The academic requirements for anthropology represent a specialized course of study within the larger context of a diverse liberal arts education. Not only are these requirements designed to provide a focused and rigorous approach to the core concepts of the discipline, but they also allow ample opportunities for exploration in other subjects and departments throughout the university. By studying anthropology at DePauw, you will develop comprehensive expertise in your field while enjoying the benefits of a well-rounded education.
ANTH 151, ANTH 153, ANTH 383, ANTH 450 (formerly ANTH 380), ANTH 452. The required courses in the major, including the required 300-level course, must be taken on campus.
Of the remaining four courses, one must be at the 300-level.
The senior requirement consists of the completion of 1) ANTH 452 (Senior Seminar in Anthropology) with a grade of C- or higher AND 2) a senior thesis paper with a grade of C- or higher. The capstone experience for majors includes the completion of ANTH 452 (Senior Seminar in Anthropology) and a 25-35 page thesis based on original research. The first half of the seminar involves common readings on a broad theme of anthropological relevance; the second half of the seminar is devoted to students' individual projects and presentations of their work in class. Students are also required to present their final work during the annual Sociology and Anthropology Senior Symposium at the end of the spring semester.
Ethnographic Methods is the required writing intensive qualitative methods course for the Anthropology major. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of anthropological research; participant observation, formal and informal interviewing, the preparation of field notes, coding of data, and empirical analysis. Students employ these methods as they conduct their own original ethnographic projects. In addition, students read classical and contemporary ethnographic research as they explore the key methodological and ethical challenges practicing anthropologists face. Ultimately, this course helps students move through the sequential stages of research design, implementation, analysis, and reporting. They achieve these objectives through multiple and varied writing assignments.
ANTH 151 or ANTH 153
Leveraging the resources of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the anthropology major and minor at DePauw are housed in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. This department takes a holistic approach to the study of human life, encompassing social, cultural, economic, political and psychological aspects.