Alumni Association
The DePauw University Alumni Association is made up of more than 35,000 alumni who live in every state and in countries around the world.
Alumni have never been more important to DePauw, and there are many meaningful opportunities alumni are seizing to engage with the University and make a difference in the lives of students. All alumni are asked to take four mission-critical actions in support of DePauw University: Go, Give, Help, and Connect.
We invite you to learn more about our Alumni Association Board of Directors, the GOLD Alumni Board, read unique alumni profiles, and learn more about some of our alumni award winners.
Alumni Board + Gold Alumni Board

The Alumni Association Board of Directors is made up of forty-five members, which are nominated and selected to represent the more than 35,000 alumni living nationally and internationally.
Board of Directors

The GOLD Alumni Board aims to enhance the DePauw community through the promotion of alumni engagement and annual giving participation among graduates of the last decade.
GOLD Alumni Board
Celebrating Alumni News + AChievement |

Alumni share why they value their involvement with the DePauw community and reflect on their experiences both as students and alumni of the University.
Alumni Profiles

Our alumni are making an impact in both in their careers and in their communities through their professional accomplishments, athletic achievements, and engagement with DePauw.
Alumni Awards
ALumni Legacy Families |
Love for DePauw runs deep. In some families, it spans generations.
Each year, DePauw has enrolled some of its most promising students with the help of DePauw alumni. Our incoming classes have many students who are the children, grandchildren, or siblings of DePauw alumni. This longstanding tradition strengthens the connection between alumni and the institution.
Throughout the year, the Office of Alumni Engagement hosts or supports special events for alumni legacy families. Typically, these events include lunch on move-in day for first-year students and their families, a private reception prior to graduation for seniors and their families, and events during Family Weekend in September.
Alumni Resources |
Supporting our alumni – even years after they graduate – is part of DePauw’s DNA. From career networking to lifelong learning opportunities with leading DePauw alumni and faculty the Office of Alumni Engagement provides programs and services that build community among DePauw’s 35,000 graduates across the globe.
As a member of the Alumni Association, you will:
Receive regular correspondence from DePauw University. This includes the quarterly DePauw Magazine and monthly e-newsletters that highlight alumni news, upcoming events, and information on arts and athletics.
Benefit from career resources, including access to online networking groups, such as DePauw’s official LinkedIn group, and webinars featuring DePauw faculty, staff, and alumni.
Be invited to special events happening in your area, sponsored by one of DePauw’s Regional Alumni Associations.
Be able to find any of your classmates any time through the Online Directory, or by contacting the Office of Alumni Engagement at (877) 658-2586 or
Have an opportunity to influence the next generation of DePauw students by making a student referral or gift to the University.
Have opportunities for travel and continued education with other alumni.
Frequently asked questions
How do I become a member of the DePauw University Alumni Association and what is the most important thing I can do as an alumnus/alumna?
You are considered a DePauw alumnus if you have attended at least one semester at DePauw University. All DePauw alumni are automatically members of the DePauw University Alumni Association, and as such, enjoy multiple benefits and receive regular mailings. It is a non-dues-paying association.
A volunteer board of directors governs the Alumni Association. The board meets twice a year and is comprised of a diverse body of alumni.
The most important thing that you can do as an alumnus/alumna is to stay in contact with us! Let us know what you're up to and what you might like to do as an alumnus to stay involved with the University. You can do all of this online through your personal profile, or by contacting the Office of Alumni Engagement at (877) 658-2586 or
What is my personal alumni profile and can I use it for contacting classmates?
Your personal profile will help your fellow alumni get in touch with you through the Online Directory. It can only be viewed by members of the Alumni Association and current students who have activated their accounts and log in before using the Online Directory. You have complete control over what information is available for other members to view.
To access your personal profile, you’ll need to activate your account. Contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at (877) 658-2586 or to receive your Activation Code, and once you’ve activated your account you can create your own username and password for future use. If you’ve already activated your account, simply login to access your profile.
You can update your contact information online or by contacting the Office of Alumni Engagement at (877) 658-2586 or
To update your information online, simply login to your personal profile.
To ensure that you are able to receive important electronic information from the University, manage your preferences through the Subscription Management section of your personal profile.
Once you have logged in to your personal profile, finding classmates or other alumni is as simple as 1-2-3! 1 – Go to the Online Directory. 2 – Type in the person’s first name, last name, and/or class year. 3 – View a list of possible matches and click on a name to find his/her profile, including contact information.
You can also do a more advanced search of DePauw alumni, searching by maiden name, occupation, and region as well as other options. Just click on the Advanced Search button on the Online Directory page to take advantage of the additional search options.
How do I submit and/or read class notes?
Submit your own personal and professional news and read about what your classmates have been up to anytime. You can submit and view Class Notes under the Connect section of the Alumni & Friends site. You will have to login to your personal profile in order to submit and view Class Notes.
Class Notes are also printed in the editions of the DePauw Magazine and can be submitted directly to the Class Notes Editor of the DePauw Magazine via standard mail or email at:
Donna Grooms
DePauw University
P.O. Box 37
Greencastle, IN 46135
How can I help and volunteer as a DePauw alumnus/alumna?
There are many opportunities to give back to your alma mater, from referring a prospective student for admission, to hosting an intern, to getting involved with your local Alumni Regional Chapter. Visit the Help & Volunteer section of our website to learn more.
Where can I find information on Regional Alumni Associations?
Regional Alumni Associations are established where there is a strong concentration of DePauw Alumni. Current active regional alumni associations include Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Denver, Fort Wayne, Washington D.C., Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Louisville, Milwaukee, New York, North Texas, Phoenix, San Francisco, St. Louis, and the Twin Cities.
Our Regional Alumni Associations host a variety of events throughout the year. To learn more, visit the Regional Alumni Associations section of our site. You can view all upcoming regional events by clicking here.
How do I get a DePauw University license plate?
You can now purchase your plate without an authorization form from DePauw. The DePauw license plate is available to all Indiana residents directly from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Just stop by your local license branch and ask for the DePauw collegiate license plate. You may also purchase it by mail or online. Additional information can be found on Indiana's Bureau of Motor Vehicles website.
Can I buy DePauw merchandise?
Absolutely! The DePauw Bookstore, operated by Follett Higher Education Group, features both textbooks and bestsellers and a variety of school and office supplies. A new, expanded bookstore with a full-service Starbucks café is now located on the courthouse square at the southeast corner of Washington and Indiana Streets. Click here to shop online!
How do I order transcripts?
Order transcripts is easy; simply visit here and learn about how our Registrar's office can assist you!