Nomination of Kris Iverson '75 Confirmed by US Senate
April 10, 2001
April 10, 2001, Greencastle, Ind. - The United States Senate has confirmed President Bush's nomination of Kristine A. Iverson, a 1975 graduate of DePauw University, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs.
The 47-year-old Iverson, who serves on DePauw's Alumni Association Board of Directors, spent 24 years working with Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), most recently as his legislative director. "She is highly admired by many in the Senate for her integrity, work ethic and analytical skills," said Hatch.
According to Iverson's new boss, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, "We face many challenges in preparing our American workforce for the 21st century, and I am very pleased to have someone with her knowledge and experience on our team. Our goals also include better coordination with other federal agencies and interdepartmental initiatives," Chao said. "Kris will be leading these efforts."