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Environmental Geoscience

Environmental Geoscience Faculty and Staff

DePauw is home to some of the leading scholars, artists and strategists in their fields. An impressive 99% of all tenure-track faculty hold a Ph.D. or higher, but it is their unwavering dedication to undergraduate teaching that sets them apart. With an uncommon commitment to exploration, collaboration and innovation, our faculty represent the best of the liberal arts tradition.

Small classes. Big ideas.

A life-changing experience.

Environmental Geoscience Faculty and Staff

Brown, Kenneth (Ken) headshot
Brown, Kenneth (Ken)

Assistant Professor of Geology and Environmental Geoscience

(765) 658-6767
Cope, Tim headshot
Cope, Tim

Ernest R. Smith Professor of Geosciences and Chair of the Geology and Environmental Geosciences

(765) 658-6443
Sutherlin, Hope headshot
Sutherlin, Hope

Administrative Assistant, Computer Science, Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Global Health, and Physics and Astronomy Departments

(765) 658-4654
Wilkerson, M. (Scott) headshot
Wilkerson, M. (Scott)

Professor of Geology and Environmental Geosciences and University Marshal

(765) 658-4666
Wilkerson, Marilea (Beth) headshot
Wilkerson, Marilea (Beth)

Faculty Instructional Technology Support Geographic Information Systems Specialist

(765) 658-6554

Affiliated Faculty and Staff

Pope, Jeanette headshot
Pope, Jeanette

Director of Ullem Campus Farm and Ullem Center for Sustainability, Co-Director of Environmental Fellows and Professor of Geosciences

(765) 658-4105

Retired Emeriti Faculty

Mills, James (Jim) headshot
Mills, James (Jim)

Professor Emeritus of Geosciences

Soster, Frederick (Fred) headshot
Soster, Frederick (Fred)

Professor Emeritus of Geosciences


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Geology and Environmental Geoscience

Leveraging the resources of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the environmental geoscience major and minor at DePauw are housed in the Department of Geology and Environmental Geoscience. This department fosters a community based on mutual respect and understanding that values the open exchange of ideas and diverse perspectives from all.

Students walking through campus with East College in the background

Hope Sutherlin

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