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ENG 197

First-Year Seminar

An exploration of a literary theme with an emphasis on class discussion and participation, independent projects, historical and cultural awareness and writing. Recent courses have included Poetry of Song, Reading Las Vegas, War and Sex in Arthurian Legend, and Milestones: Four African-American Artists. Enrollment limited to first-year students. May be counted toward a major or minor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
1 course

Fall Semester information

David Alvarez

197A: FYS:Be Yourself!

Harry Brown

197B: FYS:The Magic Circle: Introduction to Ludology

Ronald Dye

197C: FYS:Studies in American Song

Joseph Heithaus

197D: FYS:Trees: Spirits, Systems, Plants and Who We are in Relation to Them

Amity Reading

197E: FYS:Skepticism and Belief

Ivelisse Rodriguez

197F: FYS:Your Favorite Murder