-37.
ALKON, Paul K. Origins of
Futuristic Fiction (Evans). #47, 16:1 [March 1989]. 94-102.
------. Science
Fiction Before 1900 (Evans). #64, 21:3 [November 1994]. 418-20.
------. Winston Churchill's Imagination (Ruddick). #103 [November 2007]. 489-92.
ALLARD, Yvon. Ecrits sur l'avenir (Angenot). #26, 9:1 [March 1982]. 102.
ALLEN, Glen Scott. Master Mechanics and Wicked Wizards: Images of the American Scientist as Hero and Villain from Colonial Times to the Present (Winter). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 519-524.
ALLEN, L. David. Asimov's
Foundation Trilogy and Other Works (Elkins). #16, 5:3
[November 1978]. 299-301.
------. Herbert's
Dune and Other Works (Elkins). #16, 5:3 [November 1978]. 299.
ALLEN, Marlene D. Allen, and Seretha D. Williams, eds. Afterimages of Slavery: Essays on Appearances in Recent American Films, Literature, Television and Other Media (Lavender). #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 373.
ALPERS, Hans Joachim, ed. H.P.
Lovecraft--der Port des Grauens (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2
[July 1985]. 209-20.
------ & Harald Pusch, eds. Isaac
Asimov--der Tausendjahresplaner (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2
[July 1985]. 209-20.
------ & Thomas M. Loock. Lesebuch
der deutschen Science Fiction 1984 (Rottensteiner). #36,
12:2 [July 1985]. 209-20.
------ & Werner Fuchs, Ronald M. Hahn, & Wolfgang Jeschke. Lexikon
der Science Fiction Literatur (Rottensteiner). #36,
12:2 [July 1985]. 209-20.
------. (ed.) Marion
Zimmer Bradley's "Darkover" (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2
[July 1985]. 209-20.
------. & Werner Fuchs & Ronald M. Hahn. Reclams
Science Fiction Führer (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2 [July
1985]. 209-20.
ALPHIN, Caroline. Neoliberalism and Cyberpunk Science Fiction: Living on the Edge of Burnout (David Shipko). #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 550-552.
AMELIO, Ralph J., ed. Hal
in the Classroom: Science Fiction Film (Annas). #22, 7:2
[July 1985]. 323-29.
Lou, ed.
Projections: Science Fiction in Literature and Film (Sleight). #100 33:3 [November, 2006].
ANDERSON, Reynaldo, & Charles E. Jones, ed. Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise of Astro-Blackness (Lavender). #131, 44:1 [March 2017]. 164-71.
ANDRE-DRIUSSI, Michael. See Alice K. TURNER.
ANDRIANO, Joseph D. Immortal
Monster: The Mythological Evolution of the Fantastic Beast in Modern
Fiction and Film (Wolfe) #81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 315-17.
ANGELIER, François. Dictionnaire Jules Verne (Evans). #100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 557-61.
Roman populaire: Recherches en para-littérature (Suvin). #6,
2:2 [July 1975]. 199.
ANTCZAK, Janice. Science Fiction:
The Mythos of a New Romance (Nodelman). #39, 13:2 [July
1986]. 216-18.
Philip K. Dick:
Entropie und Hoffnung (Rottensteiner) #84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 284-90.
ARAMA, Horia. The Collector of
Islands; The Happy Islands; An Island in Space (Kleiner). #73,
24:3 [November 1997]. 517-18.
ARBUR, Rosemarie. Leigh Brackett,
Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne McCaffrey: A Primary and Secondary
Bibliography (Leith). #35, 12:1 [March 1985]. 103-04.
------. Marion Zimmer Bradley
(Chapman). #40, 13:3 [November 1986] .400-01.
ARMITT, Lucie. Theorising the
Fantastic (Hollinger). #78, 26:2 [July 1999]. 339-40.
------, ed. Where No Man Has Gone
Before: Women and Science Fiction (Hollinger). #58, 29:3
[November 1992]. 417-18.
ARMSTRONG, Tim. Modernity, Technology, and the Body: A Cultural Study (Satter)
#82, 27:3 [November 2000]. 531-33.
APPLEBAUM, Noga. Representations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young People (Levy). #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 493-494.
ARNOLD, Edwin A.
Gullivar of Mars.
Commemorative Edition (Kupfer) #93, 31:2 [July
2004]. 301-302.
ASH, Brian. Faces of the Future:
The Lessons of Science Fiction (Parrinder). #7, 2:3
[November 1975].293-94.
------, ed. The Visual Encyclopedia
of Science Fiction (Mullen). #15, 5:2 [July 1978].186-88.
------. Who's Who in
Science Fiction (Mullen). #11, 4:1 [March 1977]. 80-81.
ASHLEY, Mike. Gateways to Forever: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1970-1980 (Huntington.) #105 35:2 [July 2008]. 308-12.
------. The Rise of the Cyberzines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1991-2020. Vol. 5 of The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine (Paul Kincaid). #149, 50:1 [March 2023]. 116-119.
------. Science Fiction Rebels: The Story of the Science Fiction Magazines from 1981 to 1990 (Kincaid). #136, 45:3 [November 2018]. 591-95.
The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp Magazines
from the Beginning to 1950: The History of the Science-Fiction
Magazine, Volume 1(Westfahl). #89, 30:1
[March 2003]. 109-22.
------. Transformations:
The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970. Vol.
II of The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine (Latham).
#98 33:1 [March 2006]. 174-75.
------. The Work of William
F. Temple: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide (Mullen). #66,
22:2 [July 1995]. 296.
------, ed. Steampunk Prime: A Vintage Steampunk Reader (Nevins). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 513-518.
------ & Terry Jeeves. The
Complete Index to Astounding/Analog (Philmus). #36, 12:2
[July 1985]. 225-26.
------. See also TYMN.
------. and Robert A.W. Lowndes.
The Gernsback
Days: A Study of the Evolution of Modern Science Fiction from 1911
to 1926 (Westfahl) #96,
32:2 [July 2005]. 340-342..
ASIMOV, Isaac. In Memory Yet
Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954 (McCarthy). #18, 6:2 [July 1979]. 227.
------. I, Asimov (Wolfe).
#63, 21:2 [July 1994].261-64.
ASMA, Stephen T. On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears (Wilson). #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 495-498.
Asterism: The Journal
of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Space Music #6 (Hollinger).
#72, 24:2 [July 1997].2 64-65.
ÅSTROM, Berit and Jenny Bonnevier, eds. Kinship in the Fiction of N.K. Jemisin: Relations of Power and Resistance (Sarah Leilani Parijs). #152, 51:1 [March 2024]. 98-102.
ATKINS, Thomas R., ed. Science
Fiction Films (Annas). #22, 7:3 [November 1980]. 323-29.
ATTEBERY, Brian. Decoding Gender
in Science Fiction. (Vint) #93, 31:2 [July 2004]. 291-94.
------. Strategies of
Fantasy (Mullen) #57, 19:2 [July 1992]. 270.
------. Stories About Stories: Fantasy and the Remaking of Myth (Levy). #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 164-66.
------. Teacher's Guide to
the Norton Book of Science Fiction (Wolfe). #63, 21:2 [July
1994]. 258-59.
------, and Veronica Hollinger, eds. Parabolas of Science Fiction (Gomel). #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 203-206.
ATWOOD, Margaret. In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination (Csicsery-Ronay). #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 374-76.
AUER, Carolin. See KRAUS, Elizabeth.
AUERBACH, Nina, and David J. Skal, eds. Bram
Stoker: Dracula (Davison). #72, 24:2 [July 1997].3 56-59. Also Latham #77,
26:1 [March 1999]. 133-37.
AUGER, Emily E. Tech-Noir Films: A Theory of the Development of Popular Genres (Frelik). #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 118-120.
L'Avant-scène du cinéma
Nos. 231/32. (Straw). #22, 7:3 [November 1980]. 345.
BACCOLINI, Raffaella, and Tom MOYLAN (Murphy)
Dark Horizons: Science
Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination (Murphy).
#95 32:1 [March
2005]. 188-195.
BACON-SMITH, Camille. Science
Fiction Culture (Barr). #83, 28:2 [March 2001]. 124-25.
BADLEY, Linda. Film, Horror, and
the Body Fantastic (Nixon). #69, 23:2 [July 1996]. 292-95.
------. Writing Horror and the
Body: The Fiction of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and Anne Rice (Nixon). #73, 24:3 [November 1997]. 510-12.
Alien Chic: Posthumanism and
the Other Within (Hollinger). #97, 33:3 [November 2005].
BAELLO-ALLUE, Sonia, and Mónica Calvo-Pascual, eds. Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative (Julia Lindsay). #147, 49:2 [July 2022]. 373-376.
BAEHR, Stephen Lessing. The
Paradise Myth in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Utopian Patterns in
Early Secular Russian Literature and Culture (Howell). #59,
20:2 [March 1993]. 125-27.
BAIL, Paul. John Saul: A Critical
Companion (Westfahl). #71, 24:2 [March 1997]. 176-80.
BAILEY, J.O. Pilgrims
Through Space and Time: Trends and Patterns in Scientific and
Utopian Fiction (Philmus). #1, 1:1 [Spring 1973]. 37-41.
BAINBRIDGE, William Sims. Dimensions
of Science Fiction (Dwyer). #42, 14:2 [July 1987]. 278-79.
------. The Space Flight
Revolution (Lem). #18, 6: [July 1979]. 221.
BAKER, Brian. Science Fiction (Levy). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 373-76.
BALCZERZAK, Eva. Stanislaw
Lem (Swirski). #58, 19:3 [November 1992]. 411-16.
BALMER, Edwin. See WYLIE, Philip.
BALSAMO, Anne. Technologies
of the Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Women (Hollinger). #71, 24:2 [March 1997]. 124-32.
BALZAC, Honoré de. The Centenarian, or, The Two Beringhelds (Ruddick). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 350-52.
BAMMER, Angelika. Partial Visions: Feminism and Utopianism in the 1970s (Hollinger). # 130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 546-52.
BANERJEE, Anindita. We Modern People: Science Fiction and the Making of Russian Modernity (Mike Davis). #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 206-209.
BANERJEE, Suparno. Indian Science Fiction: Patterns, History, Hybridity (Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay). #147, 49:2 [July 2022]. 376-378.
------. Science, Gender, and History: The Fantastic in Mary Shelley and Margaret Atwood (Cosner). #128, 43:1 [March 2016]. 153-54.
BANKS, Michael A. Understanding
Science Fiction (Hunter). #29, 10:1 [March 1983]. 113.
BARAD, Karen. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning (Vint). #105, 35:2 [July 2008]. 313-19.
BARBARO, Ada. La fanta-scienza nella letteratura araba [Science Fiction in Arabic Literature] (Proetti). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 376-79.
BARBOUR, Douglas. Worlds Out of
Words: The SF Novels of Samuel R. Delany (Wolfe), #26,
9:1 [March 1982]. 98-99.
BARETZ, Stan. Catalogue des âmes
et cycles de la S.F. (Angenot). #21, 7:2 [July 1980]. 229.
BARMEYER, Eike, ed. Science
Fiction: Theorie und Geschichte. (Gaar). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 285-87.
BARNES, Myra Edward. Linguistics
and Language in Science Fiction-Fantasy (Williamson). #7, 2:3 [November 1975]. 291-92.
BARR, Marleen S. Alien to
Femininity: Speculative Fiction and Feminist Theory (Stevens). #51, 17:2 [July 1990]. 280-82.
------. Feminist
Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction (Hollinger). #60, 20:2
[July 1993]. 272-76.
------, ed. Future
Females, The Next Generation: New Voices and Velocities in Feminist
Science Fiction Criticism. (Freedman) #81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 278-89.
------. Genre Fission: A New Discourse Practice for Cultural Studies
(Pearson). #85, 28:3 [November 2001]. 448-51.
------. Lost in Space: Probing
Feminist Science Fiction and Beyond (Nixon), #64, 21:3
[November 1994]. 421-25.
------, ed. Afro-Future Females: Black Writers Chart Science Fiction’s Newest New-Wave Trajectory (Calvin). #110, 37.1 [March 2010]. 107-109.
------ & Ruth Salvaggio & Richard Law. Suzy
McKee Charnas/Octavia Butler/Joan D. Vinge (Spencer).
#43, 14:3 [November 1987]. 407-10.
------ & Nicholas D. Smith, eds. Women
and Utopia: Critical Interpretations (Gubar). #38, 13:2
[March 1986]. 79-83.
BARR, Marlene [sic] S., ed. Future
Females: A Critical Anthology (Leith). #30, 10:2 [July 1983]. 247-50.
Jean-Pierre. See George SLUSSER.
BARRON, Neil, ed.
Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction.
5th ed. (Sleight).
#99, 33:2 [July
2006]. 343-47.
ed. Anatomy of
Wonder 4: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction (Evans). #66,
22:2 [July 1995]. 285-88.
------ , ed. Anatomy of
Wonder: Science Fiction (Mullen). #10, 3:3 [November 1976]. 294-95.
------, ed. Anatomy of Wonder;
rev. ed. (Philmus), #27, 9:2 [July 1982].224-25.
------, ed. Fantasy and Horror: A Critical and Historical Guide to Literature, Illustration, Film, TV, Radio,
and the Internet. (Latham) #85, 28:3 [November 2001].436-42.
BARTKOWSKI, Frances. Feminist
Utopias (Barr). #52, 17:3 [November 1990]. 401-04.
BARTTER, Martha. The Way to
Ground Zero: The Atomic Bomb in American Science Fiction (McIntire). #53, 18:1 [March 1991]. 131-34.
The Utopian Fantastic: Selected
Essays from the Twentieth International Conference on the Fantastic
in the Arts (Ostry).
#95 32:1
[March 2005]. 201-202.
BASSIOR, Jean-Noel.
Space Patrol: Missions of Daring
in the Name of Early Television (Bould). #98 33:1 [March
2006]. 175-77.
BAST, Florian. Of Bodies, Communities, and Voices: Agency in Writings by Octavia Butler (Rebecca Evans). #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 573-75.
Wells (Huntington). #39, 13:2 [July 1986]. 200-06.
BATTAGLIA, Deborah, ed. E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces (Nelson). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 363-66.
BAUDRILLARD, Jean. Cool Memories
II, 1987-1990 (Csicsery-Ronay). #71, 24:1 [March 1997].
------ , See Also WITWER,
BAUM, L. Frank. The Master Key: An
Electrical Tale founded on the Mysteries of Electricity and the
optimism of its devotees. It was written for boys, but others may
read it, with introduction by David L. Greene and Douglas G.
Greene (Mullen). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 300-05.
BAXTER, Jeanette. J.G. Ballard (Doug Davis). #113, 38:1 [March 2011]. 192-194.
------ . J.G. Ballard’s Surrealist Imagination: Spectacular Authorship (Rossi). #110, 37:1 [March 2010]. 100-104.
------ , and Rowland Wymer, eds. J.G. Ballard: Visions and Revisions (Taylor Evans). #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 549-51.
BAXTER, John. The Inner Man: The Life of J.G. Ballard (Rossi). #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 120-123.
------ . Science
Fiction in the Cinema (Ohlim). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974].287-290;
#22, 7:3 [November 1980]. 323-29.
BEAR, Greg.
The Last War: A World
Set Free. (McCarthy). #87, 29:2 [July 2002]. 247-52.
BEAUCHAMP, Gorman. Jack London
(Khouri). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 110-11.
BEAUMONT, Matthew. The Spectre of Utopia: Utopian and Science Fictions at the Fin de Siècle (Ruddick). #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 157-62.
BECK, Peter J. The War of the Worlds: From H.G. Wells to Orson Welles, Jeff Wayne, Steven Spielberg and Beyond (Ruddick). #132, 44:2 [July 2017]. 365-67.
BECKER, Allienne R. The Lost Worlds
Romance: From Dawn to Dusk (Mullen). #59, 20:2 [March 1993]. 117.
------ ed. Visions of the
Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fifteenth International
Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Mullen). #72, 24:
[July 1997]. 343-44.
BECKER, Christophe, and Clémentine Hogue, eds. La Pandémie en science-fiction (Amy Ransom). #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 552-555.
BECKER, Muriel R. Clifford D.
Simak: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Wolfe). #24, 8:2
[July 1981]. 224-26.
BEHRENDS, Steve. Clark Ashton
Smith (Mullen). #55, 18:3 [November 1991]. 455-56.
BEHRENDT, Stephen C., ed. Approaches
to Teaching Shelley's Frankenstein (Hollinger). #55,
18:3 [November 1991]. 450-51.
BELFORD, Barbara. Bram Stoker: A
Biography of the Author of Dracula (Davison). #71,
24:1 [March 1997]. 171-72.
BELL, Andrea L. and Yolanda Molina-Gavilán,
BELL, John ed. The Far North and
Beyond: An Index to Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy in English
Language Genre Magazines and Other Selected Periodicals of the Pulp
Era, 1896-1955 (Barron). #79, 26:3 [November 1999] 497-98.
------, & Lesley Choyce, eds. Visions
from the Edge: An Anthology of Atlantic Canadian Science Fiction and
Fantasy (Ketterer). #35, 12:1 [March 1985]. 91-96.
BELLAMY, Brent Ryan. Remainders of the American Century: Post-Apocalyptic Novels in the Age of US Decline (John Rieder). #147, 49:2 [July 2022]. 378-381.
BELLIN, Joshua David.
Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film
and Social Alienation (Frich). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 177-80.
BENFORD, Gregory. Deep Time:
How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia (Freedman). #80,
27:1 [March 2000]. 174-75.
BENFORD, Gregory, Gary Westfahl, Howard V. Hendrix, and Joseph D. Miller, eds. Bridges to Science Fiction and Fantasy: Outstanding Essays from the J. Lloyd Eaton Conferences (Ruddick). #136, 45:3 [November 2018]. 595-98.
BENJAMIN, Marina, ed. A
Question of Identity: Women, Science, and Literature
(Hollinger). #63, 21:2 [July 1994]. 232-37.
BENNETT, Betty T. Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley: An Introduction (Spencer). #79, 26:3
[November 1999]. 495-97.
BENSHOFF, Harry M. Monsters
in the Closet: Homosexuality and the Horror Film (Latham).
#74, 25:2 [March 1998]. 87-101.
BEN-TOV, Sharona. The
Artificial Paradise: Science Fiction and American Reality
(Ketterer). #69, 23:2 [July 1996]. 253-59.
BEN-YEHUDA, Nachman. Deviance and
Moral Boundaries: Witchcraft, the Occult, Science Fiction, Deviant
Sciences and Scientists (Galbreath). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 106-08.
BERES, Stanislaw. Rozmony
ze Stanislawem Lemem (Swirski). #58, 19:3 [November 1992]. 411-16.
BERGER, Albert I. The
Magic That Works (Mullen). #62, 21:1 [March 1994]. 103-12.
BERGER, Harold L. Science
Fiction and the New Dark Age (Mullen). #11, 4: [March 1977]. 79-80.
BERGER, Monroe. Real and
Imagined Worlds (Mullen). #13, 4:3 [November 1977]. 320.
BERGHAHN, Klaus K. & Hans Ulrich Seeber. Literarische
Utopien von Morus bis zur Gegenwart (Rottensteiner). #36,
12:2 [July 1985]. 209-20.
------ & Reinhold Grimm, eds. Utopian Vision, Technological Innovation, and Poetic Imagination. (Dietz). #55, 18:3 [November 1991]. 447-48.
BERGONZI, Bernard. The Early
H.G. Wells: A Study of the Scientific Romances (Hughes) #9,
3:2 [July 1976]. 165-74.
------. H.G. Wells: A
Collection of Critical Essays (Hughes) #9, 3:2 [July 1976]. 165-74.
BERNARDI, Daniel Leonard.
Star Trek and History: Race-ing Toward a White Future
(Consalvo). #76, 25:3 [November 1998]. 543-45.
BERNARDO, Susan M., and Graham J. Murphy. Ursula K. Le Guin: A Critical Companion (Ransom). #107, 36:1 [March 2009]. 144-53.
BERTHA, Csilla. See MORSE.
BESSIÈRE, Jean, ed. Modernités
de Jules Verne (Berri). #49, 16:3 [November 1989]. 369-78.
BETZ, Phyllis M. The Lesbian Fantastic: A Critical Study of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal and Gothic Writings (Ransom). #118, 39:3 [November 2012]. 539-41.
BICKLEY, Gillian. Hong Kong Invaded! A ’97 Nightmare
(Bleiler). #86, 29:1 [March 2002]. 111-12.
BILLINGS, Harold. M.P. Shiel: The Middle Years, 1897-1923 (Zieger). #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 340-341.
BILLSON, Anne. The
Thing (Landon). #75, 25:2 [July 1998]. 361-70.
BINGENHEIMER, Heinz. Transgalaxis:
Katalog der deutschsprachigen utopisch-phantastischen Literatur
1460-1960 (Rottensteiner). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 279-84.
BISCEGLIA, Jacques, & Roland Buret. Trésors
du roman policier, de la science-fiction et du fantastique:
catalogue encyclopedique (Angenot). #29, 10:1 [March 1983]. 113-14.
BISHOP, Katherine E., David Higgins, and Jerry Määttä, eds. Plants in Science Fiction: Speculative Vegetation (Chris Pak). #143, 48:1 [March 2021]. 145-148.
BISON BOOKS. "Frontiers of
Imagination" Series (Latham). #78, 26:2 [July 1999]. 338-39.
Approaches to the
Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin (Barr). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 111-15.
BLACKFORD, Jenny, & Norman Talbot et al., eds. Contrary
Modes: Proceedings of the World Science Fiction Conference,
Melbourne, Australia (Leahy). #40, 13:3 [November 1986]. 402-03.
BLACKFORD, Russell, Van Ikin, and Sean
McMullen. Strange
Constellations: A History of Australian Science Fiction (Levy). #80, 27:1 [March 2000]4-31.
BLADE RUNNER: Five-Disc Ultimate Collector’s Edition (Andrew M. Butler). #106, 35:3 [November 2008]. 485-91.
BLAIM, Artur. Gazing in Useless Wonder: English Utopian Fictions, 1516-1800 (Parrinder). #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 209-12.
BLANC, Bernard. Pourquoi
j'ai tué Jules Verne (Angenot). #18, 6:2 [July 1979]. 228.
Blaschke, Jayme Lynn.Voices
of Vision: Creators of Science Fiction and Fantasy Speak
(Parrett). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 188-91.
BLEICH, David. Utopia: The
Psychology of a Cultural Fantasy (Wagar). #41, 14:1 [March
1987]. 99-104.
BLEILER, E.F. The Checklist
of Science Fiction and Supernatural Fiction (Locke). #20,
7:1 [March 1980]. 96-100.
------. Science Fiction
Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early
Nineteenth Century to the Present Day (Elkins). #29, 10:1
[March 1983]. 101-05.
------. The Steam Man of the
Prairies and Seven Other Dime Novels. (Mullen). #4, 1:4
[Fall 1974]. 300-05.
BLEILER, Everett F., with Richard J. Bleiler. Science-Fiction:
The Early Years (Mullen). #54, 18:2 [July 1991]. 267-71.
------, (with the assistance of Richard J. Bleiler). Science-Fiction:
The Gernsback Years: A Complete Coverage of the Genre Magazines
"Amazing," "Astounding," "Wonder," and
Others from 1926 through 1936 (Pringle). #81, 27:2 [July
2000]. 310-11.
BLEILER, Richard, ed. Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early Nineteenth
Century to the Present Day. 2nd ed. (Latham). #85, 28:3 [November
2001]. 436-42.
BLISH, James. The
Tale that Wags the God (Wolfe). #52, 17:3 [November 1990]. 392-400.
BLOCH, Robert N.
Bibliographie der Utopie und Phantastik 1650-1950 im deutschen
Sprachraum [Bibliography of utopias and fantasies in the German
language] (Rottensteiner). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 195-98.
der utopischen und phantastischen Literatur 1750-1950 (Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2 [July 1985]. 209-20.
BLOOM, Clive. Cult
Fiction: Popular Reading and Pulp Theory (Beatty). #80, 27:1
[March 2000]. 159-62.
-----. Gothic Horror: A
Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond (Latham). #77,
26:1 [March 1999]. 148-49.
BLOOM, Harold, ed. Ursula K. Le
Guin (Cummins). #44, 15:1 [March 1988]. 99-101.
BODIN, Félix. The Novel of the Future (Alkon). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 352-55.
BOGDANOFF, Igor, & Grichka Bogdanoff. Clefs
pour la science-fiction (Angenot). #12, 4:2 [July 1977]. 207-08.
------. L'Effet science-fiction:
à la recherche d'une définition (Angenot). # 21, 7:2 [July
1980]. 228.
BOGDANOV, Alexander. Red
Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia (Gerould). # 42, 14:2 [July
1987]. 271-74.
BOIA, Lucian. Jules Verne: les
paradoxes d’un mythe. (Evans). #100, 33:3 [November 2006].
-------. See also ABRET.
BOLTON, Christopher. Sublime Voices: The Fictional Science and Scientific Fiction of Abe Kobo (Tatsuimi). #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 341-343
BOLTON, Christopher, & Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., & Takayuki Tatsumi, eds. Robot Ghosts and Wired Dream: Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime (Nakatani). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 525-528.
BOOKER, M. Keith. The
Dystopian Impulse in Modern Literature: Fiction as Social Criticism.
(Fitting). #66, 22:2 [July 1995].272-81;
#64, 21:3 [November 1994]. 431-40.
------. Dystopian
Literature: A Theory and Research Guide (Fitting). #66,
22:2 [July 1995]. 272-81.
------. Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Cinema (Sharp). #112, 39:1 [March 2012]. 123-125.
------. Monsters, Mushroom Clouds, and the Cold War: American Science Fiction and the Roots of Postmodernism, 1946-1964
(Freedman). #86, 29:1 [March 2002]. 112-16.
------. Red, White, and Spooked: The Supernatural in American Culture (Noone). #111, 37:2 [July 2010]. 308-310.
Science Fiction Television (Butler).
#96, 32:2 [July 2005]. 333-39.
BOOKER, M. Keith & Anne-Marie Thomas. The Science Fiction Handbook (Hatfield). #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 344-345.
BOON, Kevin Alexander, ed. New
Essays on the Work of Kurt Vonnegut (Ash). #88, 29:3 [November
2002]. 496-99.
BOOS, Florence S., & Carole G. Silver, eds. Socialism
and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. (Salmon). #56,
19:1 [March 1992]. 137-40
BOOTH, Austin. See Mary FLANAGAN.
BORGMEIER, Raimund, & Ulrich Broich & Ulrich Suerbaum. Science
Fiction. Theorie Und Geschichte, Themen und Typen, Form und Weltbilt
(Rottensteiner). #36, 12:2 [July 1985]. 209-20.
BOTTING, Fred. Sex, Machines
and Navels: Fiction, Fantasy and History in the Future Present
(Badmington). #81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 321-23.
------. Limits of Horror: Technology, Bodies, Gothic (Freedman). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 528-530.
------. Making Monstrous:
"Frankenstein," Criticism, Theory (Ketterer). #58, 19:3
[November 1992]. 432-34.
BOUCHARD, Guy, & Laurent Giroux & Gilbert Leclerc. L'Utopie
aujourd'hui (Beaulé). #42, 14:2 [July 1987]. 281-83.
BOULD, Mark. The Anthropocene Unconscious: Climate Catastrophe Culture (Nathaniel Isaacson). #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 555-558.
------. Science Fiction (Shaviro). #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 376-78.
------. Solaris (Vint). #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 563-72.
------, ed. “Africa SF.” Special issue of Paradoxa, No. 25 (Jalondra Davis Brown). #124, 41:3 [November 2014]. 650-53.
------, & Andrew M. Butler, & Adam Roberts, & Sherryl Vint, eds. Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction (Rabkin). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 530-532.
------, Andrew M. Butler, Adam Roberts, and Sherryl Vint, eds. The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction (Seed). #110, 37.1 [March 2010]. 110-13.
------, and China Mieville, eds. Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction (Frelik). #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 498-502.
------, and Michelle Reid,
eds. Parietal Games: Critical Writings By and On
M. John Harrison (Langan). #99,
33:2 [July 2006]. 348-52.
------, and Sherry Vint. The Routledge Concise History of Science Fiction (McCarthy). #117, 39:2 [July 2012]. 327-331.
------, and Rhys Williams, ed. SF Now. Paradoxa #26 (Higgins). #127, 42:3 [November 2015]. 574-82.
BOUYXOU, J.P. La Science-fiction
au cinéma (Ohlin) #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974].287-290; Straw. #22,
7:3 [November 1980]. 344-45.
BOWLER, Peter J. A History of the Future: Prophets of Progress from H.G. Wells to Isaac Asimov (McCarthy). #136, 45:3 [November 2018]. 598-600.
BOWSER, Rachel A. & Brian Croxall, eds. Like Clockwork: Steampunk Pasts, Presents, and Futures (Andrew M. Butler). #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 599-601.
------. "Steampunk, Science, and (Neo) Victorian technologies." Special issue of Neo-Victorian Studies (Nevins). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 513-518.
BOYER, Robert H. See TYMM.
BOZZETTO, Roger. L'Obscur objet
d'un savoir (Evans). #58, 19:3 [November 1992]. 431.
------. Territoires des
fantastiques: des romans gothiques aux récits d’horreur moderne
(Evans). #77, 26:1 [March 1999]. 149.
BRANCO, Marcello Simão Branco, ed. Prêmio
Nova de Ficção Científica: Os Primeiros Dez Anos (Ginway).
#84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 309-11.
BRADY, Clark A.
The Burroughs
Cyclopaedia: Characters, Places, Fauna, Flora, Technologies,
Languages, Ideas and Terminologies Found in the Works of Edgar Rice
Burroughs (Birns). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 156-60.
BRAKE, Mark L., and Neil Hook. Different Engines: How Science Drives Fiction and Fiction Drives Science (St. Clair). #107, 36:1 [March 2009]. 154-55.
BRANWYN, Gareth, Peter Sugarman, et al. Beyond
Cyberpunk: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to the Future (Landon). #61,
20:3 [November 1993]. 449-56.
BRAY, Suzanne, ed. Dimensions of Madeleine L’Engle: New Critical Approaches (Menefee). #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 601-602.
BRÉAN, Simon. La Science-Fiction en France: Théorie et histoire d’une littérature (Evans). #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 534-39.
BRENNAN, Matthew C. The
Gothic Psyche: Disintegration and Growth in Nineteenth-Century
English Literature (Arnzen). #76, 25:3 [November 1998]. 548-49.
BRETNOR, Reginald, ed. The
Craft of Science Fiction (Aldiss). #11, 4:2 [March 1997]. 71-74.
------, ed. Science Fiction,
Today and Tomorrow (Nicol). #3, 1:3 [Spring 1974]. 220-21.
BRIANS, Paul. Nuclear Holocausts:
Atomic War in Fiction, 1895-1984 (McIntire). #47, 16:1
[March 1989]. 110-13.
BRIGG, Peter. J.G. Ballard
(McGucken). #51, 17:2 [July 1990]. 278-80.
The Span of Mainstream and Science
Fiction: A Critical Study of a New Literary Genre.
(Easterbrook). #91, 30:3 [November 2003]. 510-13.
BRITTAIN, David. Eduardo Paolozzi at New Worlds: Science Fiction and Art in the Sixties (Andrew M. Butler). #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 166-70.
BRIZZI, Mary T. Philip José
Farmer (Siegel). #24, 8:2 [July 1981]. 221-22.
BROCK, Marilyn, ed. From Wollstonecraft to Stoker: Essays on Gothic and Victorian Sensation Fiction (Lutz). #110, 37.1 [March 2010]. 113-15.
BRODERICK, Damien. Earth is But a Star: Excursions Through Science Fiction to the Far Future
(Webb). #86, 29:1 [March 2002]. 116-18.
------. Reading by
Starlight: Postmodern Science Fiction (Samuelson). #71, 24:2
[July 1981]. 150-53.
------. The Time Machine Hypothesis: Extreme Science Meets Science Fiction(James Hamby). #142, 47:3 [November 2020]. 472-474.
Fiction: Writing in the Slipstream of Science
(Samuelson). #84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 291-93.
------. Unleashing the Strange: Twenty-First Centry Science Fiction Literature (Guzkowski). #113, 38:1 [March 2011]. 194-195.
x,y,z,t: dimensions of science fiction
#96, 32:2 [July 2005]. 342-45.
BRODY, Jennifer DeVere . Impossible
Purities: Blackness, Femininity, and Victorian Culture
(Smearsmith). #81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 336-38.
BROOKE, Keith, ed. Strange Divisions and Alien Territories: The Sub-Genres of Science Fiction (Winter). #120, 40:2 [July 2013]. 378-79.
BROOKE-ROSE, Christine. A
Rhetoric of the Unreal: Studies in Narrative and Structure,
Especially of the Fantastic (Wolfe). #28, 9:3 [November
1982]. 330-31.
BROOKER, Will, ed. The Blade Runner Experience: The Legacy of a Science Fiction Classic (Andrew M. Butler). #106, 35:3 [November 2008]. 485-91.
BROSNAN, John. Future
Tense: The Cinema of Science Fiction (Annas). #22, 7:3
[November 1980]. 323-29.
BROTTMAN, Mikita. Offensive
Films: Towards an Anthropology of Cinéma Vomitif (Latham).
#76, 25:3 [November 1998] .563.
BROWN, Charles N. and William G. Contento. The
Locus Index to Science Fiction, with Index to Science Fiction
Anthologies and Collections (Latham). #77, 26:1 [March 1999]. 146-47.
BROWN, J. Andrew Brown. Test Tube Envy: Science and Power in Argentine Narrative. #102, 34:2 [July 2007]. 320-24.
BROWN, Jayna. Black Utopias: Speculative Life and the Music of Other Worlds (Jalondra A. Davis). #145, 48:3 [November 2021]. 570-573.
BROWN, Jeffrey A. Black Superheroes, Milestone Comics, and Their Fans. Studies in Popular Culture (Sanders). #102, 34:2 [July 2007]. 312-13.
BROWN, Joanne and Nancy St. Clair.
Declarations of Independence:
Empowered Girls in Young Adult Literature, 1990-2001 (Sanders).
#92, 31:1 [March 2004]. 138.
BROWN, Peggy Ann. "Edward
Bellamy: An Introductory Bibliography," in American Studies
International (1988) (Roemer). #48, 16:2 [July 1989]. 238-40.
BROWN, Richard, Christopher Duffy, & Elizabeth Stainforth. J.G. Ballard: Landscapes of Tomorrow (Luckhurst). #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 602-605.
BROWN, Steven T. Tokyo Cyberpunk: Posthumanism in Japanese Visual Culture (Jonathan Smith). #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 125-127.
BRYLD, Mette & Nina Lykke. Cosmodolphins: Feminist Cultural Studies of Technology, Animals, and the Sacred
(James Satter). #82, 27: [November 2000]. 531-33.
BRYFONSKI, Dedria, ed. Contemporary
Literary Criticism (Elkins). #20, 7:1 [March 1980]. 110.
B.T.2. "La
Science-fiction." (Angenot). #18, 6:2 [July 1979]. 238.
BUCHNER, Herrnann. Programmiertes
Gluck: Sozialkritik in der utopischen Sowjetliteratur
(Rottensteiner). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 279-84.
BUCKNALL, Barbara J. Ursula K. Le
Guin (Angenot). #27, 9:2 [July 1982]. 223-24.
BUCKRICH, Judith Raphael. George Turner: A Life
(James). #85, 28:3 [November 2001].447-48.
BUDRYS, Algis. Outposts:
Literatures of Milieux (Mullen). #72, 24:2 [July 1997]. 318-23.
BUKATMAN, Scott. Blade
Runner (Landon). #75, 25:2 [July 1998]. 361-70.
Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodern Science Fiction
(Gordon). #61, 20:3 [November 1993]. 444-48.
-------. Matters of Gravity:
Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century (Landon). #93, 31:2 [July 2004]. 302-06.
BULL, Emma, and Will Shetterly. Double
Feature (Mullen). #63, 21:2 [July 1994]. 241.
BULWER-Lytton. Edward.
The Coming Race
(Sanders). #98 33:1 [March 2006]. 180-82. See also Hassler, #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 355-56.
BURDEKIN, Katherine. The Proud
Man (Wolfe). #63, 21:2 [July 1994]. 260-61.
------. Swastika Night
(Crossley). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 93-98.
BURGESS, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange (Jarvis). #118, 39:3 [November 2012]. 541-43.
BURGESS, Michael. A Guide to
Science Fiction and Fantasy in the Library of Congress
Classification Scheme (Elkins). #35, 12:2 [March 1985]. 104.
------ . Reference Guide to
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror and The Work of Robert Reginald
(Mullen). #58, 29:3 [November 1992]. 431-33.
------ and Lisa. R. Bartle.
Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror (Ekman).
#92, 31:1 [March 2004]. 138-41.
------. See also REGINALD.
BURGESS, Scott Alan. The Work of
Dean Ing: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide (Mullen). #56,
19:1 [March 1992]. 145-46.
BURNHAM, Karen. Greg Egan (Murphy). #126, 42:2 [July 2015]. 366-68.
Tony. Political Theory, Science Fiction, and Utopian Literature: Ursula K. Le Guin and The Dispossessed (Ransom). #107, 36:1 [March 2009]. 144-53.
BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice.
(Parrett). #91, 30:3 [November 2003]. 500-03.
------. The Eternal Savage:
Nu of the Neocene (Birns) #93, 31:2 [July 2004]. 298-300.
The Martian Tales
Trilogy: A Princess of Mars, The Gods of Mars, The Warlord of Mars
(Birns). #98, 33:1 [March 2006]. 156-61.
------. Under the Moons of Mars
(Kupfer). #93, 31:2 [July 2004]. 301-02.
BURROUGHS, William S. Word
Virus: The William S. Burroughs Reader, ed. James Grauerholz
and Ira Silverberg (Latham). #78, 26:2 [July 1999]. 341.
BURROWS, William. The Story
of the First Space Age (Witt). #81, 27:2 [March 2000]. 349-50.
BURTON, James. The Philosophy of Science Fiction: Henri Bergson and the Fabulations of Philip K. Dick (Shaviro). #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 575-77. Leslie J. Fernandez #136, 45:3 [November 2018]. 600-603.
BURWELL, Jennifer. Notes on
Nowhere: Feminism, Utopian Logic, and Social Transformation (Weinstone). #80, 27:1 [March 2000]. 151-54.
BUSCH, Justin E.A. The Utopian Vision of H.G. Wells (Murphy). #114, 38:2 [July 2011]. 345-346.
BUSS, Jared S. Willy Ley: Prophet of the Space Age (Kilgore). #135 , 45:1 [March 2018]. 355-57.
BUTCHER, William. Jules Verne:
The Definitive Biography. (Evans). #100, 33:3 [November
2006]. 557-60.
------. Jules Verne inédit: les manuscrits déchiffrés [The Unpublished Jules Verne: The Manuscripts Deciphered] (Evans). #127, 42:3 [November 2015]. 557-65.
Verne's Journey
to the Center of the Self: Space and Time in the "Voyages
Extraordinaires" (Evans). #54, 18:2 [July 1991]. 275-79.
------. See also VERNE.
BUTLER, Andrew M. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Vint). #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 563-72.
------. Philip
K. Dick (Irvine) #84, 28:2
[July 2001]. 299-302.
------. The Pocket Essential
Cyberpunk (Freedman). #85, 28:3 [November 2001]. 443-47.
------. Solar Flares: Science Fiction in the 1970s (Higgins). #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 551-53.
------, ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction (Langan). #102, 34:2 [July 2007]. 324-29.
------, and Farah Mendlesohn.
The True Knowledge of Ken MacLeod (Langan). #93, 31:2 [July
2004]. 294-98.
BUTLER, John Anthony ed. The
Man in the Moon (Philmus). #69, 23:2 [July 1996]. 260-69.
BYRNE-SMITH, Dan, ed. Science Fiction (Joel P.W. Letkemann). #144, 48:2 [July 2021]. 361-365.
BYRON, Glennis, ed. New
Casebooks: DRACULA (by Bram Stoker) (Latham). #81,
27:1 [March 2000]. 362-63.
CALL, Lewis. BDSM in American Science Fiction and Fantasy (Meltzer). #125, 42:1 [March 2015]. 158-62.
CALLOW, Christos, Jr. & Anna McFarlane, eds. Adam Roberts: Critical Essays (Dougherty). #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 581-86.
CALVIN, Ritch. Feminist Science Fiction and Feminist Epistemology: Four Modes (Attebery). #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 605-607.
-------. Queering SF: Readings (Phoenix Alexander). #149, 50:1 [March 2023]. 119-20.
CAMPBELL, Ian, ed. Science Fiction in Translation: Perspectives on the Global Theory and Practice of Translation (Lorenzo Andolfatto). #149, 50:1 [March 2023]. 121-24.
CANAVAN, Gerry. Octavia E. Butler (Rebekah Sheldon). #133, 44:3 [November 2017]. 607-610.
------, and Eric Carl Link, eds. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction (McGuirk). #143, 48:1 [March 2021]. 139-144.
------, and Kim Stanley Robinson, eds. Green Planets: Ecology and Science Fiction (Frelik). #126, 42:2 [July 2015]. 361-65.
CANDELARIA, Matthew. See George SLUSSER.
CANNADY, Marilyn. Bigger Than
Life: The Creator of Doc Savage (Clareson). #53, 18: [March
1991]. 143-46.
CANTO, Christophe, and Odile Faliu. The
History of the Future (Wolfe). #63, 21:2 [July 1994]. 265-67.
CANTRIL, Hadley. The
Invasion from Mars. A Study in the Psychology of Panic
(Clarke). #45, 15:2 [July 1988]. 240-43.
CAPANNA, Pablo. Cordwainer Smith: Lord of the Afternoon (McGuirk). #121, 40:3 [November 2013]. 553-55.
ČAPEK, Karel. The
Absolute at Large, with an introduction by William E.
Harkins (Mullen). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 300-05.
The Absolute at Large
(Philmus). #100 33:3 [November 2006]. 526-27.
-------. War with the
Newts Trans. Osers (Maslen). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 82-92.
------. War with the
Newts Trans. Weatherall (Maslen). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 82-92.
Grammarian's Desk (Meyers). #72, 24:2 [July 1997]. 265-66.
CARACCIOLO, Peter L., ed. The
Arabian Nights in English Literature (Bleiler). #53, 18:1
[March 1991]. 150-51.
CARD, Orson Scott, ed.
Masterpieces: The
Best Science Fiction of the Century (Sanders).
#89, 30:1 [March 2003]. 101-08.
CARONIA, Antonio. Il
Cyborg. Saggio sull'uomo artificiale (Pagetti). #42, 14:2
[July 1987]. 261-66.
CAROTI, Simone. The Culture Series of Iain M. Banks: A Critical Introduction (Winter). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 379-81.
------. The Generation Starship in Science Fiction: A Critical History, 1934-2001 (Levy). #117, 39:2 [July 2012]. 332-333
CARPENTER, Charles A. Dramatists
and the Bomb: American and British Playwrights Confront the Nuclear
Age, 1945-1964 (Brians). #81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 318-19.
CARR, A.A. Eye Killers: A Novel (Mullen).
#66, 22:2 [July 1995]. 296-97.
CARR, John F. H. Beam Piper: A Biography (Sanders). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 361-62.
I Am Alive and You Are Dead: A Journey into the Mind of
Philip K. Dick (Prager).
#99, 33:2 [July 2006]. 352-55.
CARRINGTON, André M. Speculative Blackness: The Future of Race in Science Fiction (Lavender). #131, 44:1 [March 2017]. 164-71.
CARSON, David. See LANE.
CARTER, Albert Howard. Italo
Calvino: Metamorphoses of Fantasy (Cromphout). #48, 16:2
[July 1989]. 236-38.
CARTER, Angela. Shaking
A Leg: Collected Writings (McGuirk). #79, 26:3 [November
1999]. 473-81.
CARTER, Lin. Lovecraft: A Look
Behind the Cthulhu Mythos (Mullen). #58, 19:3 [November
1992]. 435.
CARTER, Margaret L., ed. Dracula:
The Vampire and the Critics (Hollinger). #52, 17:3 [November
1990]. 409-11.
CARTER, Paul A. The
Creation of Tomorrow: Fifty Years of Magazine Science Fiction
(Sanders). #15, 5:2 [July 1978]. 179-80
CARTMELL, Deborah , I.Q. Hunter, Heidi Kaye, &
Imelda Whelehan, eds. Pulping
Fictions: Consuming Culture Across the Literature/Media Divide (Beatty). #80, 27:1 [March 2000]. 159-62.
Aesthetics: Popular Culture and Its Audience (Beatty). #80,
27:1 [March 2000]. 159-62.
CASE, George. Calling Dr. Strangelove: The Anatomy and Influence of the Kubrick Masterpiece (Latham). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 365-72.
CASSIDAY, Bruce, ed. Modern
Mystery, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Writers (Evans). #62,
21:1 [March 1994].119-20.
CASSIDY, Eric. See DIXON, Joan Broadhurst.
CASTRO, Ingrid E, &. Jessica Clark. Child and Youth Agency in Science Fiction: Travel, Technology, Time (Ayanni C.H. Cooper). #142, 47:3 [November 2020]. 464-471.
CAUSO, Robert de Sousa, ed. Biblioteca
Essencial da Ficção Científica, vols. 1 & 2 (Rambo). #75,
25:2 [July 1998]. 390-93.
CAUTE, David. The
Illusion (Parrinder) #2, 1:2 [Fall 1973].138.
Cyberpunk and
Cyberculture: Science Fiction and the work of William Gibson (Bould). #82, 27:2 [November 2000]. 520-22.
CAVE, Stephen, Kanta Dihal, and Sarah Dillon, eds. AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines(Hollinger). #145, 48:3 [November 2021]. 573-577.
CAWELTI, John G. Adventure,
Mystery and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture
(Szanto). #12, 4:2 [July 1977]. 208-10.
The CEA Critic (Special Issue):
Fantasy (Elkins). #17, 6:1 [March 1979]. 109.
CEDARSTROM, Lorelei. Fine-Tuning
the Feminine Psyche: Jungian Patterns in the Novels of Doris Lessing
(Hayles). #56, 19:1 [March 1992]. 131-33.
CHAMBERS, Robert W. In Search of the
Unknown, with introduction by Sam Moskowitz (Mullen). #4,
1:4 [Fall 1974]. 300-05.
CHAN, Amy Kit-sze. See WONG.
CHAN, Edward K. The Racial Horizon of Utopia: Unthinking the Future of Race in Late Twentieth-Century Utopian Novels (Taylor Evans). #132, 44:2 [July 2017]. 367-71.
CHAPMAN, Edgar L. The Magic
Labyrinth of Philip José Farmer (Wolfe). #37, 12:3 [November
1985]. 345-46.
------. The Road to
Castle Mount: The Science Fiction of Robert Silverberg
(Latham). #81, 27: [July 2000]. 342-43.
CHAPMAN, James, and Nicholas J. Cull. Projecting Tomorrow: Science Fiction and Popular Cinema (Fritzsche). #126, 42:2 [July 2015]. 368-71.
CHATELAIN, Danièle. See
SLUSSER, George.
CHAUVIN, Cy, ed. A
Multitude of Visions (Mullen). #9, 3:2 [July 1976]. 209.
CHENG, John. Astounding Wonder: Imagining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America (Saler). #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 148-56.
CHERRY, Bridig. Horror (Kimberley Hall). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 532-534.
CHEYFITZ, Eric. The Poetics of
Imperialism: Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan
(Hassler). #55, 18:3 [November 1991]. 448-50.
CHILESE, Viviana, and Heinz-Peter Preußer, eds. Technik in Dystopien [Technology in Dystopias] (Seyferth). #124, 41:3 [November 2014]. 653-55.
CHOYCE, Lesley. See BELL.
CHRISTENSEN, Allan Conrad. Edward
Bulwer-Lytton: The Fiction of New Regions (Mullen). #11, 4:1
[March 1977]. 82.
------, ed. The Subverting Vision of Bulwer-Lytton:
Bicentenary Reflections (Bleiler). #96, 32:2
[July 2005]. 346.
CHRISTOPHER, R, & Joan K. Ostling. C.S.
Lewis: An Annotated Checklist of Writings about Him and His Works
(Mullen). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 309.
Cinéma D'Aujourd'hui. No. 7:
"Demain la science-fiction" (Straw). #22, 7:3 [November
1980]. 345.
CHU, Seo-Young. Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep? A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation (Rieder). #115, 38:3 [November 2011]. 534-538.
CIOFFI, Frank. Formula Fiction?
An Anatomy of American Science Fiction, 1930-1940
(Weinstock). #35, 12:1 [March 1985]. 97-98.
CLAEYS, Gregory. Dystopia: A Natural History. A Study of Modern Despotism, Its Antecedents, and Its Literary Diffractions (Parrinder). #135 , 45:1 [March 2018]. 357-61.
-------, ed. Modern
British Utopias 1700-1850 (Evans). #81, 27:1 [March 2000]. 364-66.
-------, ed. Restoration
and Augustan British Utopias (Bleiler).
#84, 28:2 [July 2001]. 311-13.
CLARE, Ross. Ancient Greece and Rome in Modern Science Fiction (Rick Cousins). #152, 51:1 [March 2024]. 102-104.
CLARENS, Carlos. An
Illustrated History of the Horror Film (Annas). #22, 7:3
[November 1980]. 323-29.
CLARESON, Thomas D. Frederik
Pohl (Samuelson). #46, 15:3 [November 1988]. 361-68.
------. Robert Silverberg
(Wolfe). #33, 11:2 [July 1984]. 211-13.
------. Robert Silverberg: A
Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Wolfe). #33, 11:2 [July
1984]. 211-13.
------. Science Fiction in
America, 1870s-1930s: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary Sources
(McCarthy). #42, 14:2 [July 1987]. 275-76.
------. Some Kind of Paradise: The
Emergence of American Science Fiction (McCarthy). #42, 14:2
[July 1987]. 275-76.
------. Understanding
Contemporary American Science Fiction (Mullen). #52, 17:3
[November 1990]. 407-09.
------, ed. Many Futures, Many
Worlds: Theme and Form in Science Fiction (Sanders). #12,
4:2 [July 1977]. 204-07.
------, ed.
Voices for the Future: Essays
on Major Science Fiction Writers (Fredericks). #10, 3:3
[November 1976]. 291-93.
------, & Joe Sanders. The Heritage of Heinlein: A Critical Reading of the Fiction (Winter). #123, 41:2 [July 2014]. 436-42..
------, & Thomas L. Wymer, eds. Voices
for the Future, Volume Three (Spencer). #35, 12:1 [March
1985]. 98-100.
CLARK, Stephen R. How to Live
Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy (Tucker). #70, 23:3
[November 1996]. 534-36.
CLARKE, Amy. Ursula K. Le Guin's Journey to Post-Feminism (Lindow). #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 485-490.
CLARKE, Arthur C. Greetings,
Carbon-Based Bipeds!: Collected Essays (Benford). #81, 27:1
[March 2000]. 352-53.
------. The
View From Serendip (Theall & Benedict). #18, 6:2 [July
1979]. 230.
CLARKE, Bruce. Neocybernetics and Narrative (Merryman). #126, 42:2 [July 2015]. 371-73.
-------, & Manuela Rossini, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman (Ingwersen). #135 , 45:1 [March 2018]. 361-63.
CLARKE, Boden, ed. Bibliographies
of Modern Authors #1-25 (Mullen). #53, 18:1 [March 1991]. 151-52.
CLARKE, I.F., ed. British
Future Fiction, 1700-1914 (Alkon). #88, 29:3 [November 2002]. 492-96
-------. The Next Great
War with Germany, 1890-1914: Fictions and Fantasies of the War to
Come (Gannon). #73, 24:3 [November 1997]. 508-10.
------. Tale of the Future
(Locke). #20, 7:1 [March 1980]. 96-100.
------. The Tale of the Next
Great War, 1817-1914: Fiction of Future Warfare and Battles
Still-to-Come (Franklin). #69, 23:2 [July 1996]. 287-88.
------. Voices Prophesying War:
Future Wars 1763-3749 2nd ed. (Franklin). #61, 20:3
[November 1993]. 476.
CLARKE, Jaime, ed. Conversations with Jonathan Lethem (Frelik). #119, 40:1 [March 2013]. 163-66.
CLARKE, Jim. Science Fiction and Catholicism: The Rise and Fall of the Robot Papacy (Paul Scott) . #144, 48:2 [July 2021]. 365-367.
CLUTE, John. The Book
of End Times: Grappling with the Millennium (Ketterer). #81,
27:1 [March 2000]. 296-302.
------. The Darkening Garden: A Short Lexicon of Horror. (Langan) #103, [November 2007]. 492-95.
------. Look
at the Evidence: Essays and Reviews (Csicsery-Ronay). #71,
24: [March 1997]. 139-50.
------. Pardon This Interruption: Fantastika in the World Storm (Canavan). #116, 39:1 [March 2012]. 127-129.
------. Science Fiction: The
Illustrated Encyclopedia. (Mullen). #68, 23: [March 1996]. 135-36.
Scores. Reviews:
1993-2003. (Hartwell) #95 32:1 [March
2005]. 183-187.
----- and John Grant, eds. The
Encyclopedia of Fantasy (Baker). #74, 25: [March 1998]. 128-30.
COBLENTZ, Stanton A. The Sunken
World (Mullen). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 292-97.
-----, with Dr Jeffrey M. Elliot. Adventures
of a Freelancer: The Literary Exploits and Autobiography of Stanton
A Coblentz (Mullen). #62, 21:1 [March 1994]. 103-12.
COELSCH-FOISNER, Sabin,e and Sarah Herbe, eds. New Directions in the European Fantastic (Frelik). #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 212-14.
COGELL, Elizabeth Cummins. Ursula
K. Le Guin: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Bittner).
#31, 10:3 [November 1983]. 350-52.
COJOCARU, Daniel. Violence and Dystopia: Mimesis and Sacrifice in Contemporary Western Dystopian Narratives (Hicks). #132, 44:2 [July 2017]. 351-56.
The Cult of Alien
Gods: H.P. Lovecraft and Extraterrestrial Pop Culture. (Janicker).
#100, 33:3 [November 2006]. 553-54.
------. Knowing Fear: Science, Knowledge, and the Development of the Horror Genre (Janicker). #107, 36:1 [March 2009]. 155-57.
------, ed. “A Hideous Bit of Morbidity”: An Anthology of Horror Criticism from the Enlightenment to World War I (Ransom). #110, 37.1 [March 2010]. 115-17.
COLEBROOK, Martyn, and Katherine Cox, eds. The Transgressive Iain Banks: Essays on a Writer Beyond Borders (Dougherty). #123, 41:2 [July 2014]. 443-45.
COLIGNON, Fabienne. Rocket States: Atomic Weaponry and the Cultural Imagination(Latham). #129, 43:2 [July 2016]. 365-72.
COLLETTIVO "Un'Ambigua Utopia," eds. Nei
labirinti della fantascienza (Pagetti). #23, 8:1 [March
1981]. 99-100.
COLLINGS, Michael R. In the Image
of God: Theme, Characterization, and Landscape in the Fiction of
Orson Scott Card (Nicol). #56, 19:1 [March 1992]. 128-30.
------. Piers Anthony
(Brigg). #33, 11:2 [July 1984]. 213.
------. Storyteller: The Official Orson Scott Card Bibliography and Guide
(Beatty). #85, 28:3 [November 2001]. 456-57.
------. The Work of
Stephen King (Mullen). #72, 24:2 [July 1997]. 323.
Paul, Steven Paulsen, and Sean McMullen, eds.
The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy
(Levy). #80, 27:1 [March 2000]. 124-31.
COLLINS, Robert A., & Robert Latham, eds. Science
Fiction and Fantasy Review Annual 1988 (Philmus). #53, 18:1
[March 1991]. 135-37.
------ & Robert Latham, eds. Science
Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Annual 1990 (Mullen). #57,
19:2 [July 1992]. 269.
------ & Robert Latham.
Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Annual 1991 (Mullen). #62,
21:1 [March 1994]. 118.
------. See also LATHAM
COLLINS, Samuel Gerald. All Tomorrow’s Cultures: Anthropological Engagements with the Future (Nelson). #111, 37:2 [July 2010]. 310-14.
COLLON, Hélène, ed. Regards sur
Philip K. Dick: Le Kalédickoscope. Anthologie de témoignages et de
textes critiques, entretien avec Philip K. Dick et bibliographie.
(Fitting). #61, 20: [November 1993]. 476.
COLOMBO, John Robert, ed. Friendly
Aliens: Thirteen Stories of the Fantastic Set in Canada by Foreign
Authors (Ketterer). #35, 12:1 [March 1985]. 91-96.
------, ed. Years of
Light: A Celebration of Leslie A. Croutch (Ketterer). #35,
12:1 [March 1985]. 91-96.
Comparative Literature Studies:
"Utopian Social Thought in Literature and the Social
Sciences." (Suvin).
#4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 309-10.
COMPÈRE, Daniel, ed. Albert Robida: du passé au futur (Evans). #106, 35:3 [November 2008]. 523-25.
------, and Jean-Michel Margot, eds. Entretiens
avec Jules Verne 1873-1905 (Evans). #78, 26:2 [July 1999]. 334-36.
CONAN DOYLE, Arthur. The Lost World (Hayman). #97,
33:3 [November 2005]. 516-18. See also PILOT.
CONDRY, Ian. The Soul of Anime: Collaborative Creativity and Japan’s Media Success Story (Tatsumi). #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 214-16.
CONGER, Sydney et al., eds. Iconoclastic
Departures: Mary Shelley after FRANKENSTEIN: Essays in Honor
of the Bicentenary of Mary Shelley's Birth (Latham). #79,
26:3 [November 1999]. 495-97.
CONLEY, Tim, and Stephen Cain. Encyclopedia of Fictional and Fantastic Languages (Collins). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 366-69.
CONOLLY, Jez. The Thing (Vint). #130, 43:3 [November 2016]. 563-72.
CONNOLLY, Thomas. After Human: A Critical History of the Human in Science Fiction from Shelley to Le Guin (Anna McFarlane). #148, 49:3 [November 2022]. 558-562.
CONNORS, Scott, ed. The Freedom of Fantastic Things: Selected Criticism on Clark Ashton Smith (Beatty). #108, 36:2 [July 2009]. 356-58.
CONRAD, Diane, and Sean Wiebe, eds. Educational Fabulations: Teaching and Learning for a World Yet to Come (Brittany Tomin). 482-84.
CONSTABLE, Liz et al., eds., Perennial Decay: On the Aesthetics and Politics of Decadence
(Ruddick) #82, 27:3 [November 2000]. 478-84.
CONTENTO, William. Index
to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections (Mullen). #15,
5:2 [July 1978]. 182.
------. Index to Science
Fiction Anthologies and Collections, 1977-1983 (Wolfe). #42,
14:2 [July 1987]. 252-60.
COOK, Michael L. Mystery,
Detective, and Espionage Magazines (Wolfe). #42, 14:2 [July
1987]. 252-60.
COOK, William Wallace. A Round Trip
to the Year 2000 with introduction by Sam Moskowitz
(Mullen). #4, 1:4 [Fall 1974]. 300-05.
COOKE, Brett , & Frederick Turner, eds.Biopoetics:
Evolutionary Perspectives in the Arts (Freedman). #80, 27:1
[March 2000]. 170-72.
------, George E. Slusser, and Jaume Marti-Olivella, eds. The
Fantastic Other: An Interface of Perspectives. (Gordon). #76,
25:3 [November 1998]. 553-55.
CORDASCO, Rachel S. Out of this World: Speculative Fiction in Translation from the Cold War to the New Millennium (Regina Kanyu Wang). #151, 50:3 [November 2023]. 484-46.
CORDESSE, Gérard. La nouvelle
science-fiction américaine (Angenot). #41, 14:1 [March 1987]. 108-10.
CORN, Joseph J., & Brian Horrigan. Yesterday's
Tomorrows: Past Visions of the American Future (Mullen).
#70, 23:3 [November 1996]. 536
CORTIEL, Jeanne Demand My
Writing: Joanna Russ/Feminism/Science Fiction (Donawerth).
#81, 27:2 [July 2000]. 333-36.
COSTA, Richard Hauer. H.G.
Wells [rev. ed.] (Hughes). #44, 15:1 [March 1988] .95-97.
COSTE, Guy, and Joseph Altairac. Les terres creuses. Bibliographie commentee des mondes souterrains imaginaire (Fitting). #103, 34:3 [November 2007]. 514-17.
COSTELLO, Peter. Jules Verne,
Inventor of Science Fiction (Angenot). #18, 6:2 [July 1979]. 224.
COTTRILL, Tim, & Martin H. Greenberg & Charles Waugh. Science
Fiction and Fantasy Series and Sequels: A Bibliography
(Wolfe). #42, 14:2 [July 1987]. 252-60.
COWAN, Douglas E. Sacred Space: The Quest for Trancendence in Science Fiction Film and Television (Kavetsky). #114, 38: [July 2011]. 346-348.
COWART, David, & Thomas L. Wymer, eds. Twentieth
Century American Science Fiction Writers (Elkins). #29, 10:1
[March 1983].101-05.
COX, F. Brett. Roger Zelazny(Rob Latham). #147, 49:2 [July 2022]. 382-384.
COX, Greg. The Transylvanian
Library: A Consumer's Guide to Vampire Fiction. (Hollinger).
#61, 20:3 [November 1993]. 484-85.
COX, J. Randolph Cox. The
Dime Novel Companion: A Source Book (Bleiler). #84, 28:2
[July 2001]. 302-03
------. See also SCHEICK.
CRAIG, Roy. UFOs: An Insider's
View of the Official Quest for Evidence (Mullen). #68, 23:1
[March 1996]. 140-41.
"Crash: Homage to J.G. Ballard. Exhibit at Gogosian Gallery (Murray). #112, 37:3 [November 2010]. 478-484.
CREMASCHI, Inisero, ed. La
collina (Pagetti). #23, 8:1 [March 1981]. 99-100.
CRO, Stelio, ed. Description
de la Sinapia, Peninsula en la Tierra Austral: A Classical Utopia of
Spain (Wynter). #17, 6:1 [March 1979]. 100-07.
CROFT, Janet Brennan, ed. Lois McMaster Bujold: Essays on a Modern Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy (Holden). #122, 41:1 [March 2014]. 216-18.
CROSSLEY, Robert. H.G. Wells
(Hughes). #44, 15:1 [March 1988]. 95-97.
------. Imagining Mars: A Literary History (Landon). #117. 39:2 [July 2012]. 313-326.
------. An Olaf Stapleton Reader
(Wilson). #79, 26:3 [November 1999]. 500-01.
------. Olaf Stapledon:
Speaking for the Future (Philmus). #65, 22:1 [March 1995]. 106-12.
------. Talking Across the
World: The Love Letters of Olaf Stapledon and Agnes Miller,
1913-1919 (McCarthy). #45, 15:2 [July 1988]. 237-39.
------. See also STAPLEDON.
CSICSERY-RONAY, Istvan, Jr., The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction (Luckhurst). #109 36:3 [November 2009]. 513-21.
CUBITT, Sean. See SARDAR, Ziauddin.
CUMMINGS, Ray. The Girl in the
Golden Atom, with introduction by Thyrill L. Ladd. (Mullen). #4,
1:4 [Fall 1974]. 303-04.
The Girl in the Golden Atom
(Wolfe). #100 33:3 [November 2006]. 528-31.
CUMMINS, Elizabeth. Understanding
Ursula K. Le Guin (Slusser). #53, 18: [March 1991]. 110-15.
CURREY, L.W. Science Fiction and
Fantasy Authors. A Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction
and Selected Nonfiction (Philmus). #24, 8:2 [July 1981]. 226-27.
------. See also TYMN.
CUTLIFFE, Stephen H., & Judith A. Mistichelli & Christine M.
Roysdon. Technology and Values in
American Civilization: A Guide to Information Sources (Angenot).
#25, 8:3 [November 1981]. 342.
CZIGÁNYIK, Zsolt, ed. Utopian Horizons: Ideology, Politics, Literature (Cameron Ellis). #135 , 45:1 [March 2018]. 363-66.
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