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Anthropology Faculty and Staff

DePauw is home to some of the leading scholars, artists and strategists in their fields. An impressive 99% of all tenure-track faculty hold a Ph.D. or higher, but it is their unwavering dedication to undergraduate teaching that sets them apart. With an uncommon commitment to exploration, collaboration and innovation, our faculty represent the best of the liberal arts tradition.

Small classes. Big ideas.

A life-changing experience.

Anthropology Faculty and Staff

Castaneda, Angela headshot
Castaneda, Angela

Lester Martin Jones Professor of Sociology and Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program

(765) 658-4372
Feldman, David headshot
Feldman, David

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Hall, Kelley headshot
Hall, Kelley

Associate Dean for Student Academic Success and Advising with rank of Professor of Sociology

(765) 658-6606
Lee, Goeun headshot
Lee, Goeun

Instructor of Sociology and Anthropolgy

(765) 658-6699
Lin, Yen-Yu headshot
Lin, Yen-Yu

Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology

(765) 658-4681
Marshall, Lydia headshot
Marshall, Lydia

Edward Myers Dolan Professor of Anthropology, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the Sociology and Anthropology Department

(765) 658-4508
Sage, Clark headshot
Sage, Clark

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Suarez, Alicia headshot
Suarez, Alicia

Otto L. Sonder Professor of Sociology

(765) 658-5398
Turner, Aliyah headshot
Turner, Aliyah

Instructor of Sociology


Retired Emeriti Faculty

Bordt, Rebecca headshot
Bordt, Rebecca

Professor Emerita of Sociology

Davis, Nancy headshot
Davis, Nancy

Professor Emerita of Sociology

Hall, Thomas (Tom) headshot
Hall, Thomas (Tom)

Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology

La Lone, Darrell headshot
La Lone, Darrell

Professor Emeritus of Evolutionary Anthropology

Mannon, James headshot
Mannon, James

Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Newman, David headshot
Newman, David

Professor Emeritus of Sociology


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Sociology and Anthropology

Leveraging the resources of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the anthropology major and minor at DePauw are housed in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. This department takes a holistic approach to the study of human life, encompassing social, cultural, economic, political and psychological aspects.

Students walking through campus with East College in the background

Jamie Pell-Stuckey

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