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Theatre Requirements

The academic requirements for theatre represent a specialized course of study within the larger context of a diverse liberal arts education. Not only are these requirements designed to provide a focused and rigorous approach to the core concepts of the discipline, but they also allow ample opportunities for exploration in other subjects and departments throughout the university. By studying theatre at DePauw, you will develop comprehensive expertise in your field while enjoying the benefits of a well-rounded education.

Total Courses Required


Core Courses

COMM 200, COMM 111 or 211, COMM 117, COMM 314

Other Required Courses

One course in the rhetoric/interpersonal area from the following: COMM 223, COMM 225, COMM 227, COMM 322, COMM 323, COMM 325, COMM 326, COMM 327 or COMM 328.

One course in the media studies area: either COMM 233, COMM 235, COMM 237, COMM 334, COMM 335, or COMM 337.

One of the following theatre history courses: COMM 213, COMM 214 or COMM 215

Two additional 300-level courses from the following: COMM 310, COMM 311, COMM 315, COMM 316, COMM 317, COMM 319 or a 300-level communication course or a 300-level course in a related department with permission of the department chair.

Number 300 & 400 Level Courses


Senior Requirement & Capstone Experience

The senior capstone experience in Communication and Theatre is where majors intentionally integrate, interpret, and create knowledge in their chosen area of focus through scholarly or artistic exploration and expression. This is both the challenge and the reward of their years spent in the intellectual life of the department and discipline. Capstone experiences also prepare students for the intellectual, ethical, interpersonal, and professional challenges that lie ahead after graduation, whether or not they go on to formal graduate study. These capstone experience options are described in detail below.

Most seniors will complete their capstone experience through a department Senior Seminar experience. In Communication and Theatre the Senior Seminar is the culmination of students' discipline-specific studies. The seminar challenges majors to integrate their learning in and understanding of the diverse sub-divisions of Communication and Theatre even as they may complete a very specialized and discrete thesis or artistic project. Seminar's ultimate goal is to challenge majors to produce a substantial scholarly or artistic work that reflects their learning in the major as supported by their broad liberal arts coursework.

Seniors who meet the stated academic eligibility requirements may apply for the opportunity to conduct a departmental or interdisciplinary independent senior capstone thesis or artistic project by contacting a department faculty member of their choice and completing the necessary application materials. Details of the requirements and proposal procedure and application forms are located on the Communication and Theatre Department website.

In preparation for these options, all students are required to take a 300-level course designed to prepare students for senior seminar prior to enrolling in senior seminar. All Theatre majors are required to complete COMM 314 Theatrical Theory and Criticism as a requirement for the major, but a student may complete preparation for the seminar in any of the following courses: COMM 314 Theatrical Theory and Criticism, COMM 315 Topics in Theatre History and Criticism, COMM 322 Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, COMM 323 History of Public Discourse, COMM 326 Communication in Organizations, COMM 327 Communication and Cultural Identity, COMM 334 Media Criticism, COMM 335 Media Law, COMM 337 International Media, or COMM 350 Research Methods. Priority for placement in a fall seminar is determined in three ways: 1. Completion of all other required courses in the major; 2. Completion of at least two of the required 300 level courses with priority given to those students who've completed one of the required seminar preparation courses within the major; 3. The existing university registration sequence. Coursework completed in meeting the senior requirement can be applied toward meeting the 300-400 level course requirement.

Majors will fulfill this Senior Capstone requirement through the successful completion of a department Senior Seminar course or through an independent Senior Capstone Thesis or Artistic Project with a minimum grade of C- (1.67).

Recent changes in the

Effective Fall 2011, COMM 100, Foundations of Communication, has been renumbered to COMM 200. COMM 100 and COMM 291, Communication Theory, will continue to apply to the core courses. The lists of course that can count toward various areas has been expanded. There is a new description of the senior capstone. The number of 300-400 level courses has been increased from 3 to 4.

Effective Fall 2013, the number of required 300 level or above courses to complete the major was increased from three to four. Provision was made for the opportunity to complete an Independent Senior Capstone Experience Thesis or Artistic Project. All majors are now required to take one of the specifically listed 300 level courses prior to registering for a Senior Seminar. The list of 300 level courses that count as one of the required courses majors must take prior to Senior Seminar has been increased. The minimum grade required for satisfactory completion of the Senior Seminar or an Independent Senior Capstone Experience Thesis or Artistic Project is now a C- (1.67).

Writing in the Major

See Writing in the Major requirement for Communication.

Total Courses Required


Core Courses

COMM 117

Other Required Courses

  • COMM 111, COMM 210, or COMM 211
  • One course selected from COMM 213, COMM 214 , COMM 314, COMM 315
  • One course selected from COMM 310, COMM 311, COMM 314, COMM 316, COMM 317, COMM 319.

Number 300 & 400 Level Courses


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Communication and Theatre

Leveraging the resources of the Creative School, the theatre major at DePauw is housed in the Department of Communication and Theatre. This department brings together the humanities, arts and social sciences to create learning experiences that foster creativity and critical thinking.

Students walking through campus with East College in the background

Misti Scott

  • mscott@depauw.edu
  • Green Center for the Performing Arts
    600 S Locust St
    Greencastle, IN 46135

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