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The Robert C. McDermond Center for Management & Entrepreneurship

The Robert C. McDermond Center for Management & Entrepreneurship

"Where Business and the Liberal Arts Come Together"


Greetings from Steve Fouty, McDermond Center Director


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The Robert C. McDermond Center for Management & Entrepreneurship helps students blend their business and entrepreneurial spirit with a liberal arts education through a focus on leadership development and experiential learning.

McDermond Center Programs and Activities

The McDermond Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 


Current Semester Program Listing

Today's Business Leaders Share Their Insights With Students

McDermond Center Speaker Series

This speaker series brings over 10 acclaimed industry leaders per year, from a variety of fields, to meet and speak with DePauw students interested in management, business and entrepreneurship. 

McDermond Center Speaker Series

Industry Insights Panels

This panel discussion series brings 20-30 experts per year to campus to discuss topics such as consulting, corporate finance, marketing, investment banking, wealth management, supply chain, public affairs, human resources, treasury, and real estate.

Industry Insight Panels

Young Alumni Discussions

This new series brings an alumnus, or panel of alumni, that graduated in the last 3-15 years to share their transition from student to graduate and their successes and struggles in the early years of their careers.  The relaxed, interactive format provides extra time for student questions. 

Young Alumni Discussions

Networking Events and Spaces to Explore Business Careers and Industries First-Hand

Darnall Industry Tours

 Students spend the day off campus at a mid-west city visiting several companies in industries of interest.  Recent tours included startup successes, real estate, public affairs and digital marketing companies

No Harm In Charm Workshop

Programs include Interview Skills, Dress for Success, Personal Branding, How to Work a Room, Dining Etiquette, and Networking

Soft-skill development workshop

Opportunities for Students to Take on Leadership Roles and Obtain Real-World Business Experience

DePauw Consulting Group

A student-run group that provides consulting services for community businesses, not-for-profits, and alumni companies. During each semester they complete specific projects for these organizations.

DePauw Consulting Group

DePauw Investment Group

A student-run group that researches investments, hosts speakers, plans strategies, and manages part of DePauw's endowment through the Herman Crown Investment Fund.

DePauw Investment Group

Investment Banking Workshop

A seven-week program aimed at Juniors interested in an investment analyst internship. The program includes guidance from dedicated mentors, exclusive networking events and a series of mock interviews.

Investment Banking Workshop

DePauw Marketing Group

Marketing Group brings speakers who are successful in the changing world of marketing. They also provide marketing services to businesses and not-for-profits such as branding, promotional materials, and web design.

DePauw Marketing Group

Women in Economics and Business (WEB)

A network of students and alumnae committed to the growth and expansion of professional and personal opportunities for its members, with a focus on business and leadership. 


DePauw Pre-Law and Public Affairs Group

Hosts pre-law and public affairs workshops, sponsors networking events with other DePauw alumni who have successful legal and/or public affairs careers, prepare for graduate school exams, etc...

Pre-Law and Public Affairs

DePauw Sports Management and Administration Group

For those students interested in a career in the sports industry - including professional, collegiate sporting teams, sporting event management, e-sports, etc...  Network with DePauw alumni who are leading successful careers at the professional and college level.  Visit the headquarters of a sports industry organization, etc...

Students Can Move Their Business Ideas Forward by being a part of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Community

DePauw Entrepreneurship Group

It provides peer-to-peer and mentor collaboration opportunities for students with startup ideas, as well as providing tools and resources for business model canvas, business plan, and pitch deck preparation.

DePauw Entrepreneurship Group

Startup Boot Camp with Steve Fouty

Preparing student entrepreneurs to pitch their idea effectively at the annual DePauw Entrepreneurship Group Pitch Competition.  Students learn how to create a Lean Canvas and how to research to prove market validation for their idea.  Then they are guided in creating their pitch deck and coached on presenting their business idea.

Start Up Bootcamp and Pitch Competition

Programs to Accelerate Business-Readiness Skills and Hands-On Experiences

Management Fellows

The Management Fellows honors program provides highly motivated and talented students education in business, management and entrepreneurship by combining a liberal arts major, specialized business courses and seminars, and a variety of experiential opportunities, including a semester-long internship.

Management Fellows Program

Ace the Case Workshop

The Ace the Case Workshop is facilitated by West Monroe.  Students learn about the different types of case interviews and what skill sets employers are looking for during the case portion of a job interview.  Students then work in teams and work through a case to present during a mock interview.

Ace The Case Workshop

Jobs in Tech 101

The McDermond Center supports Jobs in Tech 101, TechPoint’s resource for Indiana tech careers, and participates in their x-Tern Summer Internship Program.

TechPoint’s resource

Commercial vs Investment Banking Program

The Commercial vs Investment Banking program is facilitated by BMO and provide students with insights into the various career paths in banking, clarifying the differences between commercial and investment banking.

Commercial vs Investment Banking

DePauw +1 Programs for Five Year Masters Degree

Earn your undergraduate degree from DePauw then head directly into a 1 year masters program with IU Kelley School of Business, Notre Dame's ESTEEM Entrepreneurship program or Ball State's Center for Information and Communication Sciences.

DePauw +1 Masters Degree Opportunities

McDermond Center Celebrates Over 40 Years of Business-Ready Leadership Development

Programing Highlights from Prior Semesters

Take a look at the speakers, events, workshops and other programs from the past few semesters sponsored by the McDermond Center.

Prior Year Programs

McDermond Center History

The McDermond Center was founded in 1980, the vision of President Richard Rosser, and several dedicated trustees and alumni, including James W. Emison ’52, Charles L. Grannon, and Robert C. McDermond ’31.  For four decades now, the McDermond Center has provided students with an array of programming and learning opportunities, including lectures, networking events, one-on-one alumni mentoring, student group leadership experiences, real-world business projects participation, field trips, access to software tools and training, and internships.  

The services and programs offered by the McDermond Center are open to ALL DEPAUW STUDENTS, regardless of year or major.  ALUMNI are also welcome to participate in programming sponsored by the McDermond Center and to take advantage of the Center’s resources.

The McDermond Center is located on the North end of the Student Union Building at 408 South Locust Street

Connect With Us!

Contact information to schedule a virtual or face-to-face meeting: 

Steve Fouty, McDermond Center Director - stevenfouty@depauw.edu - (765) 658-4543