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Computer Science Department

Four CS Majors Win Nanogiants Hackathon (Summer 2021)

Alan Le, Hoang Pham, Troy Tien Nguyen, and Tram Vu won the NanoGiants Hackathon which began June 11 and finished a week later.  The Hackathon had 200+ registrations from 30+ countries on 6 continents with 18 teams in 3 streams. The DePauw team competed in the AI stream.  $1200 prize money.

The team describes its award-winning product this way:

"This program is an AI model (DeText framework) using a state-of-the-art model and layers such as BERT, LSTM in natural language processing. We apply DeText to classify the customers' intentions. For example, a person says 'Seek for AI engineer', so s/he intends to look for a job. In addition, we also use DeText to apply for Amazon feedback data to analyze the customers' sentiments – whether they are satisfied or not satisfied with the products based on their provided feedback." 

Computer Science Faculty members are extremely proud of all four students, and we thank them for saying:  "We strongly believe the foundations of DePauw CS courses have helped us rock this challenge!!"

Top row:  Alan Le and Troy Tien Nguyen.  Bottom row:  Hoang Pham and Tram Vu.

Alan Lee NanoGiants HackathonTroy Nguyen NanoGiants Hackathon

Hoang Pham NanoGiants HackathonTram Vu NanoGiants Hackathon