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(University Choirs, University Band, University Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble)



University Choirs

There are three choirs offered for credit. All groups are open to any student at DePauw regardless of major – you do not have to study music to join!

Two ensembles require an audition to join:

  • Chamber Singers Mixed Group (M/W/Th from 4 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.) 
  • Vox Animae (SSAA, M/W/Th from 5 p.m. – 5:50 p.m.)

One ensemble that is non-auditioned:

  • Festival Choir Community Group (Tuesdays from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.) Everyone is welcome regardless of singing experience, no audition needed! Just come to the first rehearsal on Aug. 27, 7 p.m. in Green Center, Kresge Auditorium.

Audition Dates for Fall 2024 (all in GCPA 0112):

  • Monday, Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Aug 20 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Thursday, Aug 22 from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Friday, Aug. 23 from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Please sign up for an audition time online to audition for Chamber Singers or Vox Animae (make sure to scroll to the respective day in your calendar to find the available time slots) and arrive about 5 min early to fill out a form that you will find in front of my office.

To audition, please prepare 30-60 seconds from a piece of your choice that you think best represents your voice. You will perform this piece unaccompanied. It may be of any style or genre. The director will then lead you through brief vocal warm-ups, ear training and sight-reading exercises.

For music majors who plan to take choir to fulfill their large ensemble requirements: Please audition either on Aug. 19 or Aug. 20 (do not audition on Aug. 23 & 26). You can indicate your preferred ensemble but will be assigned to one of the two groups based on your audition and needs of the ensembles.


 If you have any questions or would like to audition but none of the time slots work for you, please contact Professor Black at bryonblack@depauw.edu.



The DePauw Symphonic Band is a curricular, non-auditioned band that provides maximum enjoyment with limited performance demands for students who wish to continue to perform in a large concert ensemble as part of their collegiate educational experience. Auditions are not required, but are optional for chair placements and part assignments (these take place after our first rehearsal). The only prerequisite is prior experience on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument (or string bass). The Symphonic Band meets weekly every Tuesday & Thursday at 4:00-5:30pm. Be sure to add MUS 181 Symphonic Band to your Fall semester schedule.

NOTE: All School of Music instrumental majors, as well as College of Liberal Arts students receiving Music Performance Awards, cannot declare the Symphonic Band as their major ensemble, but must, instead, seek placement in an auditioned ensemble (University Band, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra),  They may, however, elect to participate in the Symphonic Band (as a second large ensemble) on a secondary instrument.

Any questions? Contact Dr. Craig Paré, Director of University Bands



(University Band, University Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble)

This year, the Institute of Music Large Instrumental Ensembles will feature a rotational system, with the primary goal of creating a cross-ensemble experience for all instrumental students.

Note: Symphonic Band, our curricular, non-auditioned band, is not included in this rotational system.


  • Every three weeks, one major ensemble (University Orchestra, University Band, Jazz Ensemble) will be designated the primary ensemble. Student musicians will be rotated into that ensemble to rehearse then perform with that group.
  • All woodwind, brass, percussion, harp and keyboard students will be placed into the pool of musicians from which the rotation is selected. String players will be considered for the rotation when appropriate.
  • Instrumentation and number of musicians needed will be determined by the requirements of the repertoire to be studied and performed.
  • The primary ensemble will rehearse three days per week (M, W, F) from 4:00-5:30 pm, then present a performance at the end of the rotation.
  • Strings will continue to rehearse even when not in primary ensemble rotation. This will then maintain the allotted hours for their semester's activity.


Returning woodwind, brass, percussion, harp, and keyboard students (in the SOM and CLA) do NOT audition for placement. Returning string students DO need to audition.

Auditions for first-year woodwind, brass, percussion, harp and keyboard students that must participate in large instrumental ensembles (music majors and CLA Honor Performance Award participants) will be held together the Monday (August 19) during Orientation activities.  Each woodwind, brass, percussion, and keyboard musician should select a “home” ensemble's audition repertoire from which to audition.  All major instrumental ensemble directors, Craig Paré (Bands), Steven Snyder (Jazz Ensemble) and Orcenith Smith (Orchestra) will sit on a panel to hear all woodwind, brass, percussion, and keyboard students auditioning.

All string players (regardless of year in school) will audition for Professor Smith before school begins and should contact him at osmith@depauw.edu.

Audition registration for woodwind, brass, percussion, harp, and keyboard is here.


  • If you are a woodwind, brass, percussion, and keyboard student, select ONE of the three large ensembles you will audition for as your “home” ensemble. Download and prepare that ensemble’s packet of excerpts.
  • Sight-reading will be a part of the audition.
  • Credit for ensembles: A message will be sent to students about how to register for the course after auditions take place.
  • Jazz Ensemble: Improvisation is encouraged, but not required. If you wish to improvise for your audition (optional) or are auditioning for jazz combo (improvisation required), decide on one of these two options: 

1.) Choose a piece from this list and use either the link for accompaniment or you may elect to have live piano accompaniment provided.

2.) Choose something else to improvise on that you like to play. General suggestions are pieces that come from the repertoire of standard songs known as the Great American Songbook, or a piece that has been recorded by a well-known jazz artist. Please bring a lead sheet for the panel during your audition. You can choose to bring your own accompaniment (YouTube link or other recorded accompaniment) or play with a pianist we provide.

Any questions on improvisation should be directed to Professor Steve Snyder.

DePauw Jazz Ensemble

Follow the Audition Process stated above as you prepare your music.

All instruments:

Improvisation is required for Jazz Combos:

 1.) Choose a piece from this list and use either the link for accompaniment or you may elect to have live piano accompaniment provided.

2.) Choose something else to improvise on that you like to play. General suggestions are pieces that come from the repertoire of standard songs known as the Great American Songbook, or a piece that has been recorded by a well-known jazz artist. Please bring a lead sheet for the panel during your audition. You can choose to bring your own accompaniment (YouTube link or other recorded accompaniment) or play with a pianist we provide.


DePauw University Band

For incoming First-Year and transferring students, you are invited to audition to make the University Band your “home” ensemble. Follow the Audition Process stated above as you prepare your music.  Returning University Band musicians do NOT audition for placement in the ensemble.  Simply register for MUS 272A-Large Instrumental Ensemble for the Fall semester.  Note that Large Instrumental Ensemble meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4:00-5:30pm weekly.

In each instrument packet, a single part - HAVANA NIGHTS by Randall Standridge - from this Fall’s planned repertoire is available to download.  A reference link to a recorded performance of this piece is also available on the front sheet. Find and listen to the exemplary recording of Havana Nights for tempi and style (contact Dr. Paré if you have any difficulties accessing the suggested recording). Then, prepare the selected portions of the part completely for your audition.  Any specific effects or accessories needed for a part (mutes, specialty sticks or mallets, etc.) must be used in the performance of your part.

Any questions?  Feel free to contact Dr. Craig Paré


DePauw University Orchestra

For incoming First-Year and transferring students, you are invited to audition to make the University Orchestra your "home" ensemble. Follow the Audition Process stated above as you prepare your music (see link at the bottom of the page). 

Auditions for 2024-2025 are divided into different groupings of students:

  • Incoming first-year woodwind, brass, percussion, harp and keyboard students please follow the guidelines above under AUDITIONS
  • All String Students: There will be auditions for all string players. Please prepare for your audition as noted above in the general explanation about Large Instrumental Ensemble Enrollment Audition Process. There are potentially four different parts of the audition. 

Audition materials can be found at the link below.  In those Orchestra materials, if there are multiple passages for your instrument, you are responsible for all of the passages and will be expected to play them all at the audition. 

 Contact Professor Orcenith Smith (osmith@depauw.edu) with any questions.


All sheet music is available by clicking here.