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Howlett, Caitlin

Assistant Professor of Education Studies


I locate my teaching and research interests at intersection of sexuality education, social justice and critical pedagogy, and queer and queer of color epistemologies. Right now, I am finishing my first book on Sex Education, Sex Work, and State Violence. I am also interested in exploring the relationship between critique and imagination and how this relationship might inform anti-capitalist, anti-racist, and anti-sexist educational pursuits. While most of my publications up to this point have centered on these ideas as they play out in sex education, I am hoping to expand my work in the future to include more engagement with epistemologies of ignorance in order to better understand the relationship between neoliberal education and sexual labor.

Courses Taught

  • EDUC 170: Foundations of Education
  • EDUC 222: Developmental Theories
  • EDUC 223: Deconstructing Difference
  • EDUC/WGSS 290: Re-Imagining Sex Education
  • EDUC 290: Notions of Care and Happiness in Education
  • EDUC 390: Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy


Journal Articles

  • Howlett, C. and Q. Wheeler-Bell. (2019). Depoliticizing Sex Education. Educational Theory.
  • Howlett, C. (2019). Stop Being so Melodramatic! Or, the Problem with Sexual Harassment Policies. Education Theory, 69 (1): 127-139.
  • Howlett. C. (Spring 2018). Teacher Education and Posthumanism. Issues in Teacher Education, 27 (1): 206-118.
  • Howlett, C. (2017). Neoliberalism, Critical Pedagogy, and the Child. Philosophical Studies in Education, 48: 65-73.
  • Howlett, C. (2016). Sex Education, Sex Work, and Education: The Need for Alternative Sexual Pedagogies. Philosophical Studies in Education, 47: 35-45.

Book Chapters

  • Howlett, C. (2019). Sex: The Pedagogical Stakes. In D. Ford (Ed), Keyworks in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements: 375-385. Leiden and Boston: Brill Sense.

Book Reviews

  • Howlett, C. (2017). In Defense of Ambiguity in Education: A Book Review of Rethinking Sexism, Gender, and Sexuality. Democracy and Education, 25 (1): 15.


  • Ph.D. History, Philosophy, and Policy in Education, Indiana University, 2019
  • M.A. Philosophy, University of Oregon, 2011
  • B.A. History, Nazareth College, 2008