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ANTH 290

Anthropological Perspectives

This course studies innovative, timely and often interdisciplinary topics that are not a formal part of the sociology and anthropology curriculum. Often these courses apply anthropological perspectives and insights to issues that we either take for granted or study in other disciplines. Topics may include Anthropology of Time and Space; Anthropology of the Body; Power and Violence; Men and Masculinity; Judaism and Bible; and other topics. Prerequisite: ANTH 151, sophomore standing or permission of the instructor. The course may be repeated for credit with different topics.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
ANTH 151, sophomore standing or permission of the instructor 1/2-1 course

Spring Semester information

Clark Sage

290A: Perspectives: Native Indiana

Fall Semester information


290A: Persp:Applied Anthropology

Are you motivated, curious, or keen to utilize classroom knowledge to address real-world problems? Welcome to Applied Anthropology, where we employ anthropological theories, methods, and insights to concretely tackle complex societal issues. Adopting a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, we will critically explore how people understand, construct, and navigate their social worlds, and translate resulting insights into innovative, actionable recommendations or solutions across various fields. These include, among others, healthcare, education, addressing violence, community empowerment, migration, business and development, and environmental sustainability. Also, through diverse activities (e.g., readings, case study analysis, simulations, and hands-on projects), you will have the opportunity to hone transferable skills, effectively merge theory and practice, and communicate the importance of anthropological insights across multiple audiences and stakeholders (community members, policymakers, NGOs, etc.)