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Students in the Institute of Music may pursue the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Music degree. Any student wishing to pursue a B.A. in Music, who has not previously auditioned for the Institute of Music, must successfully complete an audition to officially declare the major. Students fulfill all general University requirements, including the specified distribution area and competency requirements expected of students in the College of Liberal Arts, and must complete 21 credits in courses other than music. Approximately one-third of the curriculum is the music major, which comprises required sequences in music theory as well as music history and literature, performance requirements and music electives. The B.A. degree in music provides an excellent liberal arts experience.

Students pursuing the B.A. in Music fulfill the capstone requirement by satisfactorily completing MUS 450, Senior Seminar.  Students discuss a common set of readings designed to help synthesize their diverse experiences in music and complete a major research project on an approved topic, which consists of a written thesis and oral presentation.

Requirements for the Class of 2028 and Beyond

Requirements for Class of 2026 and 2027

Requirements for Class of 2025 and Earlier