Alicia E. Suarez
Alicia Suarez

Why Sociology?
My first real exposure to Sociology was in a Sociology of Deviance course as an undergraduate. I immediately knew that this would be my field of study as it sparked a lifelong intellectual passion. Sociology provides a means of understanding the social world through both a macro and micro approach relying on a rich history of sociological theory and robust empirical findings. The disciplinary frames allow us to understand the impact of social structure and social inequality but also how individuals have agency. The discipline allows for an exploration of the social world beyond individual experiences and worldviews. Furthermore, through these endeavors, we become better citizens and can engage in social change to address social injustice.
Research and Teaching Interests
I received my PhD from Indiana University in 2006. I teach a variety of courses including: Contemporary Society; Culture, Social Structure and HIV/AIDS in the United States; Introduction to Women’s Studies; Medical Sociology; Women, Health and Social Control; Girls, Women, Deviance and Social Control; Sexuality, Culture and Power; Social Theory; Is Orange the New Black?: Women and Incarceration. My research interests share a common theme in focusing on marginalized populations, health and deviance. My dissertation research explored illness experiences with hepatitis C virus. I have also researched how midwives cope with working in states where their profession is criminal. Currently, I am studying women who are incarcerated and their experiences with pregnancy and birth while in a state prison.