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Computer Science Department


Zonghui Hu

Supreme is a well-known skateboarding brand producing clothes, accessories, and skateboards. The Eye-catching logo, numerous artist collaborations and limited selling bring those items resale value. Hence, every Thursday when Supreme releases its products, most of the goods will be out of stock in 10 seconds. LightningCop is a Python-based program which helps users quickly and automatically checkout the products on the Supreme website.
Before the release, users need to set keywords and size in advance to make sure the bot can find the desired products more precisely. Also, users should provide the shipping information and payment information. They do not need to type in every time, the program will store the information in a local file for the future release. Once the user starts LightningCop, it will keep refreshing the Supreme website until the release. When LightningCop successfully grabs items with the given keywords and size, it adds them to cart, fills the shipping and payment information and completes checkout in a very short time.