English Department Events and Excursions
2 It's a toaster! It's a book! It's a toaster book!

1 Perusing the first edition of Robinson Crusoe, with Gulliver feeling out of place.

6 Stylish bindings for a stylish set.

4 Marie Antoinette's personal pedicure book...

9 Reading the world's smallest book? With an appropriately diminutive magnifying glass?

8 A lock not of Belinda's hair but of Edgar Allen Poe's--and what Sasha describes as a "desperate" love letter penned by Poe.

10 Some literary cheer while gathered around the first folio of Shakespeare, though his head is a bit cropped...

11 As you can see, everyone seems to be in agreement with Montagu's assessment of Turkish dining: "I shall never endure chairs as long as I live" (Letter 33).

7 Those are tiny books!