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Goldberg, Rachel

Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program

(765) 658-6630
Personal Website

Dr. Goldberg was originally trained as a mediator at Oberlin College, and has been active in the conflict studies field for many years. Her work and training background include: individual, organizational and multi-party interventions; and work around controversial issues like pro-life/pro-choice activism, police accountability, and Native American land claim conflict. She is a long time specialist and trainer in cross-cultural and diversity work, particularly at the group and community level.

Her Ph.D. is from Syracuse University's Progam on Analysis and Resolutuion of Conflict (PARC) and her Masters degree is from George Mason's Institute (now School) for Analysis and Resolution of Conflict (SCAR). Her research includes work on incipient and active gang related activities, how worldview and values affect practice, identity effects on data collection, best practices in environmental and inter-cultural conflict resolution, and she is now focusing on designing and providing a new framework, Multidimensional Conflict Resolution, which integrates emotional, somatic, and spiritual intelligence with classic conflict resolution practice.

During her time in the field she jointly founded one mediation center, and coordinated two. She was also senior staff for the National Association for Mediation in Education (NAME, now CRENET/ACR) and was a trainer for the Alternatives to Violence Project in maximum-security correctional facilities. She is also certified to do NY State Lemon Law Arbitration and Matrimonial Fee Dispute Arbitration. She has her own consulting business and is the coordinator of the DePauw Restorative Justice/Mediation Program.

She has also taught previously at Salisbury University, Syracuse University and Le Moyne College.