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Computer Science Department

Gabby Coffing wins prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship  (Spring 2021)


Gabrielle (Gabby) Coffing ('19) recently won a coveted Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation.  Read story here.  When Gabby was a junior in our department, she also won the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. Gabby is now in her second year of a PhD program in biology in Andy Kern's lab at the University of Oregon.  She was a double major in Computer Science and Biology at DePauw.  The title of her Oregon lab project is "Comparative genomics of the octopus visual system."  Gabby says:  "In connection with CS, my contribution to the project is all computational work. I use bioinformatics tools to analyze genomic data, and I will be creating a program that statistically compares the gene expression in the octopus visual system to that of other animals. Overall, this will give us more insight into how the octopus visual system evolved. In the future, I hope to open my own lab. For fun, I like to explore Oregon by running, hiking, and biking!"  Here's a picture of Gabby's Oregon exploration: 

Gabby Coffing in Oregon