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Nine Faculty Members Return from Study Tour of Japan

Nine Faculty Members Return from Study Tour of Japan

October 28, 2005

Paul Watt Oct-2005-2.jpgOctober 28, 2005, Greencastle, Ind. - During fall break, nine members of the DePauw University faculty completed a Japan study tour, focusing on the ancient cities of Kyoto and Nara. Otani University, a leading private university in Kyoto, served as the generous host for the group in Kyoto. [DePauw faculty at the 8th century temple Todaiji in Nara, l-r, Sherry Mou (Modern Languages, Asian Studies), Kaytie Johnson (University curator), David Guinee (Classics), Eric Silverman (Anthropology), Jason Fuller (Religious Studies, Asian Studies), Sunil Sahu (Political Science), Cleveland Johnson (School of Music) and Srimiti Basu (Anthropology, Asian Studies)].

Organized and led by Paul Watt (professor and director of Asian Studies) and funded by a grant from the GLCA Japan Study Program and a matching grant from DePauw, the study tour included lectures on various aspects of Japanese society and culture (social structure, theater, religion, politics) by Otani University colleagues and other experts in Kyoto and travel to major historical and cultural sites (including the 8th-century temple Todaiji pictured here). The goal of the Paul Watt Oct-2005-1.jpgstudy tour was to provide DePauw faculty with the chance to further enrich their courses by including comparative elements related to Japan and to enhance the presentation of the Japanese art currently held in the DePauw collection. 

"How wonderful it would be," Professor Watt said, "if we could make faculty study tours to various cultural centers around the world a regular part of our academic year."

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