Teaching Strategies For Remote and Mixed Environments
This page will be frequently updated to provide you with the most up-to-date strategies/technologies.
Contact FITS at fits@depauw.edu for assistance in employing these teaching strategies or access materials in DePauw's IT KnowledgeBase before they are actually needed.
FITS Calendar of Events - Sessions/drop-in times
Give a lecture/presentation
Use Google Meet or Zoom (for video / Web conferencing) for delivering a lecture to your students.
Post lecture notes by uploading a file in a Moodle course or as an attachment in a Moodle Forum. For more interactivity, post lecture notes in a Google Doc and invite students to insert questions as comments.
Appoint a student to take notes in a shared Google Doc, and other students in class can add to the notes.
Record and create an audio file of a lecture using Audacity to post in Moodle or elsewhere on the Web.
Create a slideshow with narration using Powerpoint or VoiceThread to play back panels, notes, and audio in real time.
Use Zoom or a screen-capture software, such as the Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia, or Captivate, to record a computer desktop during a presentation in class or while the class interacts online.
Have a Class Discussion
Use Google Meet or Zoom (for video / Web conferencing) in place of face-to-face discussion or small group work.
Create a class blog in Blogger for student interaction and discussion.
Use a Moodle Forum for posting prompt questions to which students can respond so they can interact with each other.
Assign Collaborative student Work
Create a Google Doc for students to work collaboratively for research and planning.
Use other resources for collaboration in Google Apps: Sheets, Slides, and Sites among others.
Collect Assignments
Use a Moodle Assignment to create a virtual space where students can turn in assignments for instructor viewing only.
Create a Moodle Forum to enable students to attach coursework that other students can access to provide peer feedback or responses.
Have students use Google Docs to share an assignment with the instructor
Send work directly to the instructor as email attachments
Administer Quizzes and Tests
Create online quizzes using Google Forms through which answers are fed into a downloadable spreadsheet.
Make online quizzes and tests in Moodle that all students can take simultaneously.
Lab Classes
Arrange alternate activities resembling the planned lab exercises.
Continue Grading
Use Moodle Gradebook to post course grades that students can access at anytime.
Provide oral feedback by recording comments in Audacity, or use VoiceThread for both the assignment and feedback.
Use Google Docs for assignments and providing feedback.
Hold Virtual Office Hours
Use Google Meet or Zoom to hold online office hours and advising appointments.
Distribute Announcements
Use Moodle's News Forum to post updates regarding when the instructor will be online or other information regarding the course.
Use Synchronous Technologies
Use online video conferencing through Google Meet or Zoom.
Create materials for documenting classes for ill students, which may be more practical than using synchronous technologies to interact with them during the illness.
Leverage Library Resources
Many of DePauw's library resources are available online. Information for connecting to resources from off campus is available at Off-Campus Access.
Last updated: 31-July-2020