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Class of 1980

Class of 1980 thumbnailAlumni Reunion Weekend 2025

Join us for an extraordinary celebration to reconnect with our beautiful campus, reminisce with old friends, make new ones, and celebrate DePauw University. 

The Class of 1980 is invited to save the date for Alumni Reunion Weekend 2025, scheduled for June 5-8, 2025, to celebrate your 45th reunion. More details will be available in the coming months on this class page and on the Alumni Reunion Weekend main page

Start your journey back to campus early by checking out our Virtual Campus Tour!

Check out the latest DePauw News and StoriesClass Commencement Program and listen to Class Commencement Audio

                                              CLASS reunion VOLUNTEERS

John Faulkner Reunion Co-Chair

Andy Rieth Reunion Co-Chair/Affinity chair
Jeff Heise Beta Theta Pi
Bonnie Schiffman Pearson Alpha Gamma Delta
Beth Emerson Mrkvicka Kappa Alpha Theta
Dave Minton Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI)
Chris Torie Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI)
Mike Henn Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI)
Cathy Foley Pi Beta Phi
Deb Barritt Pi Beta Phi, School of Nursing
Tom Hillman Delta Tau Delta
Hilary Vadner Kappa Alpha Theta
Kristine Peterson Beimford Kappa Kappa Gamma
CeCe Shearon Ely Kappa Kappa Gamma
Barb Martin Tubekis Greece Study Abroad, Kappa Kappa Gamma
Stephen Harris Phi Kappa Psi
John Mason Phi Kappa Psi
Sam Ardery Sigma Chi
Jim Whitlatch Sigma Chi
Carter Keith Delta Tau Delta

Class of 1980: Yearbooks

The Class of 1980 returned to DePauw June 3-5, 2022, to celebrate their 40th reunion during Alumni Reunion Weekend 2022. Thank you to those who returned, those who volunteered their time, and those who contributed to the class gift. 

Reunion letter: Message from your 40th Reunion Message


Class of 1980 | 40th Reunion Volunteers


Susan Woods
Steering Committee
Kappa Alpha Theta

John Faulkner
Steering Committee
Delta Tau Delta

Christopher Torie
Communications Chair
Phi Gamma Delta

Margaret Davidson
Steering Committee
Pi Beta Phi