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Faces of DePauw

Victoria de Dios Alumni

Film studies was not only the place I found myself happiest, but also the most intellectually challenged.

Focusing in on Film

I originally chose DePauw as it seemed the best fit for my interests – both academically and socially. I always wanted to attend a small school and programs such as the Honors Scholars and Media Fellows attracted me. I knew the film studies department was much more focused on the theoretical rather than production aspects because of DePauw’s small size, but it also inspired me to push myself to create my own path within the department. I found programs through the support of DePauw professors and Media Fellows Program that allowed me to explore the production side.

My most meaningful relationships at DePauw were connecting with faculty and staff, as a student worker and tutor I understood both sides of DePauw which greatly improved my understanding of the world and confidence in my own abilities. I had lengthy conversations with professors – sometimes lasting hours over coffee – and it was so gratifying to have my perspective respected by those I hold in high regard.

I always knew I wanted to go into film studies. Being involved in the arts all my life I understood their entertainment and technical value, and by going into a theoretical understanding through the film studies program, I began to recognize its cultural significance as well. Film studies was not only the place I found myself happiest but also the most intellectually challenged. 

There are so many factors that go into the production and analysis of a film: direction, cinematography, identities, replication of reality, etc., and by utilizing those artistic understandings I was able to apply a theoretical view of thinking to multiple different fields such as anthropology, English writing, history, philosophy, etc. Media is at the center of how we as humans communicate and understand each other, and studying film is one way to better visualize that concept.

One of the most meaningful experiences that I had at DePauw was actually off campus through the CIEE FAMU Prague study abroad filmmaking program. I went on this program as a part of my Media Fellows internship and through hands-on work with experienced filmmakers and academics, I gained confidence in my own filmmaking. The film I co-created as director of photography premiered at the Chain Film Festival in New York City. Having gone on that trip my junior year, I was able to apply and share that knowledge through my senior film capstone project.

Major: Film Studies
Minor:  English writing
Extracurricular activities: Media Fellows program; Film Club; Non-Food Pantry
Internships/Winter Terms: Producing the Short Film Winter Term; CIEE FAMU Film Studies study abroad; Asian Environmentalism Winter Term
Class: 2023