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On/Off-Campus Research and Employment

This page lists information about internships and job opportunities. There is no systematic attempt to gather this information. The entries are primarily from e-mails that we receive.

Off Campus

Earth Sciences https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=5050
Ocean Sciences https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=5053
Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (includes satellite imagery research) https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=10020
Social and Behavioral Sciences (includes archaeology and geography) https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=5054
Chemistry https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=5048
Physics https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=69
Biological Sciences https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=5047
Computer and Information Science and Engineering https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=5049
All REU's https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/reu_search.jsp


The Chemistry Department at the University of North Texas Summer 2023 NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program

March 8, 2023

For more information contact: REU Program Coordinators

Purdue University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 
Apply Now!: Purdue SURF application  Deadline is Feb 15, 2023.
Check out the Pathways Scholars cohort (priority deadline is Feb 1, 2023)

West Virginia University 2022 Summer NSF Undergraduate Experiences in Research Site. Details about the Chemistry REU program can be found here. WVU has three additional REU programs (Robotics REUBehavioral Science REUAstrophysics REU Site).

ORISE internship and fellowship programs are key to the recruitment and preparation of the next generation of our nation’s scientific workforce.

Link to Posted Opportunities

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is hosting a series of monthly webinars highlighting the 700-plus STEM, technical, and policy internships and fellowships available through ORISE at federal facilities nationwide! Opportunities are available in a variety of fields for college students, recent graduates, postdocs, and faculty.

If you have any questions, please contact Ask-A-Recruiter@orau.org

Clean Energy Policy Internship for Post-Degree Candidates Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education is currently accepting applications for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Science, Technology and Policy (STP) Program.

*Applications reviewed on a rolling basis.

For a full description of this internship and to submit your application, visit https://www.zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/DOE-EERE-STP-SP-2019-2200. If you have questions, send an email to DOE-RPP@orise.orau.gov. Please include the reference code for the opportunity [DOE-EERE-STP-SP-2019-2200] in your email subject line.

RUTGERS, The State University of New Jersey, invites talented students to apply for our highly successful SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAMRiSE (Research in Science and Engineering)

Students should apply now. Rolling admissions is in progress and is highly selective.

Questions? rise@grad.rutgers.edu or 848.932.6584.

School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Institute of Technology (“Georgia Tech”) Graduate Program

Applications are available at www.chemistry.gatech.edu (the application fee is waived).

PhD Program in Translational Biomedical Science (TBS) in the Clinical & Translational Science Institute at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. 

For more information see: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/ctsi/

 NASA One Stop Shopping Initiative (OSSI) for Recruiting Interns, Fellows and Scholars - Several opportunities

Application Deadline: Varies depending on opportunity, see website
For more information: http://intern.nasa.gov/


The University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine  combined VMD-PhD program.
For more info visit: VMD-PhD Program at Penn


Winston-Salem, North Carolina called Winston-Salem TEACH program will provide a $30,000 stipend to 30 students each year, as they complete a teacher residency in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools and 14-months of Master's-level coursework for initial teacher licensure. Licensure areas include:

    Elementary Education (grades K-6)

    Special Education  (grades K-12)

    Secondary Education (grades 9-12 in English, Math, Social Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Comprehensive Science)

Winston-Salem TEACH is hosting a virtual information session via Zoom on Wednesday, January 25th from 6-7 PM. All information session attendees will have their admission fees waived.

Please see the attached flyers for more information and contact the Interim Executive Director, Dr. Kate Allman, at winstonsalemteach@gmail.com if you are interested in learning more.  Interested applicants can also apply directly on the Winston-Salem TEACH website.


The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) seeks applications for the Commercial Buildings Integration Program. This award funds recent Bachelor’s, and Master’s graduates to accelerates the voluntary uptake of efficient building technologies and develops solutions to overcome non-technical barriers to energy efficiency.

Learn more and apply at https://www.zintellect.com/Posting/Details/3244

Southern Teachers Agency K-12 Science Teaching Jobs

Needs chemistry teachers
Link to their online application . Many of our schools are actively interviewing and hiring candidates now.

As always, if you have questions about Southern Teachers, you can read more about us here.

ScribeAmerica; a company that hires and trains “Medical Scribes” for Board Certified Physicians is currently looking to recruit students to work as Medical Scribes in your local area of Clinton, Indiana and Crawfordsville, Indiana. students that are interested in careers in medicine may wish to visit their website www.scribeamerica.com.

Indiana University Bloomington-National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarship program.  Recipients are provided a $7,500 stipend per semester and students can finish their program to be recommended for middle/secondary school licensure in as short as one calendar year.   For more information: see the program flyer.

Summer Jobs & Career Opportunities with Fair Share Alliance Fighting for a Fair Economy

Fair Share Alliance is a citizen-based non-profit advocacy organization that works to provide every American with a fair shot at a good job and a strong voice in our democracy. We are NOW HIRING for positions around the country. Click here to learn more.

We're hiring Campaign Directors to lead our grassroots campaign for a fair economy. We're looking for graduating seniors and students going into their Junior and Senior year who are passionate and ready to take action to create positive social change in our economy and democracy. If you'd like to receive more information, please fill out our online interest form.

Interviews are being held right now and over the next few weeks. Positions will be filled on a rolling basis. If you're ready to apply, please email your resume and one paragraph about why you're interested to Noel Gibson, Lead Campaign Director, at noel@fairsharealliance.org.