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Class of 2015

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Alumni Reunion Weekend 2025

Join us for an extraordinary celebration to reconnect with our beautiful campus, reminisce with old friends, make new ones, and celebrate DePauw University. 

The Class of 2010 is invited to save the date for Alumni Reunion Weekend 2025, scheduled for June 5-8, 2025, to celebrate your 15th reunion. More details will be available in the coming months on this class page and on the Alumni Reunion Weekend main page

Start your journey back to campus early by checking out our Virtual Campus Tour!

Check out the latest DePauw News and StoriesClass Commencement Program and listen to Class Commencement Audio! 

                                        CLASS REUNION VOLUNTEERS

Chelsey Fields Steering Committee
Rudra Vishweshar Steering Committee
Rachel Hanebutt Steering Committee
Lauren Arnold Alpha Chi Omega, ITAP
Amanda Stephens Alpha Phi
Jim Perry ATO, Football
Bob Dillon Basketball - Mens, Phi Kappa Psi
Ben Irons Beta Theta Pi
Jake Weeks Bonner, Phi Delta Theta
Abby Margulis Tremml Delta Gamma
Rudra Vishweshwar Delta Upsilon
Kevin Courtade Delta Upsilon, Rector Scholars
Erin (Walsworth) Kunkel Environmental Fellows
Forrest Kunkel Environmental Fellows
KJ Jovanovic Independents, Field Hockey
Tyler Bussian Honor Scholar
George Velazquez ITAP
Lauren Gray Kappa Kappa Gamma
Jonathan Reyes Lambda Sigma Upsilon
Julia Sobek Media Fellows
Scott Thompson Phi Delta Theta
Leif Anderson Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI)
Marissa Doherty Pi Beta Phi
Savon Jackson Posse
Ben Ramos School of Music
Clare Hasken Science Research Fellows
Caleb Haydock Sigma Chi
Cody Watson Sigma Nu
Kaitlin Pickrel Tennis - W
Chris Bertolini Tennis - M
Hope Jordan Track - Womens
Collin Henry Baseball
Ty Frost Golf
Carey Kunz Lacrosse



Reunion Archive

The Class of 2015 returned to DePauw June 10-12, 2022, to celebrate their reunion during Alumni Reunion Weekend 2022. Thank you to those who returned, those who volunteered their time, and those who contributed to the class gift. 


Class of 2015 | Volunteers


Nigel Bruce
Bonner Scholar

Savon Jackson
Phi Delta Theta

Lauren Arnold
Alpha Chi Omega

Rudra Vishweshwar 
Giving Chair
Delta Upsilon

Patrick Brems
Giving Chair
Delta Upsilon

Chelsy Fields
Giving Chair

Lauren Abendroth
Giving Chair
Pi Beta Phi

Courtney Cosby
Living Unit
Zeta Phi Beta

Amanda Stephens
Living Unit Chair
Alpha Phi

Will Merrit
Jim Perry
Alpha Tau Omega

Maggie Anderson
Kappa Alpha Theta

Kacy Rauschenberger Calderwood
Kappa Kappa Gamma

Leif Anderson
Phi Gamma Delta

Chip Locke
Sam Rumbach
Phi Kappa Psi

Garrett Foley
Sigma Chi

Cody Watson
Sigma Nu

Tommy Fernitz
Bob Dillon
Basketball (M)

Jake Weeks
Bonner Scholar

Maggie Campbell
Field Hockey

Hope Jordan
Track (W)

Erin Kunkel
Environmental Fellow

Mary Kate Etling

Jack Leibovitz
Track (M)

Scott Thompson
Living Unit
Phi Delta Theta

Bill Christian
Ben Irons
Jordan Bantista
Beta Theta Pi

Casey Hooker
Swimming (M)

Chloe Jacob
Soccer (W)

George Velazquez

Tyler Bussian
Honor Scholars