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Film and Media Arts

Film and Media Arts Requirements

The academic requirements for film and media arts represent a specialized course of study within the larger context of a diverse liberal arts education. Not only are these requirements designed to provide a focused and rigorous approach to the core concepts of the discipline, but they also allow ample opportunities for exploration in other subjects and departments throughout the university. By studying film and media arts at DePauw, you will develop comprehensive expertise in your field while enjoying the benefits of a well-rounded education.

Total Courses Required

Nine and one-quarter

Core Courses

FLME 100, FLME 195, FLME 429 (.25 credits), FLME 430

Other Required Courses

  • One course in Film, Television, and New Media Cultures and Representation
  • One course in Film and Media History or Theory
  • One course in Production and/or Writing for the Screen
  • Two program elective courses in Production, Writing for the Screen, or Critical Studies
  • One Interdisciplinary Arts Elective/cognate course

Number 300 & 400 Level Courses

3.25 (including the 1.25 credit Senior Capstone Experience)

Senior Requirement & Capstone Experience

Successful completion of FLME 429 (Senior Capstone Project Prep) and 430 (Senior Capstone Project Seminar).

Recent changes in the

A new curriculum was created in spring of 2022, and the program/major name changed from Film Studies to Film and Media Arts.

Total Courses Required


Core Courses

FLME 100

Other Required Courses

One course from each of the following areas:

  • Any 100 or 200-level Production course
  • Any 200-level Critical Studies course (not Production or Writing for the Screen)
  • Any 300-level course (can be Production, Writing for the Screen, or Critical Studies)

Number 300 & 400 Level Courses


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Film & Media Arts

Leveraging the resources of the Creative School, the film and media arts major at DePauw is an interdisciplinary program that integrates the expertise of multiple departments to develop the knowledge and skills needed to excel in a rapidly changing world.

Students walking through campus with East College in the background

Misti Scott

  • mscott@depauw.edu
  • (765) 658-4336
  • Peeler Art Center
    10 W. Hanna St.
    Greencastle, IN 46135

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