Oct. 9 Conflict Commons Featuring Dr. Maciej Bartkowski

October 1, 2014
The Conflict Studies Program presents another Conflict Commons on Thursday, Oct. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in Watson Forum, with special guest Dr. Maciej Bartkowski of Johns Hopkins University. The topic: "A Tale of Nonviolent Resistance."
The modern practice of civil resistance sprang from the ideas about the underlying nature of political power and agency of people that began to be formed much earlier in history than many of us realize. In fact, in the last two centuries, a number of societies – regardless of their geographical, cultural, religious, or political settings - engaged in acts of nonviolent resistance in order to defend themselves against foreign domination and to protect their communities. In the age of revolutions, rise of violent nationalism, independence wars, brutal anti-colonial struggles the history hides important tales of nonviolent campaigns led by ordinary people to reclaim their rights to self-rule. This talk will bring up stories of unarmed struggles, often buried beneath eulogized violence, and discuss the power and dynamics of civil resistance.
Click here view/download the event poster.
The talk is free and open to the public. Visit the Conflict Studies Program's Conflict Commons page to read about our previous events.