Susan Hahn served DePauw for over two decades. She came to Greencastle in 1996, as a
tenured faculty member at California Lutheran University, where she had served as Vice-Chair
of Faculty. In her time at DePauw, she served as Director of the Writing Center, while offering
classes in English and Women’s Studies, including American Writers, Women Writers, Intro to
Women’s Studies, Modern British Literature, Realism and Naturalism, Cather and Wharton,
Feminist Theory, Gender Divides in the Modern Novel, and College Writing I and II. In addition,
she annually taught the University Studies Tutor training Practicum, preparing the University’s
Writing Center tutors, many of whom went on to be teachers and professors themselves.
Susan’s energy in service to the University never faltered. She served as the Director of
Women’s Studies, Associate Chair of the English Department, and on the Committee on Faculty
(twice as chair). She was an active member of numerous University wide committees, such as
the Committee on Academic Planning and Placement, the Affirmative Action Committee, and
CAPP Sub-Committee on First Year Experience and Competencies. She served on and directed
the Writing Program Placement Committee for almost two decades. Over the years, she was a
conscientious contributor to nearly every English Department Committee from Scheduling to
Susan Hahn was a thoughtful, caring colleague, who generously opened her home to
departmental parties at graduation every Spring. She cared passionately about the inherent
connections made by writing across the University, and championed the teaching of writing, a
true DePauw legacy, in the classroom, on the floor of the faculty and across the country in
conferences and seminars as a scholar of the teaching of writing, often sharing the stage with
her talented Writing Center tutors.
And Susan Hahn fought. She argued hard in committee and on the floor of faculty meetings.
She advocated for writing, yes. But for Women’s Studies too. For first-year English. For diversity
in hiring. For thoughtful self-reflection and real change in departmental self-studies. She was a
fierce and fine colleague, with a penchant for raising crazy dogs. She was tireless and brave in
defending her passions. Again and again, she stood up and made herself heard. It mattered.
DePauw is stronger for the time she gave us.
-Tribute by Tom Chiarella