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HISP 390

Advanced Topics in the Spanish-Speaking World

Study of topics, such as literary periods, genres, movements or themes, areas of civilization, linguistics or oral interpretation. Prerequisite: HISP 332 or HISP 333 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 332 or HISP 333 or permission of instructor 1/2-1 course

Fall Semester information

Alejandro Puga

390A: AdvTps:Access and Equity in Latin American Countries

Spring Semester information

Soledad Forcadell

390A: AdvTps:Youth, Activism, and Performance in Latin America

Alejandro Puga

390B: AdvTps:Spiritual Practices and Healthcare in Latin America

Alejandro Puga

390C: AdvTps:Juventud: Momentos y memoria