Computer Science Department
After Depauw
As detailed below, DePauw Computer Science graduates pursue careers with companies that provide hardware, software or services for use in business, education, science, government, entertainment and research. Students may also choose to attend graduate school to further their study.
Recent Computer Science graduates work at dozens of companies including Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc.
Recent Computer Science graduates have attended many graduate schools including Clemson, Northwestern, University of Illinois, Indiana University, etc.
DePauw Computer Science majors excel in the classroom, in athletic competitions, in a variety of leadership positions on campus, and in their graduate study and careers after leaving DePauw. You can read about some recent student and graduate achievements in our News Stories. Use the following links to learn about the academic awards our students have won in their time at DePauw.
Read about the Robert J. Thomas Outstanding Computer Science Senior Award
Read about the Award for Outstanding Service to the Computer Science Department
Read about the Charles and Frances Wylie Condit Science Scholarship
Read about the Computer Science Department Honor Society
As a culmination of the computer science major, each senior completes an independent project. Each student describes his or her project idea in a formal project proposal. Projects typically involve the design, implementation, testing and documentation of a software system that builds on earlier coursework both inside and outside the department. Students are mentored by a faculty member and meet regularly in groups to present their work and to discuss related topics such as the ethical implications of their work.
The abstracts from completed senior projects can be found here.
Go here to see information about internships, research experiences, graduate schools, fellowships, full time jobs, national professional organizations, and local professional organizations.
We have software such as Visual Studio, a Linux image for VirtualBox and more available for majors. Download links and more information can be found here.