Scott Wilkerson - Fault-Related Fold Research
Fault-related fold within the Rundle thrust sheet at Mt. Kidd, Canada

Satellite view of fault-related folds in the Appalachian fold-thrust belt

Draped geologic map of the Grand Canyon in Google Earth

AROutcrop augmented reality mobile app

Research Description:
My research focuses on understanding the 2-D & 3-D geometric and kinematic development of fault-related folds. More specifically, I am interested in understanding how faults and their associated folds grow, evolve, and interact, particularly in areas where these structures terminate and/or overlap. My research students and I employ a variety of methods to address these types of problems, including: field mapping, 2-D & 3-D computer/analog modeling, cross-section balancing, and seismic reflection interpretation. Students not only learn the science behind these approaches, but they also learn valuable technical skills with industry-standard software (e.g., ArcGIS, Geosec, Gocad, Google Earth, LithoTect, Move, StructureSolver, VoxelGeo, etc.) that will serve them well in the future.
I’m also interested in the visualization and interpretation of topographic landforms and structures and their representation on maps using red-blue stereo anaglyphs, Google Earth, photogrammetry, augmented reality, and other tools that help students become more adept at working with maps.
Recent Research Projects/Scholarly Activities:
Accepting Students! Potential projects include:
Restoration and balancing of a cross section through the Mt. Crandell duplex, Waterton National Park, Canada (2023 - Present) Student Collaborators: Danielle Sommerman (GEO) Publications (italics indicates student authors): Sommerman, D.R., and Wilkerson, M. S., 2023, Restoration and balancing of a cross section of the Mt. Crandell duplex, Waterton National Park, Canada: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 55(6), doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-392902. |
AROutcrop: An augmented reality mobile application for teaching geology in the field (2019 - Present) Student Collaborators: Zach Wilkerson (CS/ITAP), Ben Wilkerson (CS/ITAP) Publications (italics indicates student authors): Wilkerson, B.S., Wilkerson, Z.M., Wilkerson, M. S., and Wilkerson, M.B., in prep, AROutcrop: An augmented reality-based tool for mobile devices to facilitate geoscience student learning in the field and classroom. Wilkerson, B.S., Wilkerson, M. S., and Wilkerson, Z.M., 2023, AROutcrop: An augmented reality mobile application for enhancing geoscience learning and comprehension in the field and classroom: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 55(6), doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-393226. Wilkerson, Z. M., Wilkerson, M. S., and Byers, C., 2019, AROutcrop: An augmented reality mobile application for teaching geology in the field: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 51(5), doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-339434. |
Structural analysis of a mesoscale fold (2018 - Present) Student Collaborators: Ben Magnin (GEO) Publications (italics indicates student authors): Magnin, B.P., and Wilkerson, M. S., 2018, 2D and 3D structural analysis of a mesoscopic fault-related fold: Implications for using cross-section balancing to understand lateral variations in fold geometry: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 50(6). |
Construction of balanced cross sections through the Rosendale segment of the Hudson Valley fold-thrust belt (2010 - Present) Student Collaborators: Melissa Penfold (GEO), Ben Magnin (GEO/SRF) Publications (italics indicates student authors): Wilkerson, M. S., Burmeister, K. C., and Marshak, S., 2013, Application of quick-look analysis techniques for refining map and cross-sectional interpretations through the Hudson Valley fold-thrust belt near Rosendale, New York: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 45(7): 808. Crawford, L. E., Burmeister, K. C., Penfold, M., Wilkerson, M. S., and Marshak, S., 2010, Compiling a GIS-based geologic map from multiple legacy formatted data sources, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 42(5). |
Geotours Workbook: A Guide for Exploring Geology Using Google Earth (2008 - Present) Publications: Wilkerson, M.S., and Wilkerson, M. B., 2019, Google Earth Geotours exercises for Ludman, A., and Marshak, S., 2019, Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 4th ed., ISBN: 978-0-393-61752-8, 499 pages. Wilkerson, M.S., Wilkerson, M. B., and Marshak, S., 2017, Geotours Workbook: A Guide for Exploring Geology Using Google Earth: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2nd ed., ISBN: 978-1-324-00096-9, 192 pages + Google Earth KMZ file. Wilkerson, M.S., Wilkerson, M. B., and Marshak, S., 2012, Geotours Workbook: A Guide for Exploring Geology and Creating Projects Using Google Earth: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1st ed., Wilkerson, M.S., Marshak, S., and Wilkerson, M. B., 2009, Geotours Workbook supplement to accompany Essentials of Geology (3rd edition): W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., ISBN: 978-0-393-93462-5, 109 pages + Google Earth KMZ file. Wilkerson, M.S., Marshak, S., and Wilkerson, M. B., 2009, Using Google Earth Geotours to engage introductory geoscience students in active learning: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 41(7). Wilkerson, M.S., and Marshak, S., 2008, Geotours Workbook supplement to accompany Earth: Portrait of a Planet (3rd edition) and Essentials of Geology (2nd edition): W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., ISBN: 978-0-393-93233-1, 156 pages + Google Earth KMZ file. |
Structural geology of the Baraboo District, WI (2015 - 2024) Publications: Marshak, S., Wilkerson, M.S., and DeFrates, J., 2024, Kinematic and tectonic implications of crenulation cleavage, kink bands, and mesoscopic folds in the Baraboo Syncline, Wisconsin (~1.45 GA Picuris Orogen), Journal of Structural Geology, 178, doi: Marshak, S., and Wilkerson, M. S., 2019, Revisiting kink bands and crenulation cleavage in the Precambrian Baraboo Syncline: Kinematics of fabric evolution during progressive sub-simple shear: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 51(5). Marshak, S., Wilkerson, M.S., and DeFrates, J., 2016, Structural geology of the Baraboo District: An introduction: Davis, R.A., Jr., Dott, R.H., Jr., and Dalziel, I.W.D., eds., Geology of the Baraboo, Wisconsin, Area: Geological Society of America Field Guide 43, p. 13-36, doi:10.1130/2016.043(02). Marshak, S., Wilkerson, M. S., and Defrates, J., 2015, Formation of crenulation cleavage and kink bands in the Baraboo Syncline, Wisconsin: a mechanism to accommodate subsimple shear during regional folding: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47(7). |
Geology & tectonics of fold-dominated orogenic belts, Monterrey Salient, Mexico (2002 - 2010) Grant Proposals: Wilkerson, M. S., and Fischer, M. P., 2002, Three-dimensional geometric analysis of a natural detachment fold termination: Nuncios fold complex, Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. Grant proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation, Research at Undergraduate Institutions, Research Opportunity Award Program. Amount requested: $15,668. Funded. Publications: Higuera, I.C., Fischer, M.P., and Wilkerson, M.S., 2004, Three-dimensional geometry and kinematics of an evaporite-cored detachment fold complex: An example from the Sierra Madre Oriental, NE Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs 88(13). |
The DELUGE project: a digital landform GIS using Google Earth (2007) Student Collaborators: Bill Alward (GEO) |
3-D computer modeling of detachment folds (2003 - 2005) Student Collaborators: Dannena Bowman (GEO) & Sara Smaltz (GEO/SRF) Publications (italics indicates student authors): Wilkerson, M.S., Smaltz, S.M., Bowman, D.R., Higuera, I.C., and Fischer, M.P., 2005, Hinterland inflation in detachment folds: a natural example from the Monterrey Salient, Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs, 14, p. A152. Smaltz, S.M., and Wilkerson, M.S., 2004, Pseudo-three-dimensional modeling of detachment folds, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 36(5). Bowman, D.R., Smaltz, S.M., Wilkerson, M.S., Higuera, I.C., and Fischer, M.P., 2003, Two- and three-dimensional modeling of detachment-style folds, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 35(6), p. 143. |
2-D computer modeling of detachment folds (2002) Student Collaborators: Josh Wilson (SRF) Publications (italics indicates student authors): |
3-D modeling of fault-related fold terminations (1999 - 2000) Student Collaborators: Chris Amidon (GEO/SRF), Tammer Farid (SRF), Scott Spears (PHY) Grant Proposals: Wilkerson, M. S., and Fischer, M.P., 1998, 3-D geometries of basement-involved folds. Grant proposal submitted to the American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Fund. Amount requested: $5,000. Funded. Publications (italics indicates student authors): Wilkerson, M.S., Apotria, T.G., and Farid, T.A., 2002, Interpreting the geologic map expression of contractional fault-related fold terminations: lateral/oblique ramps versus displacement gradients, in Wilkerson, M.S., Fischer, M.P., and Apotria, T.G. (ed.), Fault-related folds: Transition from two dimensions to three dimensions, special issue of the Journal of Structural Geology, 24(4), 593-607. Amidon, C.M., Farid, T.A., Spears, G.S., and Wilkerson, M.S., 2000, 3-D computer modeling of fault-related fold terminations: comparison of synthetic and natural examples, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 32(4). Wilkerson, M.S., Amidon, C.M., Farid, T.A., and Spears, G.S., 2000, 3-D computer modeling of the northern termination of the Rundle thrust system, GeoCanada 2000 Conference, compact disc abstract volume. Amidon, C.M., Wilkerson, M.S., and Fischer, M.P., 2000, Using fracture analysis to understand the lateral propagation of a basement-involved, fault-related fold: Grass Creek Anticline, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 32(7). Fischer, M. P., and Wilkerson, M. S., 2000, Predicting the orientation of joints from fold shape: results of pseudo-three-dimensional modeling and curvature analysis, Geology, 28(1), 15-18. |
2-D and 3-D analysis of fault-related folds (1998) Student Collaborators: Connie Dicken (GEO) Publications (italics indicates student authors): Wilkerson, M. S., and Dicken, C. L., 1998, Quick-look techniques for evaluating 2-D cross sections in contractional settings, Indiana Academy of Science Programs and Abstracts, 114th annual meeting, p. 84. |
Other significant publications: Wilkerson, M.S., Wilkerson, M. B., and Marshak, S., 2012, Geotours Workbook: A Guide for Exploring Geology and Creating Projects Using Google Earth, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., ISBN: 978-0-393-91891-5, 161 pages. Note: This is an independent book that initially was written as two previous supplemental workbooks (ISBN: 978-0-393-93233-1 & ISBN: 978-0-393-93462-5, W. W. Norton & Company) in 2008 & 2009 for Essentials of Geology & Earth: Portrait of a Planet college textbooks . Apotria, T.G., and Wilkerson, M.S., 2005, Rosario field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, in Shaw, J.H., Connors, C., and Suppe, J. (ed.), Seismic interpretation of contractional fault-related folds: an AAPG seismic atlas, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology, 53, 71-76. Marshak, S., and Wilkerson, M.S., 2004, Fold-thrust belts—an essay, in van der Pluijm, B.A. and Marshak, S., (ed.), Earth Structure: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2nd ed., Ch 18, 444-474. Wilkerson, M.S., Fischer, M.P., and Apotria, T.G. (editors), 2002, Fault-related folds: Transition from two dimensions to three dimensions, special issue of the Journal of Structural Geology, 24(4). |