Men of Note Reunite -- Hear Them Sing!
June 3, 2001
June 3, 2001, Greencastle, Ind. - Members of the men's glee club that's entertained DePauw audiences since 1962, reformed over Alumni Reunion Weekend for a special concert. The reunion of the Men of Note in Kresge Auditorium was one of the highlights of the weekend. More than 20 former members of Men of Note took the stage to perform a series of favorites, including Autumn Leaves.
[DOWNLOAD AUDIO: Autumn Leaves 1MB]
The Men of Note 2001 included:
- Scott Biggs '84
- Andrew Buroker '83
- Richard Coleman '80
- Daniel Davison '85
- Tom Grodrian '67
- Stephen Hadley '67
- Fred Haigh '68
- Joe Hughes '66
- Roger Hunt '65
- William Hunter '84
- Charles Isaacson '68
- David Kingsley '64
- Paul Kittaka '85
- Peter Konkle '70
- W. Randall Lazear '69
- Thomas Meulbroek '84
- David Norris '82
- Gregory Padgett '81
- Matthew Patterson '81
- Paul Shimer '64
- Curtis Smith '84
- John "Jack" Thomas '67
- Anthony Thompson '86
- Edwin Williams '69
- Dorn Younger '84
Isaacson, Williams and Younger traded conducting duties. The singers were accompanied by professor of piano Claude Cymerman, adjunct associate professor of percussion D. Stephen Hanna on drums, and Carol Hamm played bass.
Other selections in the concert included In the Wee Small Hours, Danny Boy, September Song and Toast to DePauw, which included an audience sing-along in the second verse.
[DOWNLOAD VIDEO: Toast to DePauw 989KB]
[DOWNLOAD AUDIO: Toast to DePauw 619KB]
The reunion show was recorded for possible future release on compact disc.
More than 1,300 DePauw University alumni returned to the Greencastle campus this weekend to reminisce, socialize and enjoy a number of special events. Alumni Reunion Weekend began Friday, June 1, 2001 and continues through today.