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Class of 1968 banner with Anderson street arch campus entranceALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND 2023

Join us for an extraordinary celebration to reconnect with our beautiful campus, reminisce with old friends, make new ones and celebrate DePauw University.

We are thrilled to invite the Class of 1968 to celebrate their 55th reunion on June 9 - 11, 2023. We look forward to seeing you on campus this summer. More information coming soon.


Start your journey back to campus early by checking out our Virtual Campus Tour!



Jack Campbell Chair
Lambda Chi Alpha
Jean Hamilton Chair
Pi Beta Phi
Bruce Montgomerie Chair
Sigma Chi 
Anne Frankel McDermond Chair
Alpha Chi Omega 
Gretchen Benedek Feemster Giving Chair
Delta Delta Delta
Kitty Klim Sturrock Communications Chair
Delta Delta Delta
Tim Feemster Communications Chair
Phi Delta Theta
Nancy Geiss Living Unit Chair
Alpha Chi Omega
Geneese Gottschalk Alpha Chi Omega
Scott Molden Alpha Tau Omega
Bob Kurtz Delta Chi
Jim Fisher Delta Delta Delta
Royal Parsons Klauk Delta Gamma
Tom Walsh Delta Kappa Epsilon
Robert Feldmann Delta Upsilon
Ann Wilhote Brilley Kappa Kappa Gamma
Jack Campbell Lambda Chi Alpha
Susan Farquhar Lipchak School of Music


Class of 1968 Reunion Archive: Alumni Reunion Weekend 2018

The Class of 1968 returned to DePauw June 8-10, 2018 and celebrated their 50th reunion and the place they once called home. Highlights of the weekend included an all-alumni dinner and awards celebration on the East College lawn Friday evening, a special convocation in historic Meharry Hall on Saturday morning, and their class dinner Saturday evening.


Jack Campbell
Tim Feemster
Gretchen Benedek Feemster
Nancy Geiss
Jean Hamilton
Bruce Montgomerie
Anne Frankel McDermond
Kitty Klim Sturrock

50th Reunion Class Giving

DePauw’s alumni are the single largest source of support for the University. Gifts to The Fund for DePauw and to the Endowment Fund sustain scholarships, student experiences, faculty, athletics, the School of Music, and the operation of the University overall. DePauw’s alumni make it possible for the University to continue to grow and flourish.

The collective impact of reunion year giving is significant. Traditionally, the 50th Reunion class leads the way, and this year was no different. The Class of ‘68 maintained this important DePauw tradition. The 2018 50th Reunion Class Gift — both to The Fund for DePauw and the Endowment Fund — exceeded those of all the other reunion year classes. The generosity and commitment of the Class of ‘68 is a true testament to the legacy of DePauw. Thanks to each and every classmate for making this impressive achievement possible!

Gifts from the 50th reunion class contain two parts:

  1. The total of our gifts to The Fund for DePauw (unrestricted annual gifts made between July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018) and

  2. The 50th Reunion Class Gift (which combines all giving since our 45th reunion including planned gifts, foundation gifts, matching gifts; as well as all pledges made through June 30, 2023; and this year’s gift to The Fund for DePauw).

Our Progress

The figures shown below are based on giving from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.

Throughout the year, you will receive information about making gifts of any size, as well as planned gifts. If you would like to make a gift of stock, an IRA rollover, a charitable gift annuity, designate DePauw in your will, or make any other planned gift, you can read more on DePauw's legacy planning website.

Visit 2018 Reunions by the Numbers for an overview of how all classes celebrating reunions in 2018 are doing on their fundraising. Also, visit Reunion Giving Records to see the top 10 classes for giving and participation in giving to The Fund for DePauw.