NEW COURSEWS 290: Transnational Feminisms
WS 290
Professor Christy Holmes
T/Th 10-11:30
What conditions shape women's lives outside the U.S.? Does oppression look the same everywhere? What does feminism look like in a transnational context? What lessons can men and women in the U.S. learn from feminist and women-centered struggles elsewhere?
WS 290 is an introduction to studying women’s lives in a transnational context. We will examine a variety of global processes, including colonialism, present-day labor struggles such as those surrounding sweatshops, transnational cultural production in films and autobiography, and feminist responses to globalized capitalism and development. While this class considers gender in transnational perspective, we’ll look not only at particular case studies of women in other nations, but at how we are all connected in a network of global flows of capital, ideas, and activism. Our goal is to develop a transnational, cross-cultural lens for understanding gendered phenomena—come join us!
This class does not have a prerequisite. It counts toward the WS major and minor and provides an SS credit. Feel free to email me at with questions.