Sheryl Tremblay, Professor of Communication Arts & Sciences and Chair of the Communication Arts & Science Department came to DePauw in 1988. She received her BA in Speech Communication from Doane College in 1973, MA in Mass Communication from Boston University in 1981, and her PhD in Rhetoric from the University of Pittsburgh in 1994. Her research interests include political cartoons and emerging British and American nationalism during the American revolutionary period as represented by male and female gendered depictions of national character (Uncle Sam, American Indian Princess, Britannia and John Bull), First Amendment issues, feminist studies of television, and studies in mediated masculinity. Her most recent publication is entitled: “Mediated Masculinity at the Millennium: The Jim Rome Show as a Male Bonding Speech Community.” She currently teaches Mass Media Law, International Media and Digital Storytelling, Mass Media and Modern Society as a First-Year Seminar, Media Fellows First-Year Seminar, Gender and Communication, and other communication courses.