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Geology Requirements

The academic requirements for geology represent a specialized course of study within the larger context of a diverse liberal arts education. Not only are these requirements designed to provide a focused and rigorous approach to the core concepts of the discipline, but they also allow ample opportunities for exploration in other subjects and departments throughout the university. By studying geology at DePauw, you will develop comprehensive expertise in your field while enjoying the benefits of a well-rounded education.

Small classes. Big ideas.

A life-changing experience.

Total Courses Required

10.0 GEOS + 1.25 CHEM

Core Courses

GEOS 110, GEOS 280, GEOS 310, GEOS 350, GEOS 450

Other Required Courses

  • GEOS 210 & GEOS 320
  • CHEM 130 & 170 (1.25 credit)
  • At least 3 course credits from the following courses (at least 2 must be at the 200 or higher level AND at least 1 of the 2 must be at the 300 or higher level): GEOS 105, GEOS 107, GEOS 205, GEOS 220, GEOS 230, GEOS 315, GEOS 330, GEOS 370, GEOS 380, GEOS 470*, GEOS 480*, GEOS 490*
    *only 1 course credit counts towards major

Number 300 & 400 Level Courses


Senior Requirement & Capstone Experience

The senior requirement consists of GEOS 450. The Department of Geosciences Senior Seminar provides students with the opportunity to integrate skills and expertise learned in previous coursework at DePauw as well as to prepare for opportunities after graduating from DePauw. Students first create resumes/LinkedIn profiles and then research and prepare mock applications to graduate schools and potential employers. They also explore areas of the geosciences by critically reading and analyzing the primary literature, making an oral presentation summarizing the selected manuscripts, and then leading class discussions to investigate the topic(s) in more depth.

Additional Information

Recommended courses from which to choose:

  • MATH 151 & MATH 152
  • PHYS 120 & PHYS 130
  • CSC 121 & CSC 122
  • POLS courses (e.g., POLS 110, 170, 382 )
  • ANTH 253
  • Additional GEOS, CHEM, and/or BIO courses
  • Winter Term/Summer internship in a geoscience-related field
  • Off-campus study in an approved geoscience program
  • Summer geology field camp

Writing in the Major

Writing is an important skill for professional geoscientists. Whether publishing the results of research in a peer-reviewed journal, communicating the findings of a consulting project to a client in a technical report, or explaining our science to the general public, geoscientists must be able to communicate their ideas with writing that is clear, concise, and accurate. Furthermore, students are able to better refine and develop their thoughts and ideas as they strive to convey their message to others in writing. To facilitate the development of these skills, all students majoring in Earth Science, Environmental Geoscience, or Geology will satisfy their Writing in the Major requirement through writing assignments in advanced 300-level courses that have a WD (Writing in the Discipline) designation. In these courses, students will develop their writing-in-the-discipline skills within the context of multiple sub-disciplines in the geosciences (a minimum of at least three 300-level courses). Students not only will have the opportunity to prepare original papers/reports for different audiences using various lab report formats (e.g., EPA-style reports, etc.), but they also may have assignments where they provide feedback for other class participants and/or iteratively revise their own work. Students will be evaluated based on their ability to 1) effectively communicate their ideas using appropriate geologic terms and concepts, 2) adapt their writing style for different audiences and for specified report formats, and 3) appropriately incorporate references and citations into their papers.

Total Courses Required


Core Courses

GEOS 110

Other Required Courses

At least four additional GEOS course credits, including at least one at the 300 level or above.

Number 300 & 400 Level Courses


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Geology and Environmental Geoscience

Leveraging the resources of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the geology major and minor at DePauw are housed in the Department of Geology and Environmental Geoscience. This department fosters a community based on mutual respect and understanding that values the open exchange of ideas and diverse perspectives from all.

Students walking through campus with East College in the background

Hope Sutherlin

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