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Paths to Teaching after DePauw

There are a variety of ways to pursue teaching after graduating from DePauw.

Many DePauw Education Studies graduates choose to pursue their teaching license.  Some students go on to graduate school to get their Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), while others go into an alternative program in which they work on their MAT or licensure while they fulfill a teaching commitment in an urban school setting.  Details of various paths to teaching are outlined below.

Conventional Licensure

Master's Degree

Obtaining a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) provides the double benefit of obtaining an advanced degree as well as a teaching license.  Things to consider when choosing a program include time to complete the program, cost, structure, and pre-requisites.  Each state's department of education website typically provides a list of approved teacher education programs.

Licensure Only

With a Bachelor's Degree, there are programs in which a person can enroll to get a teaching license without earning the full Master's Degree.  Transition to Teach programs are one example.  For information on Indiana's Approved Transition to Teach programs, click here.  Additionally, many universities offer programs that result in licensure but not in a Master's degree.  Information on such programs can be found on each university's website.

Alternative Licensure

These programs allow a person to teach or assist in a classroom in an urban setting while pursuing a teaching license.  The programs provide mentoring and support as well as compensation. There is often a required commitment to teach for a certain length of time.  Such programs include Uncommon Schools, AUSL, City Teaching Alliance, IndyTeach, Teach for America, Teach Kentucky, Teaching Fellows, Alliance for Catholic Education Teaching Fellows, and Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship (for secondary science and math teachers).  Phalen Leadership Academies is an example of an organization which allows college graduates with no teaching license to work as a teaching assistant as an AmeriCorp Teaching Fellow while pursuing a teaching license.  

Teaching Opportunities which do not require a License

Many charter schools and private schools do not require the same teaching licenses required by public schools.  For example, in Indiana, a person may apply for a Charter School License which requires that the person have a Bachelor's Degree along with either a 3.0 GPA or a passing score on the state content area exam.  A resource for finding jobs at these types of schools is Southern Teachers Agency, which is a PK-12 teacher recruitment service focusing on private and independent school placements.

Teaching overseas is another option for classroom teaching without necessarily having a license.  There are a variety of organizations in which a person can pursue international teaching.  These are just a few:  Teach English in China, Teaching Assistant Program in FranceJET Program, AEON, AMITY Institute.