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BUS 290

Business Topics

A. Business; B. Business Analytics. Topics are chosen from business content areas that extend explorations of content in existing courses or allow exploration of content not duplicated in regular course offerings. May be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisites: Open to students by permission of instructor or to those who satisfy prerequisites determined by the instructor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Open to students by permission of instructor or to those who satisfy prerequisites determined by the instructor. 1/4-1/2-1 course

Fall Semester information

McKenzie Lamb

290BA: Tps:Data Visualization in Tableau

Erik Wielenberg

290BB: Tps:Human Nature and Free Market Capitalism

Traditional economics seems to assume that human beings have generally stable preferences, that we are well-off to the extent that those preferences are satisfied, and that we always act so as to maximize the satisfaction of our preferences. Behavioral economists argue that this is an inaccurate (or at least incomplete) view of human nature. We will first briefly examine the origins and (some of the) central principles of traditional economics. We will then consider some of the ways that, according to behavioral economists, traditional economics rests on a mistaken view of human nature. Finally, we will draw on ideas from behavioral economics to explore some important ways in which the free market and human nature interact, including: (1) the on-going "obesity epidemic", (2) the impact of American-style free market capitalism on families and children, (3) the rise of "bullshit jobs".

Tucker Sechrest

290BC: Tps:Ethics and Business

The course examines the ways the market impacts our social and political relations and the ways in which our legal institutions constrict and enable the market. Is the market a friend or foe of equality? What kind of freedom does the free market give us? Do businesses have an obligation to support socially desirable ends? Much of the coursework will be dedicated to tying Supreme Court case opinions to classical and contemporary political philosophy.

Winter Term information

Humberto Barreto

290BA: Tps:Bloomberg & Excel Certifications for Business Analysts

Spring Semester information


290BA: Tps:Health Analytics