Chair of Greek Fact-Finding Commission Participates in Webcast
October 9, 2006
October 9, 2006, Greencastle, Ind. - As a result of the work of the Greek Fact-Finding Commission, Lisa Hollander says she hopes in the future, DePauw University's fraternities and sororities are part of
[Download Video: "The Commission's Chair" - 1635kb] "a strong system. I certainly hope the participation is healthy and strong and thriving," she added. Hollander, vice president for development and alumni relations at DePauw and chair of the commission, took part in a webcast tonight in which she discussed the 14-member panel's work and took questions from the virtual audience.
The commission was created in April by a vote of DePauw's Board of Trustees to "identify an impartial set of facts about DePauw's Greek system in the context of the important functions it provides and the constituencies it serves," according to the commission's charge. "The objective is to gather the most reliable information possible in an integrated framework which articulates impacts across the University." The report was made public on September 29.
Hollander noted that at last week's Board of Trustees meeting, a committee of five trustees was created to work with DePauw University President Robert G. Bottoms on analyzing the work of the commission as well as the responses it generates and develop possible recommendations for change. She urged all members of the DePauw community to participate in the opportunities for discussion of the report, saying its essential that people be engaged in the process.
During a wide ranging discussion with Ken Owen '82, director of media relations at DePauw, Hollander stressed, [Download Video: "The Charge" - 1719kb] "The charge that President Bottoms wrote to us, that the board unanimously endorsed, specifically said, 'Work to gather facts that will be used to improve the Greek system.' That was the intention... making it better and making it stronger," she asserted. "We've tried very hard to be thorough and fair and balanced and to represent the range of views that were out there among constituents."
The commission chair discussed her panel's findings on issues such as student drinking and hazing, problems other colleges and universities are also grappling with. While the entire campus community discusses ways to improve opportunities for living and learning on the DePauw campus, she stated, "I think a lot of it is in the control of the students; the students are really the operators here. Much of the fate of the Greek system, I think, will be in their hands."
The complete program is archived and can be viewed online by clicking here.
The webcast was produced by DePauw's student-run television operation, D3TV. The students who worked behind-the-scenes to produce the webcast are: Matt Barwise (director); Rachel Pfennig (producer); Ryan Harper (technical director); Robyn Jenkins (floor director); Jill Irvin (audio); Phil Taylor (chyron); and Scott Reasoner, Ashleigh Watson and Danielle Jaegers (cameras). Larry Abed, director of television operations and instructor in communication, lit the set and provided invaluable technical support along with Greg Stephan, chief engineer for the Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media. Sheryl Tremblay, associate professor of communication and theatre, is the faculty adviser to D3TV.
Tonight's webcast was presented with the support and assistance of IHETS (the Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System).
Questions and comments may be submitted at
DePauw's first-ever webcast, with President Robert G. Bottoms, took place on February 8, 2006.