Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Courses for Fall 2017
AFST 390A Black Masculinities Prof. Wimbley 12:30-3:20W (also ENG 393A and WGSS 370A )
AFST 390B Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks Prof. Geis 2:20-3:50MW (also ENG 391A and WGSS 370B )
ANTH 290B Media and Marginalized Bodies Prof. Goins 2:20-3:50TR (also WGSS 290A)
SOC 210A Gender and Society Prof. Kane 2:50-3:50 MWF
SOC 212A Sociology and Family Prof. Newman 8:00-9:00MWF
SOC 342A Women, Health and Social Control Prof. Suarez 10:20-11:20MWF
WGSS 140A Intro to Women’s Studies Prof. Goins 10:00-11:30TR
WGSS 140B Intro to Women’s Studies Prof. Beauboeuf 12:40-2:10TR
WGSS 260A Women of Color in U.S. Prof. Goins 12:40-2:10TR
WGSS 262A Transnational Feminisms Prof. Holmes 10:00-11:30TR
WGSS 350A Feminist Inquiry Prof. Holmes 8:20-9:50MW
WGSS 362A Feminist Approaches to Environment Prof. Holmes 12:30-3:20W
WGSS EXPA Senior Thesis Workshop Prof. Altman 7:00-8:50 pm T