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ARTS 366

Advanced Photography: Digital Photography

This course will train students in digital photography including image acquisition, workflow management, digital printing and the software programs such as, Lightroom and Photoshop. We will use this technical training to make conceptually centered images and projects within a studio art environment. The technical training will merely be a foundation for students to develop their own ideas and concepts. The course will consist of completing a series of tutorials in Lightroom as well as demonstrations with cameras, scanners and printers. In addition, we will explore image editing/organizing workflow strategies and advanced image correction. Student's will also be introduced to the history of digital imaging within the field of photography, as well as the early origins of montage and negative compilation from the late 1800's. Like any field, and photography is no exception, technical advancements do not happen in a vacuum. These discussion invariably raise questions about photography's contested relationship to the 'truth.' Through demonstrations, tutorials, class exercises, projects, readings, and slide lectures students will learn to navigate the field of digital photography. In addition to completed projects, advanced students will be expected to lead an in-class demonstration on a material or technique they have mastered, complete a research paper on a photographic artist, and present their research in an oral presentation. Advanced students will also design their own project mid-semester. Prerequisite: Introduction to Photography and Intermediate Photography: Digital Photography

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities Introduction to Photography and Intermediate Photography: Digital Photography 1 course

Spring Semester information

Cynthia O'Dell

366A: Advanced Photography: Digital Photography