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Environmental Biology

Environmental Biology Requirements

The academic requirements for environmental biology making represent a specialized course of study within the larger context of a diverse liberal arts education. Not only are these requirements designed to provide a focused and rigorous approach to the core concepts of the discipline, but they also allow ample opportunities for exploration in other subjects and departments throughout the university. By studying environmental biology at DePauw, you will develop comprehensive expertise in your field while enjoying the benefits of a well-rounded education.

Small classes. Big ideas.

A life-changing experience.

Total Courses Required

7.5 Biology + CHEM 130 + 4.0 Allied + 1.0 Elective

Core Courses

BIO 101, BIO 102, CHEM 130, BIO 450

Other Required Courses

Five upper level Biology courses. Must include BIO 375 and either BIO 342 or BIO 345 (or similar approved topics course). Four allied courses from outside Biology (minimum two from the social sciences, arts or humanities; minimum one from the sciences). At least one of these must be at or above the 200 level. These courses are selected from a list of environmental course offerings maintained by the Biology Department. One additional elective course, which may be in Biology, Chemistry, or from the list of allied courses.

Number 300 & 400 Level Courses

Three (not including BIO 450)

Senior Requirement & Capstone Experience

Completion of BIO 450 with a grade of C- or better.

Additional Information

No more than two courses from off-campus programs may count toward the major. Environmental biology majors are encouraged to also take courses in physics and computer science.

Writing in the Major

See Biology major for students entering Fall 2014 and after.

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Leveraging the resources of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the environmental biology major at DePauw is housed in the Department of Biology. This department introduces students to the methodology of science while providing a broad exposure to the diversity of life at all levels.

Students walking through campus with East College in the background

Rebecca Kinney

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