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F-1 Cap-Gap OPT Extension

The “Cap-Gap” is the period of time between the expiration of a student’s OPT and the start date of an H-1B petition. 

The “Cap” refers to the numerical limit of the number of people who can obtain H-1B status in a federal fiscal year.

  • April 1 marks the opening of the H-1B filing season, when USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) begins acception petitions for H-1Bs for the coming fiscal year

  • The federal fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30

If a student’s H-1B is subject to the cap and their OPT (or STEM Extension) expires before September 30, the time between the EAD expiration date and October 1 is called the “cap-gap.” 

Important Note: Higher education institutions, non-profit and government research organizations are exempt from the H-1B cap. They can file H-1B petitions any time of the year and are not subject to the numerical limit. Cap-exempt employers like these may plan advance to avoid any gap between OPT and the H-1B status start date. Since they are exempt from the cap, the information below is not applicable to them. 

Cap-Gap Eligibility

If a student meets the following criteria, they may be entitled to an extension of F-1 status and employment eligibility to cover the “Cap-Gap” period. 

  • You have maintained your F-1 status

  • Your employment is subject to the H-1B cap

  • Your EAD expires between April 1 and September 30

  • The H-1B petition was filed before your EAD expired

  • Your employer filed an H-1B petition for “Change of Status” on or after April 1

  • You must get a receipt notice

As long as your H-1B application was filed with a change of status and is part of the H-1B quota, then your OPT is extended through September 30. The cap-gap extension and its work authorization ends on October 1, when the H-1B status begins. 

Check with your employer to make sure that they filed your H-1B with a change of status. 

Additional information can be found on the USCIS and Study in the States websites.