Extensive literature survey, oral reports and written proposal of a research design. (Includes successful completion of a departmental examination; performance on the exam is a part of the grade.) Prerequisite: PSY 100, minimum final course grades of B- in PSY 214 and PSY 215, at least a 3.0 overall cumulative GPA, and a major in Psychology. Registration for PSY 496 in the second semester is required to complete the sequence. PSY 495/PSY 496 or PSY 493 are required of Psychology majors in the senior year. May not be taken pass/fail.
Distribution Area | Prerequisites | Credits |
PSY 100, minimum final course grades of B- in PSY 214 and PSY 215, at least a 3.0 overall cumulative GPA, and a major in Psychology | 1 course |
Fall Semester information
Michael Roberts495A: Empirical Senior Thesis I
Nipun Chopra